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I. Roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms




Greek and Latin roots English word elements Meaning Examples of medical terms
aden- aden- gland adenōma
arthr- arthr- joint arthropathia
cephal-; -cephalia cephal-; -cephaly head cephalalgia; hydrocephalia
chondr- chondr- cartilage chondrogenēsis
cyan- cyan- blue cyanuria
dacryocyst- dacryocyst- tear sac; lacrimal sac dacryocystītis
erythr- erythr- red erythrocytus
leuc- leuc-; leuk- white leucocytus
my-; myos- my-; myos- muscle myalgia
myel- myel- spinal cord; bone marrow myelītis
orth- orth- straight orthopaedia
py- py- pus pyuria
tox-; toxic- toxic- poison toxicōsis


Greek and Latin suffixes English word elements Meaning Examples of medical terms
-kinesia -kinesia movement oligokinesia
-stōma; -stomia -stoma; -stomia fistula; creation of an artificial opening gastrostōma; enterostomia


Greek and Latin prefixes English word elements Meaning Examples of medical terms
pan- pan- all; total panalgia





1. Build up clinical terms with the given roots and suffixes, explain their meaning:

· py(o)- (-dermia; -genus; -metra; -nephrosis; -ophthalmia; -rrhoea; -thorax; -pneumothorax; -pericardium);

· myel(o)- (-cytus; -itis; -genus; -gramma; -graphia; -oma; -osis);

· oste(o)- (-arthropathia; -arthrotomia; -oma; -itis; -arthritis; -chondritis; -genus; -dystrophia; -logia; -myelitis; -pathia; -tomia; -ectomia);

· tox-; toxic(o)- (-aemia; -genus; -logia; -osis; -dermia; -mania);

· leuc(o)- (-cytus; -cytosis; -derma; -oma; -gramma);

· my(o)-; myos- (-itis; -logia; -oma; -algia; -cardium; -cardiodystrophia; -cardiopathia; -genus; -opia; -tomia);

· ot(o)- (-genus; -rrhagia; -scopia; -itis);

· phleb(o)- (-gramma; -graphia; -itis; -tomia; -ectomia; -rrhaphia);

· rhin(o)- (-scopia; -rrhagia; -rrhoea; -pathia; -itis; -algia).


2. Explain the meaning of the following terms:

1) cyanosis cyanuria cyanodermia acrocyanosis cyanopsia 2) adenitis lymphadenitis adenoma adenomyoma adenopathia  
3) panalgia panarthritis pancarditis panophthalmitis panotitis panhysterectomia   4) arthritis arthralgia arthrosis arthropathia arthrotomia polyarthritis arthroplastica haemarthrosis  
5) oligokinesia dyskinesia kinesitherapia kinetosis 6) cephalalgia cephalhaematoma cephalotomia hydrocephalia


3. Give the Greek & Latin variants and explain the meaning of the following terms:

microglossia; cheilorrhagia; arthropathy; cyanuria; dacryocystectomy; leucocyte; pyodermia; panarthritis; otopyorrhea; polyarthritis; toxicology; panhysterectomy; myopia; orthopedics; oligokinesia; erythrodermia; dysphagia; myalgia; psychiatrist; encephalogram; myelemia; leucogram; pyonephrosis; pulmonectomy; chondrotomy; dacryocystogram; orthodontist; erythrocyturia; chondrogenic; adenotomy; osteomyelitis; otoneurology; arthralgia; oligodactylia; parodontopathy; periostitis; rhinoscopy; proctalgia; microphonia.


4. Give the Latin spelling of the terms; explain their meaning:

myelopathy; myometritis; periosteoma; periphlebitis; polyadenitis; pyogenic; pyonephrosis; oligotrophy; chondropathy; chondrotomy; cheilorrhaphy; cephalomegaly; cephalothoracic; polydactyly; pyuria; microgastria; encephalography; gastroenterostomy; gastrocolostomy; arthrochondritis; arthroophthalmopathy; pyodermia; toxicogenic; erythrokeratodermia; nephropyelostomy; stomatoscopy; dacryopyorrhea; myelography; dysphagia; proctostoma; esophagostomy; rhinorrhea.





In this lesson you will:

· Learn new basic roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms.

· Use these component elements to form and understand medical terms.


This lesson is divided into the following sections:

I. Roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms.

II. Exercises.



Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1603

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