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I. Roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms




Greek and Latin roots English word elements Meaning Examples of medical terms
dactyl-; -dactylia dactyl-; -dactyly fingers or toes dactylalgia
gloss-; -glossia gloss-; -glossia tongue glossalgia
gluc-; (glucos-); glyk-; gluc-; (glucos-); glyc- sugar glykaemia
haem-; haemat-; -aemia hem-; hemat-; -(a)emia blood haematologia
heter- heter- other; (opposite of homo) different kind, type heterogenus
homo- homo- same homogenus
macr- macr- large macrocephalia
micr- micr- small microgastria
neur- neur- nerve neurologia
olig- olig- of small quantity oliguria
phag- ; -phagia phag-; -phagia swallowing aphagia
phon-; -phonia phon-; -phonia voice; sound dysphonia
pneum-; pneumon- pulmon-; pneumon- lung; air   pneumotomia
poly- poly- many (according to quantity) polyuria
splen-; -splenia splen-; -splenia spleen splenectomia
ur-; -uria ur-; -uria urine; urinary tract anuria


Greek and Latin suffixes English word elements Meaning Examples of medical terms
-megalia -megaly enlargement splenomegalia
-opia; -opsia -opia; -opsia vision; view dysopia
-thermia -thermia heat hyperthermia




1. Build up clinical terms with the given roots and suffixes, explain their meaning:

· -(o)megalia (cardi-; dactyl-; splen-; mast-);

· micr(o)- (-scopia; -glossia; -mastia; -gastria; -splenia; -cephalia; -ophthalmia);

· poly- (-uria; -vitaminosis; -neuritis);

· -thermia (hyper-; hypo-);

· neur(o)- (-logia; -rrhaphia; -pathia; -osis; -tomia; -oma; -genus; -pathologia; -itis; -algia; -ectomia);

· haem(o)-; haemat(o)- (-uria; -logia; -angioma; -oma; -rrhagia; -gramma; -thorax; -genus).



2. Explain the meaning of the following terms:

1) haematogenus haematoma haematologia haemothorax haemogramma haemopericardium haemotherapia haemophthalmus haemangioma 2) neuralgia neurectomia neurologia neuropathia neurorrhaphia neuropathologia neurosis neuroma  
3) splenectomia splenitis splenotomia splenorrhagia splenopexia microsplenia 4) pneumothorax pneumohaemothorax pneumonectomia pneumohydrothorax pneumonia pneumotomia pneumatosis
5) polytrichia polyuria polydactylia polycytaemia polyneuritis polycystosis 6) glossalgia glossitis glossopathia glossorrhaphia glossorrhagia glossoplastica



3. Give the Greek & Latin variants and explain the meaning of the following terms:

oliguria; megalosplenia; glycemia; glossalgia; dystrophy; nephropathy; oligodentia; microsplenia; neurotomy; dysphonia; pneumatosis; dactylomegaly; hypothermia; pneumonia; dysopia; polyuria; hematoma; uremia; pneumonectomy; neuropathy; microglossia; hematogenous; gastrogenous; endogenous; gastrectomy; aphonia; dermatology; spondylopathy.


4. Give the Latin spelling of the terms; explain their meaning:

hypothermia; hypovitaminosis; uremia; microsplenia; oligocytaemia; glucosuria; hyperthermia; hemangioma; dysopia; hematogenic; glycemia; dactylalgia; hypoglossus; biopsia; osteodystrophy; polytrichia; phagocytosis; dysphagia; dactylomegaly; aphagia; urogenous; pneumopericardium; pneumothorax; polydactylia.






In this lesson you will:

· Learn new basic roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms.

· Use these component elements to form and understand medical terms.


This lesson is divided into the following sections:

I. Roots and suffixes used in the Greek and Latin medical terms.

II. Exercises.


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1326

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