Timetable for implementation and delivery tasks IWST
Topic number
Assignment form contro
Tourism as a socio-economic system
Glossary and crossword
Tourism demand and its characteristic features
Tourist facilities:
The tourism industry and tourism market
The nature and value of the quality of tourist service
Tourism Management
Presentation topics
Tourism Marketing
Presentation topics
International tourism as a form of external economic relations
The impact of foreign tourism on the economic development
Presentation topics. Essays
Key factors and conditions of development of international tourism
Presentation topics
Statistics of modern international tourism
Presentation topics. Essays
Current trends in international tourism
Topics of speeches
1.Turizm as a socio-economic system
2. Tourism demand and its characteristics
3. Tourist farm
4. The tourism industry and tourism market
5. The nature and importance of the quality of tourist services
6. Tourism Management
7. Tourism Marketing
8. International tourism as a form of external economic relations
9. The impact of foreign tourism on economic development
10. The main factors and conditions of development of international tourism
11. Statistics of modern international tourism
12. Modern trends in international tourism
13. Geography of world international tourism
14. International tourist organizations and their role in tourism development
15. Types of fitness - centers.
16. Time of service enterprise social services.
17. The classification of the main types of services.
18. Functions of morality in society.
19. The basic rules of customer service.
20. Technological equipment for the production of plants of culinary products.
21. General requirements for commercial premises catering.
22. Furniture and equipment of the hotel rooms.
23. Modern technology in the socio - domestic service.
24.Tehnicheskie operation in catering
25. The basic rules of customer service.
Methodical recommendations for the passage of educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice, forms of accounting documentation
Practical training is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired during the training in higher education, the acquisition of practical skills and competencies and the development of best practices.
During training, students in accordance with state educational standards goes through various kinds, production practices: educational - industrial and production practices.
Direction students in all kinds of practices is made by the order of the head of the higher education institution - professors, associate professors, experienced teachers who know the specifics of the profession and work practices databases and head of the organization.
Head of practice before the start of practice the students will organize the necessary training to practice holding a consultation in accordance with the practice program monitors the progress of practice checks the reports on the practice of students is the chair of a written review of the practical training holds reception protection reporting practice.
The student with the practical training must:
fully implement the program of practice, the practice of keeping a diary in the form established by the higher education institution;
obey the rules of the internal regulations in force from the corresponding base of the practice;
study and strictly observe the rules of labor protection, safety and industrial hygiene;
take part in the operational work on the instructions of the relevant departments;
present practice leader in the prescribed form of the written report, signed by the head of the diary practice base on the execution of all tasks.
General provisions
Practical training is organized on 2 and 3 courses.
Program production practices developed graduating department.
The aim of practical training is to strengthen and deepen the knowledge of the general scientific, legal, cultural, psychological and pedagogical, methodical and special tourist disciplines and the formation on the basis of theoretical knowledge, skills and competencies.
Objectives of the practice:
-privit skills Labour Organisation of the future of the tourism industry, including the formation of a tourist package (tourist products), organization of cultural, educational, environmental, and active tours with tourist groups on the route; Economic analysis of companies and their prospects in the long term; drawing-based forecasts of tourism development in a particular company, region, city, region; with programs reserved seats in the hotels and reservations (ticketing) on the modes of transport;
-nauchit Customer tourist firms, taking into account age and individual characteristics of tourists to issue the contract for tourist service requests and prepare the necessary documentation for visa other permits required for reception and customer service of entry and exit of tourists abroad to consolidate the foundations of practical skills and promotional activities promotion of tourist services, and the ability to make a handout brochure and other promotional materials in the media and on the Internet;
-podgotovit own students to keep records using modern equipment, prepare the program of tourist-excursion services, to develop tourist routes, to make a calculation of tourist services, maintain financial records;
Testing of combined tourist routes where possible the most complete combination of natural and socio-economic and recreational resources, different types of tourism - recreational enterprises and institutions, territorial recreation systems;
Studying of structure and features of tourism regional tourism clusters within each zone, region, country;
-practically introduction (in basis points) with territorial recreational systems, typical for these climatic zones of their role and participation in the territorial division of labor;
-rassmotrenie settlements as centers of management of territorial recreational systems as a form of settlement in this area;
Studying of the factors affecting the competitiveness of the tourism product, and competition in the market of tourist services in the region;
-obretenie skills of independent work on the planning, management and organization of tourist activity;
-Acquire skills of self-management workflow application of modern office equipment use Internet resources for drawing up programs for tourist-excursion services development of tourist routes;
-Training of request for obtaining permits, entry visas and the docu- ments necessary for entry and exit of tourists abroad;
-Acquire skills of economic analysis of firms, their prospects of long-term planning in preparation of objective forecasts of tourism development and a particular firm;
-Training skills of the financial calculations, calculation of tourist services and maintenance of financial records;
-Getting practical knowledge in the use of special programs for reservation of seats in hotels, booking and purchasing tickets on the modes of transport.
