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Type-safe languages

type-safe languages, 144

type safety, 219, 267

interfaces and, 308, 309

protecting, 277

reflection and, 589

type variables, generic, 290, 291, 292

TypeDef table, 39

TypeInfo class, 602

TypeInfo object, 592

querying, 593

TypeInfo objects, 592

typeless instructions, 17

typeof operator, 429, 592

TypeRef table, 40

types, 24. See also CTS (Common Type System) across assemblies, 597

as add-ins, 596

aliases, creating, 99

ambiguous references, 99

anonymous, 237, 238, 239

arity, 273

assembly, 25

Backus-Naur Form grammar for, 592 building into modules, 35

casting between, 93

casting with is/as operators, 95 catch, 456

common properties and methods, 602 constructing instance of, 594 converting, 628

converting between, 195 creating objects for, 596 data fields in, 105 declaring, 214

defining, 35, 105, 251

disambiguating, 99

discovering members, 599, 604

dynamically constructing, 590

enumerated, 361

enumerating, 588 example definition of, 28 exception, 463, 466

exception-derived, hierarchy of, 593 exposing events with, 250

external, 35

field layout, 123

general format, 341

generic, 265, 266, 269, 274, 276, 596

generic identity, 275 generic interfaces and, 278 help documentation for, 310 helper, 169

inferring from initializing expression, 212

initializing static fields, 189

invoking members, 603

vs. keywords, 113 limiting, for generics, 285 linked lists, 274

listening for events, 258 literal, 114

locations of, 81

member accessibility, 156

members of, 24, 151

method tables, 301

moving between assemblies, 83 namespaces, 97, 99

naming conventions, 273

nullable, 441, 443, 445

overloading, arity-based, 286

partial, 159

performance issues, 167

primitive, 111

properties, obtaining, 593

public, 25, 154

querying, 600

recognized formats, 340

reference, 118

referenced assemblies, 98

referencing, 35

reflection, 588, 589, 600

resolving, 593

resolving references, 80 restricting access to, 25 returning name of, 339 for runtime handles, 608 safety, 95

serializing, 617, 618, 620, 623

signed, 117

singleton, 633

surrogate, for serialization, 636


Value types

System.Object derivation, 91

Tuple, 237, 240

unique names, 99

unloaded, 191

value, 118, 277

visibility, 154, 156, 166

Visual Studio tooltips for, 214 WinRT, 646

interoperability, 649

without instance constructors, 182



UI elements, removing, 682 uint type, 112

ulong type, 112

unary operators, 192 nullable types and, 444


nullable types, 448

value methods, 135

unboxing value types, 124, 126

efficiency of, 130

example code, 128

field copying and, 127

unchecked operators, 116

unhandled exceptions, 474, 480, 485 asynchronous functions and, 745 in distributed applications, 488 FCL documentation, 488

from type constructors, 189 UnhandledException event, 488

UnhandledExceptionFilter event, 488

Unicode characters, 333 converting to MBCS, 350

Unicode code values, 317 UnicodeCategory type, 317

Unload method, 566, 570

unloaded types, 191 unloading

AppDomains, 477, 494, 566, 570

assemblies, 587

as garbage collection trigger, 519 unmanaged C++, 224

unmanaged callback functions, 391 unmanaged code

C++ compiler and, 6

CLR interoperability with, 30 performance of, vs. managed, 15

UnobservedTaskException event, 703

Unregister method, 260

unsafe code, 17

unsafe modifier, 388

UnsafeLoadFrom method, 586

Unwrap method, 595

uppercase/lowercase, converting between, 318 Uri type, 648

URIs, WinRT, 648

user-defined attributes. See custom attributes user-mode constructs, 760, 762

vs. kernel-mode constructs, 784 vs. primitive-mode constructs, 778

user-mode stacks, 671

ushort, 112

using directive, generic types and, 276 using statement, 536

UTF-7 encoding, 351

UTF-8 encoding, 351

UTF-16 encoding, 351

UTF-32 encoding, 351



value methods, boxing and unboxing, 135 value types, 118, 441

boxing and unboxing, 124, 126, 128 calling virtual methods, 133 changing fields in, 136

complexity of, 138

constructors, 184

converting to reference types, 125 default constructors, 186

defining, 132

defining constructor methods on, 185 defining type constructors in, avoiding, 188 example code, 121

examples of, 119

field layout, 123

immutability of, 138



ValueType class

value types (continued) initializing fields, 187 interface methods for, 319 interfaces and, 301

native code for, 277 nullable, 441, 443, 646

out keyword vs. ref keyword, 215 overlapping with reference types, 124 vs. reference types, 122

serializing, 618

with type constructors, 188 unboxing, and field copying, 127 verifiability, 186

virtual methods, calling, 165 when to use, 121

WinRT, 646

ValueType class, 362

var keyword, 237

vs. dynamic, 146

vs. dynamic keyword, 214 variables

cloneable, 301

implicitly typed, 212, 237 initializing with null, 213 of interface types, 300 temporary, 284

variance, restrictions on, 280 vectors, 375. See also arrays verbatim strings, 322 verification

of generics, 284

generics and, 290

IL and, 16

skipping, 18

verifying assemblies, 76

skipping, 77

VeriSign IDs, 488 version

numbers, 58

resources, 54

attributes, 56

versioning, 161, 167

assemblies and, 587, 597 extension methods and, 201 interfaces and, 313

virtual methods and, 169

virtual instance methods, 108 virtual methods, 163, 165

calling, 133

call instruction for, 165 constructor methods and, 182 interfaces and, 299

minimizing, 166

performance of, 167

security of, 168

versioning and, 169

visibility, type, 154, 166 Visual Studio

debugger, and properties, 234 exception debugging, 490 exceptions, adding to debugger, 491 Exceptions dialog box, 490

IDE, adding assemblies with, 51 Intellisense, 200

partial methods in, 206 publishing applications with, 61

speed of, due to multiple cores, 682 target platform, setting, 8

tooltips, viewing, 214

Windows Runtime Component project, 659 volatile

class, 765, 767, 768, 773, 805, 808

fields, 177

keyword, 767

volatile constructs, 762, 766 C# support for, 767 drawbacks of, 767

Volatile.Read method, 254



Wait method, 702

WaitAll method, 703, 779

WaitAny method, 703, 779

WaitAsync method, 815 WaitCallBack delegate type, 693

WaitForConnectionAsync method, 743

WaitHandle class, 778

WaitOne method, 779

Weak flag, 546, 549

weak references, 550, 551



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