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Methodical recommendations for the passage of educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice, forms of accounting documentation


The purpose of the passage of pre-diploma practice:

Pre-diploma practice is an essential part of the educational process, the primary aim of which is: consolidating and deepening

the theoretical knowledge acquired during the training a student in high school, acquiring the skills of independent work as tourism managers.

Pre-diploma practice is a preparatory stage to implementation of the thesis, and, on this basis, the main focus of the practice is to collect, we can formulate the following tasks:

• study of the structure of tourism and hotel business, the main functions of their subdivisions;

• study and analysis of planning of tourism enterprises;

• Study the staff of industrial enterprises;

• Analysis of information support of tourism and hotel business;

• analz control system based on the criteria and performance indicators;

• Read the literature that highlights the domestic and foreign experience of tourist companies and organizations of the tourism industry, which operates the selected object of research;

• Review guidelines, regulations on the issue studied and branch instructions, and is currently operating and regulating the operation of tourist organizations;

• to collect factual data necessary to make an extract from the official documents of the enterprise, to review the information relating to the thesis;

• summarize the collected material to determine its sufficiency and reliability to perform a thesis with the subsequent registration of the report on the practice.

Place pre-diploma practice and training graduates

One of the basic requirements for young professionals is the ability to quickly adapt to the ever menyayuschimya market conditions in the economy and actively vosprinimt to show interest in entrepreneurship skills to improve and consolidate the commercial organization and management of tourism enterprises. The service sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan from secondary becomes more meaningful, profitable vysokoreitabelnoy, a rapidly growing area of ​​application of labor. The development of an independent and creative approach to the solution of practical problems and tourist complex as well as the ongoing commitment to practical applications of the process of learning the knowledge and skills necessary to be regarded as the main task of training.

The optimal combination of theoretical lectures, active forms of seminars and closely related externship allows students to become better acquainted with the scope of its future work, gradually developing the skills of active independent work in specific contexts of production tourism contributes to a more conscious and tselinapravlennomu subsequent writing of the thesis.

Venue externship: tourism, hotels, recreational complexes on the basis of which the training of specialists in the relevant specialization.

The required level of skills for students passing prediplomnuyu practice.

Using accumulated knowledge acquired during the development of theoretical courses general studies, during the passage of externship student must:


• regulations governing the activities of a service enterprise in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• classification of service activities;

• The basic model of the organization of the service business;

• internal rules of service enterprise;

• safety regulations;

• penalties for management decisions;

• procedure for monitoring the quality of services;

• significance, objectives and content of advertising service enterprise;

• Methods of analysis and evaluation of staff performance of each worker individually;

• a system of contractual - legal documentation;

• procedure for human resources (selection, reception, translation, dismissal of staff);

• methods of planning personnel reserve.

To be able to:

• analyze the organization of work, the effectiveness of the control methods applied, the results of internal and external control activities Mountain hostel enterprise;

• analyze the effectiveness of marketing management; \ exercise group porycheny service personnel per shift, or other specified periods;

• supervise the work of staff, identify deficiencies, analyze and design solutions for the management of their usraneniyu;

• analyze the interpersonal and group relations in small labor collective resolve konfoikty;

• make organizational administrative documents;

• define criteria for the selection of personnel, to make the questionnaire and tests for recruitment;

• to make plans projects training and development of staff;

• serve as the assistant manager of tourism of tour operators; advertising agents; guides and so on.



Organization externship

Pre-diploma practice is carried out on the basis of agreements between the university and enterprises in accordance with which enterprises regardless of their organizational forms, provide a place for practical training (if the student direction with the date and number of the order of univeritetu (see. Annex 1) and appoint qualified experts to guide practice.

The relationship between the university and the enterprise shall be determined in accordance with the contract. The agreement defines all the issues relating to the organization and carrying out of practice. Methodological guide undergraduate students carried out practices of the Department of Tourism. To guide the practice of appointed leaders of Pratica students from the department of tourism and enterprise.