General requirements for the organization of practice
Requirements for the organization of practice defined SES RK. Students practice in accordance with the order of the rector of the higher educational institutions, which indicates the base practices, the timing of its passage and practice leader of the school.
The practice of students is conducted usually in organizaitsyah whose activity reflects the specific training in the field of management.
Places and practice base determined by the agreements concluded by the university and companies, the terms of contracts, applications enterprises organizations, agencies or its own choice of the place of practice for students.
In cases where the work is performed by full-time students and part-time modes of study, corresponds to the practice of special training can be conducted at their main job. The decision on the compliance of work goals and objectives of the practice shall be made responsible for the practice (or head of the department on the basis of an extract from the employment history of the student and the student interview issued the relevant protocol.
Students taking the practice in other cities decide on assignment with the head of the practice of the company to meet the requirements of departments. In this case, the connection with the head of the department can be carried out by electronic means.
During the entire period of practice students work in management or other business divisions in the workplace or doubles under the direct control of the supervisors rpedpriyaty.
The working day is set for interns:
- For students aged 16 to 18 are not more than 36 hours a week;
- For students aged from 18 meters over no more than 40 hours a week;
Before practicing student must:
- To view the order of the rector of the university on relevant practices;
- Get your head from the practice of high school individual task (Appendix 2);
- Get Diary practice and work program (Appendix 3);
- Prepare the sanitary book, if so requested by the head of the practice of the organization.
Responsibilities of the student
Students not later than one month before the start of practice, must submit to the department of letters of guarantee, drawn up in accordance with Annex 1 of this program or on the letterhead organizvtsii - the place of practice, signed by the head and stamped by the organization on the basis of which to expect the passage of practice the consent of the organization to provide apprenticeships.
Student at the traineeship must:
-vypolnyat works under individual tasks while respecting the internal rules of the enterprise labor protection rules, safety of fire safety in industrial hygiene;
-vesti Diary of practice (in chronological order to reflect the details of the work performed, the materials prepared by the study of documents and the like and also to get a mark on the date of arrival at the practice and its certified zaversheniyaғ appropriate signatures and seals of the enterprise);
-podgotovit report on the practice and submit it to the signature of the head of the enterprise;
-To receive a review of the work done at the head of the practice of Enterprise (short feature on the last page of the Diary the seal of the enterprise);
-As for 3 at the end of the practice to submit accounting documents for the practice supervisor practice of higher education (Journal and Report).
General requirements for the registration and protection practice report
Volume of the report on the practice of 20-25 countries, excluding applications.
The report must be completed in an appropriate style program Microsoft Office Word content with automatic registration, with beautiful literature references required hyperlinks and presented both in print and in electronic form. The text of the report is to be elected in a text editor Winword, font Times New Roma, 1 line spacing, character size 14, margins: from the top and bottom - 20 mm, right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm.
Based on the issued Diary of trainees, the content of the report on the practice, the results of the interview and the protection of the student a grade.
A student who does not practice vypolnivishy program without a valid reason, receives a negative review, a failing grade on the protection of the report is directed to the practice again during the holidays or in their free time.
General duties of the head of the practice of the institution
Leader of the institution:
Communal with the student develops and produces his individual task (Appendix 2), and teaching materials on practice and conduct group (individual) instructions on the organizational - methodical ensure it. The content of jobs is determined by the practice of its type and profile of the enterprise;
-In the course of practice provides individual counseling to students - interns, and conducts group sessions scheduled for the study of the implementation of individual sections of individual tasks on practice and their control;
-by the end of the practice checks the collected materials and advises on the preparation of a report on the practice and is preparing a review of the student, filling in the appropriate sections in the Journal of the trainee;
He takes part in the work of the Commission for the Protection of practice.
General duties of the head of the practice of the organization
Leader of the organization on the basis of which the practice is carried out:
-Finish draft order or letter of the head of the host organization on the passage of student-trainees university practice;
-provides the planning and organization of practice for students of higher educational institutions in accordance with the contract and individual tasks trainees;
seeing-compulsory induction training on the safety of students, trainees;
-prikreplyaet to student teachers qualified teachers to monitor their performance in their respective structural units of the organization provided for individual tasks;
-creates prerequisites and conditions for the collection of material student interns and performance of tasks requiring working out the relevant skills and practical skills;
-kontroliruet compliance with the agreed terms of practice, as well as the course of everyday practice;
-assistance conduct of students - trainees research on economics and management practices recommended by the head of the university;
-konroliruet observance of student interns work rules of the host organization;
-reshaet all controversial issues related to the implementation of student interns individual tasks;
-podgotavlivaet review on a report on the practice and production characteristics of a student-trainee at the end of the practice;
-can take part in the work of the Commission to assess the results of the practice