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The Latin muscle names are composed of two elements:

1) the first element is the noun «muscle» - «muscŭlus»;

2) the second element is a masculine noun ending in –or (-ōris) or –er (-ēris).

E.g.: muscŭlus flexor –flexor muscle

In the Latin Anatomical Nomenclature all the muscle names aremasculine third declension nouns ending in:

- or, ōris m (e.g.: rotātor, ōris m);

- er, ēris m (e.g.: massēter, ēris m).

The Latin muscle names are usually translated into English without a word “muscle”, cf.:

· muscŭlus massēter - chewer;

· muscŭlus levātorelevator etc.

Most of the muscle names are not translated but transliterated, i.e. reproduced with the Latin letters:

E.g.: muscŭlus pronātor – pronator.

Word order in the Latin muscle names:

1) word muscŭlus in Nominative;

2) name of the muscle – a masculine noun in Nominative ending in –or (-ōris) or –er (-ēris).

3) any other noun is in Genitive;

4) adjectivesare placed at the end of the term.


Final position
Muscŭlus Muscŭlus constrictor tensor pharyngis fasciae medius latae


VI. Exercises



1. Make up grammatical agreement of the adjectives with the given nouns:

1) tuber (frontālis, e; parietālis, e; major, jus; minor, us)

2) pulmo (dexter, tra, trum; sinister, tra, trum)

3) mater (pius, a, um; durus, a, um)

4) venter (posterior, ius; frontālis, e)

5) os (nasālis, e; hyoiděus, a, um; frontālis, e; parietālis, e)

6) paries (laterālis, e; jugulāris, e; anterior, ius; tympanĭcus, a, um)


2. Translate into Latin:

1) tensor muscle of tympanic membrane

2) inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx

3) elevator muscle of scapula

4) rotator muscle of neck

5) elevator muscle of thyroid gland

6) depressor muscle of lower lip


3.Translate into Latin:

cortex of cerebellum, cortex of brain, cortex of lymphatic node, small (great) trochanter, heart apex, left (right) lung, sublingual bone, first chamber of the heart (atrium), dura mater of brain, frontal tuber, sulcus of vomer, medial surface of lung, floor of tympanic cavity, wedge-shaped bone, membranous wall of trachea, frontal wall of stomach, small horn of sublingual bone, zygomatic process of temporal bone, ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone, notch of heart apex.





1. apex, ĭcis m 2. atrĭum, i n 3. cardiăcus, a, um 4. cerebellum, i n 5. cerěbrum, i n 6. cochleāris, e 7. cor, cordis n 8. cortex, ĭcis m 9. durus, a, um 10. encephălon, i n 11. fissūra, ae f 12. gaster, tris f 13. labĭum, i n 14. mater, tris f 15. membrāna, ae f 16. membranacěus, a, um 17. os, oris n 18. parietālis, e 19. parĭes, ētis m 20. pharynx, ýngis m 21. pius, a, um 22. pulmo, ōnis m 23. pulmonālis, e 24. spinōsus, a, um 25. tympanĭcus, a, um 26. trochanter, ēris m 27. vomer, ěris m apex, top, tip first chamber of the heart (atrium) cardiac cerebellum brain cochlear heart cortex hard, solid brain fissure, narrow slit stomach lip membrane of brain or spinal cord membrane membranous mouth parietal wall pharynx soft lung pulmonary spinous tympanic trochanter vomer


Names of muscles:

1. Muscŭlus constrictor constrictor (muscle)

2. Muscŭlus depressor depressor (muscle)

3. Muscŭlus levātor elevator (muscle)

4. Muscŭlus rotātor rotator (muscle)

5. Muscŭlus tensor tensor (muscle)


Lesson 7

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