| Wintellect Power Threading Library weakly named assemblies, 66, 68
private-only deployment, 67
WeakReference class, 549
WeakTrackResurrection flag, 546, 549 WebClients, asynchronous functions and, 744 web-downloading assemblies, 586
Web Forms, asynchronous, 751 WhenAll method, 747
WhenAny method, 747
Windows, as preemptive multithreaded operating system, 684
Windows Action Center, viewing unhandled exceptions in, 486
Windows Error Reporting, 488 Windows Forms, threading model, 748 Windows Installer service, 61
Windows NT kernel, 670
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), threading models, 748
Windows Runtime Component project in Visual Studio, 659
Windows scheduler, asynchronous operations and, 694
Windows Store apps, 36
C#-implemented WinRT components, 659 threading APIs removed, 678
threading model, 748
thread prioritization and, 687 WinRT components, 643
WindowsRuntimeBuffer class, 658 WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions class,
657, 658
WindowsRuntime directive, 657
WindowsRuntimeStorageExtensions class, 654
WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions class, 653 Windows RunTime (WinRT), 31. See WinRT WinMDExp.exe, 659
arrays, 648, 660
asynchronous APIs, calling, 649, 653
base type, 645
canceling APIs, 653
classes, 646
collections, 648
core concepts, 645
dates and times, 647 delegate types, 647
enumeration types, 646
events, 647
exceptions, 647
explicitly calling methods, 648 features exposed by, 643
file names and namespaces, 645
framework projections, 649
IAsyncXxx interfaces, 651
IAsyncXxx method conversion into .NET Framework Task method, 654
IBuffer interface, 656
IClosable/IDisposable interfaces, 648
interfaces, 646
JavaScript example code, 664 mapping CLR types to, 659
memory addresses, passing to CLR, 656 metadata, 659
methods, 646, 650
.NET interoperability, 654 nullable value types, 646
passing blocks of data to CLR, 656 properties, 647
StorageFile, converting to .NET XElement, 655 strings, 647
structures, 646
type system, 646
type system interoperability, 649 URIs, 648
value types, 646 WinRT components
CLR projections and, 645 as COM components, 644 defining in C#, 658
FCL types and, 645
file extensions, 644
as managed components, 660 metadata used by, 644 polymorphism and, 646
type system, 645
for Windows Store apps, 659 WinRTAsyncIntro method, 650, 652 Wintellect Power Threading Library, 690

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1707