Before practicing producing department conducts setting (organizational) meeting. The purpose of the installation of the meeting - to acquaint students with the order of the practice periods of practice the organization of work during practice at the enterprise, necessary documentation routine safety regulations dny, types and timing of reporting, etc.

At the time of passage of externship students are covered by the rules, the rules of labor protection, safety in the enterprise with which students should be aware of the first day of practice.

If you have a job, students can be admitted to them, if the work meets the requirements of practice.

The structure and content of pre-diploma practice

The duration of pre-diploma practice is 8 weeks.

The practice is distributed approximately as follows:

• familiarization with the tourism and hospitality businesses and the internal rules, the passage of instruction on safety and health - 1 day;

• lectures by leading experts in tourism enterprises proizvodstennye tours - 1 day;

• practice in the workplace turiststkih and hotel facilities - 51 days

• finalize a report on the delivery of checks to the head of the tourism enterprises and submission to the Department of Tourism - 3 days.

In the process of pre-diploma practice collects and analyzes information on the activities of enterprises. At the same time on all tourism enterprises to some extent implemented following an example set of basic functions.

General leadership:

- Technical and economic characteristics;

- Organizational and legal form;

- Subject of activity of tourist businesses;

- Management and organizational structure;

- Job descriptions;

- Provisions about departments and services;

- The mechanism of protection of trade secrets;


- The degree and rhythm of implementation of the plan;

- The structure of the services offered;

- Productivity;

- A plan of work;

- A plan of production costs;

- A plan to build and ispolzvaniyu income.

Marketing and sales services:

- The proportion of classes (groups) Consumer services;

- Description of categories of clients served;

- Ease of location of the enterprise;

- Contract with a counterparty (travel agencies)


- The cost of services;

- Tariffs for various services;

- Changes in the level of costs, the size and pace of change;

- Preparation of calculation for a particular type of service.

The financial analysis:

- The accumulation fund, reserve, etc .;

- The extent to which revenue plan;

- Sources of the funds and their location;

- Analysis of economic activity.


- The share capital;

- An annual balance sheet;

- Dynamics of growth of fixed and current assets;

Personnel Management:

- Staffing;

- Social development of the tourist and hotel companies;

- The practice of collective bargaining;

- Selection and training.

Material - Logistics:

- Changing the structure of the consumption of materials and equipment;

- The state of stocks in the warehouses;

- Contracts with contractors;

The main production and service:

- Licensing, certification services;

- Production and the technological structure;

- quality of service.

Information Support:

- Automated control system;

- Office management and document management.

In addition to the main program gives students practice leader individual task (see. Annex 2) for a deeper study and analysis of issues of one of the sections of the program in accordance with the specific direction of NIRS, which deals with the student. In the future development of the individual tasks is made the basis of preparation of the thesis. Plan prhozhdeniya practice is consistent with the head of a student practice base (a tourist company) accounted for the specificity of activity and the possibility of a specific enterprise tourism industry. During the internship, students keep a diary (see. Appendix 3). The diary is celebrated every day externship shall be signed by the head of the tourism enterprise printing.

Leader of supervising the department (eg, Department of Tourism)

• defines individual tasks and forms of its implementation;

• examines the program of practice, the progress of the thesis;

• advises the student on various issues;

• check the reports and conducts protection practices.

The company must:

• provide jobs and necessary regulatory and reference materials;

• identify the consultant;

• to assist in the study of regulatory documents and analysis of materials for the thesis;

• monitor the implementation of the program;

• at the end of practice to check the report to provide a written response.

Responsibilities of the student-trainee

In the pre-diploma practice allowed students have fully complied with the curriculum, successfully closed the session. Persons with outstanding academic to practical training is not allowed. Before going on externship student must get at producing departments:

• program practices;

• the direction of the practice;

• a contract with a base practice;

• individual task;

• sample diary practice.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1296

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