Methodical recommendations for the Study of Discipline
Study of the material covered.
Study covered the lecture material is the most important type of independent work. The deeper and more fully worked through the material, the better performing other kinds of independent work. The systematic, regular work on the lecture material passed from the first class, is a prerequisite for understanding the materials follow the lectures and learning materials and practical labs.
Getting to the study of the material is necessary:
- Determine the workplace;
- To resort, if the house is not the proper conditions to work, to the services of the reading room of the University Library or other libraries;
- Have lecture notes;
- Have a syllabus;
- Have the recommended literature (textbooks, manuals), if necessary, to have the necessary supplies and materials.
Method of work:
- It is advisable to study the lecture material by fresh memory (can not be postponed, because the content of the lecture will be forgotten);
- While working on the synopsis, it is useful to refer to the literature (it will need when preparing for examinations) and make the necessary additions and possibly fix;
- Work on the topic should continue to fully understand and memorize the material;
- Work on the subject of case studies and completed tasks, presented in textbooks and manuals, to complete the development of methods for their solution;
- If the work on the topic remain vague questions, ask their teachers for the next lecture.
Preparation for practical classes. For many disciplines of practical training after the lectures are the main views of academic work. They complement the lecture course, contribute to the consolidation of this science to practice.
In preparation for the practical training is necessary to:
- Be guided by the considerations that the benefits of employment will be greater than in the more productive you will be able to work independently in the classroom;
- Constantly and seriously preparing for the sessions;
- Back to the previous themes of the course and remember the fundamentals of the theory, they remain in the memory;
- In the process of working out the theoretical part of the course on the theme of employment, it is necessary to work out the basic tenets of the theory, see examples from textbooks;
- If necessary, prepare to engage in the materials.
Good preparation will allow to engage actively work in the classroom and get the most satisfaction from it.
Preparing for the Colloquium. In some disciplines to assess the degree of assimilation of the theoretical section of the course, held a colloquium (interview). Hence, the theoretical material on the issues put to the colloquium, to be repeated once again.
Guidelines for the implementation of students' independent work
Independent work of students is an important factor for the integrated assessment of the quality of the educational process, influencing the depth and strength of the acquired knowledge and skills, promotes the development of students' ability to self-education and self-development, the needs of the creative mastery of knowledge in their practice.
Objectives of independent work of students (IWS) on the subject "Maintenance activities":
- Encouraging intellectual initiative
- The development of creative thinking in all kinds of cognitive activity.
The objectives of the IWS:
- Deepening and consolidation of educational material at the homework, coursework and diploma projects and works, preparation for practical and laboratory classes, workshops and seminars, exams, mid-term and final control.
- Acquisition of skills to work with scientific and technical literature, computer technology, the experiment, an independent search of information, development of research and creativity.
- Education of hard work and constant readiness to search for and development of information, ie continuity and systematic training, patient perseverance and determination, ability to plan and organize working time.
Development policy issues of discipline "Planning and organization of the tourist industry" consists of classroom and extracurricular work of students. In this regard, the organization of independent work are three main components are:
1. Homework and extracurricular work, where the main role is given to the student (this can be a preparation for the lecture, practical and laboratory classes, writing essays and reports, preparing presentations, problem solving, exercises).
2. Active work in the classroom, with the main role to play, and teachers and students. This can be a synthesis of home preparation for classes and most of the work during the lesson - training, debates, role play, presentation, logic puzzles, cases, etc.
3. Target setting class, without which it is impossible to conduct effective lessons, developed a teacher, made out in the prescribed form and always brought to the attention of students.
Note that if the process of self-study any issue to split into two parts, the first is always the job, reproductive level of organization of independent work must meet the level of Learning as knowledge, comprehension, application. And on the next stage - holding IWS on the productivity level, job category must meet the levels of assimilation, as analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
Independent work involves, first of all, work with information materials, which, in accordance with the level of self-activity of the student and the teaching method can be divided into: reproducing, reconstructive and variability, partial search and heuristic, creative.
Forms and methods of the IWS:
Reproducing the IWS - Play to listen to or what he saw information storage and secure. Reproducing the exercises are based on the reasoning of the teacher scheme and allow a short time to learn the basic educational material.
1. Research, creative work - essays, reports, scientific reports, the description of the experiences or ideas, essays, glossary, methodological developments for the event (class, conversation, debate), preparation of presentations on individual or group projects, term papers and dissertations, Economic agreement operation.
2. Prepare a review of the subject - writing means to write a brief literature review on page 1-2. For a suggested topic with additional material from the press and information resources of the Internet.
3. Glossary - a brief explanation of terms and concepts in the Kazakh or Russian possible translation into a foreign language, performed on a given topic.
4. Seminars as a classic form of self-study students can take, in turn, a variety of forms, and the teacher to build the author's methodology for its implementation.
5. Summary, being the most common form of IWS, is a report on a particular topic with a mandatory review of the literature and presentation of the content of research, books. A more interesting and creative work is the interlocutor on the abstract, as a result of which the acquired skills to analyze performances of discussion.
6. The Colloquium brings out the knowledge level of training on various topics specific study discipline in the form of interviews, which is not always possible with other types of IWS.
7. Questions for self-study should be such that the answers could be given only on the basis of the interpretation and analysis of the collected material.
8. Essay usually offer students - undergraduates, this summary of his thoughts, views on current social and economic problems in a variety of genres - criticism, journalism, etc.
9. Construction of a tree purposes - for this the students are asked to select a problem designate targets for the levels to determine jobs at all levels and realistic plans; to determine, for example, the organizational structure to achieve these goals; choose the quality of the measuring instruments and forms of control tasks.
10. Presentation - the student can choose any topic for his presentation and expressed their understanding or misunderstanding of some aspects considered in the presentation; Presentation assessed by the criterion of how disclosed subject and aroused the interest of others, as well as professional student came to the issues.
11. Training specific situations - students are offered many simple and complex situations, which will have to answer questions or write their vision of the problem; the most prepared students can write your case.
12. Business games help to develop students' skills necessary for future professional activities; some games need for home preparation or completion in the library or in the workplace.
13. Group project - the group should be no more than 3-5 people, each group should develop its project.
14. Individual project - the most prepared students perform at will; work should be distinguished by a unique theme, the nature of the research; results of the project may be presented at student conference.