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In this lesson you will:

· Learn how to form the Genitive plural forms of nouns in the anatomical terminology.

This lesson is divided into the following sections:

I. Nouns and adjectives endings in Genitive plural.

II. Particularities of the Genitive plural formation in the 3rd declension.

III. Exercises.

IV. Vocabulary



I. Nouns and adjectives endings in GENITIVE plural


The Latin nounshave Genitive plural endings as follows:


Endings of Genitive plural - ārum - ōrum - um, - ĭum - ŭum - ērum

E.g.: vena, ae f - venārum;

nervus, i m - nervōrum;

cornu, us n - cornŭum;

facies, ei f - faciērum.

Attention!!! -Adjectives of the 1st group and adjectives in the superlative degree are declined on the pattern of the 1st and 2nd declensions (feminines – 1st declension, masculines and neuters – 2nd declension).

E.g.: longus, a, um - longōrum, ārum, ōrum

maxĭmus, a, um – maximōrum, ārum, ōrum

II. Particularities of the Genitive plural formation in the 3rd declension.

The following nouns of the 3rd declension end by –um:

1) the so-called imparisyllaba, i.e. the nouns that have unequal number of syllables in Nominative and Genitive, which stem is terminated by one consonant:

E.g.: forāmen, ĭnis n - foramĭn-um;

pulmo, ōnis m - pulmōn-um;

pes, pedis m - ped-um.

2) adjectives in comparative degree:

E.g: anterior, ius - anteriōr-um.

The following nouns of the 3rd declension end by –ium:

1) the so-called imparisyllaba, i.e. the nouns that have unequal number of syllables in Nominative and Genitive, which stem is terminated by two consonants:

E.g: dens, dentis m - dent-ium;

pars, partis f - part-ium;

os, ossis n - oss-ium.

2) adjectives of the 2nd group:

E.g: brevis, e - brev-ium;

frontālis, e - frontal-ium;

simplex, ĭcis – simplic-ium.


Remember also the Genitive plural forms of the following nouns:

· rete, is n – retium

· canālis, is m – canalium

Attention!!! -The noun of the 3rd declension - vas, vasis n (vessel) is declined in plural on the pattern of the 2nd declension:Genitive plural - vasōrum.


III. Exercises

1. Determine the declension of each word, give the dictionary form:

capsulārum faciērum
angulōrum digitōrum
arteriārum plexuum
foramĭnum cavōrum
ligamentōrum gingivārum
arcuum processuum
canalium palpebrārum
tendĭnum cingulōrum


2. Translate into Latin. Give the dictionary form of each noun, make up Genitive plural:

incisura trunk
valve node
duct shoulder blade
back tubercle
canal eye
horn layer
neck muscle


3. Make up the Genitive plural forms of the following adjectives:

1) dexter, tra, trum 7) articulāris, e
2) inferior, ius 8) mucōsus, a, um
3) laterālis, e 9) thoracĭcus, a, um
4) internus, a, um 10) temporālis, e
5) commūnis, e 11) superior, ius
6) latus, a, um 12) longissĭmus, a, um


4. Make up the Genitive plural forms:

vas lymphatĭcum superficiāle;

nervus craniālis;

vena pulmonālis;

cornu minus;

processus transversus;

concha nasālis;

valvŭla semilunāris.


1. articulatĭo, ōnis f joint
2. auriculāris, e auricular
3. chiasma, ătis n chiasm
4. craniālis, e cranial
5. extensor, ōris m extensor
6. fibulāris, e fibular
7. flavus, a, um yellow
8. flexor, ōris m flexor
9. interalveolāris, e interalveolar
10. interradiculāris, e interradicular
11. linguālis, e lingual
12. massa, ae f mass
13. medulla, ae f medulla
14. medulla ossĭum (bone) marrow
15. nodŭlus, i m nodulus
16. papilla, ae f papila
17. peron(a)eus, a, um fibular
18. plica, ae f fold
19. retinacŭlum, i n retinaculum
20. ruber, bra, brum red
21. semilunāris, e semilunar
22. trigeminālis, e trigeminal
23. trochleāris, e trochlear
24. regĭo, ōnis f region
25. incisīvus, a, um incisive
26. radix, īcis f root
27. sanguiněus, a, um blood
28. ciliāris, e ciliary
29. tonsilla, ae f tonsil
30. parĭes, ētis m wall



Lesson 11

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