Make your own greeting cards, calendars, or labels. Print T-shirts.
Major players in the desktop publishing game include Microsoft Publisher, Corel Ventura, QuarkXpress, and several Adobe products - PageMaker, FrameMaker, InDesign.
To prepare documents with graphics with precise control of the layout
Major Advantages:
Ability to place text and graphics precisely on page
Ability to chain sections together like newspaper columns
Advanced tools for professional work
Layout -
Arrangemnet of text and graphics
Clip art -
Pre-drawn pictures to add to page
What You See Is What You Get pronounced "wiz-e-wig" How page displays on screen is the same as how it prints. In the olden days programs did not have a print preview at all. A bit later they had one but it might not actually print quite like what you saw on the screen.
For full color in high quality printing, the paper goes through the printing press 4 times, once for each of the colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK color system). The print shop must create separate versions of your document, called separations, for each color.
Applications: Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is the application of choice for most documents that organize numbers, like budgets, financial statements, grade sheets, and sales records. A spreadsheet can perform simple and very complex calculations on the numbers you enter in rows and columns.
Examples of spreadsheet programs: MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, and Open Office Calc.
Organizing numbers
Major Advantages:
Can calculate for you using formulas
Auto-update of related numbers when data changes
Can display data in charts
rows & columns
Creates a grid
Intersection of row and column. Can contain text or numbers or a formula.
Calculates value to put in cell, like a total, an average, interest amount, etc.
=SUM(C21:C45) =Average(B3:W394) =0.095*LoanTotal
Graphical representation of the data
Do It! Excel
Would you like to see a spreadsheet at work?
You can open an actual spreadsheet by clicking one of the icons in the first row below. The file will download and open in whatever software you have that can open an Excel spreadsheet.
If you do not have the software to actually open the spreadsheet, use the second set of links to open images that show how a spreadsheet looks. The images open in a new window.
Excel spreadsheet:
Image of Excel spreadsheet:
Look for the spreadsheet features listed above. [rows, columns, cells, formulas, and charts]
Do It! Google Spreadsheet
The example below is a Google Spreadsheet, which you can view here if you are online but not edit. It has 4 sheets (tabs at the bottom of the frame).
For a full set of lessons on spreadsheets, go to the section: Working with Numbers