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Public and private keys

primitives, overflows and, 115

prioritizing threads, 684, 754

by application, 687

classes for, 685

High priority, 685 Idle priority class, 685 Idle priority level, 687 importance of, 688

mapping priority levels, 686 priority boosting, 774 process priority class, 686

raising and lowering priority, 687 Realtime class, 685

relative priority classes, 685 Time-Critical priority level, 687 for Windows Store apps, 687 zero page thread, 684, 686

PrioritizingTaskScheduler, 713 priority

inversion, 756

thread, 679

private assemblies, 67

strongly named, 79

private fields, 168, 228, 231

private keys. See public and private keys privately deployed assemblies, 61 private methods

partial methods as, 207 serialization and, 622

type constructors, 188 private thread locks, 797 problem signatures, 487

Process class, 688 processes

creating, expensive nature of, 675 creating, vs. creating threads, 675 defined, 670

example of, 558

isolation, 557

process priority class, 686 reducing, with managed code, 17 terminating, 477, 574

threads per, 674

wasteful, identifying, 675

processor architecture, loading assemblies for, 585

ProcessThread class, 688

productivity vs. reliability in error handling, 469 program order, 765

Program type, 43

prologue code, 102 properties

accessor accessiblity, 248

accessor methods, 231

automatically implemented, 231

backing fields, 230

behavior and, 248

compiler results, 244 confusion caused by, 232 C# support for, 231 declaring, 231

declaring, in anonymous types, 238

defined, 24, 152

defining, 230

defining intelligently, 232

example of, 229

generic accessor methods, 248 in metadata, 231

metadata on, 603

parameterful, 227, 242, 246

parameterless, 227

vs. public fields, 425

returning different values, 233 thread synchronization and, 233 in Tuple types, 241

Visual Studio debugger and, 234 when to use, 233

PropertyDef table, 39

PropertyInfo type, 603 public and private keys

for assemblies, 67. See also strongly, named assemblies

creating, 69

in CSP containers, 78 delayed signing, 76

in hardware devices, securing, 78 hashing to reduce space, 71

for publisher policy assemblies, 87






constructors, defining, 195 fields, vs. properties, 425 methods, interfaces and, 299 types, 25, 154

publisher policy controls, 86 publisherPolicy elements, 85

publishing values, 808

Pulse method, 813

PulseAll method, 813 purpose of book, xxiii PutAsync method, 742



qsort function, 391

quantums, 672

ending early, 673

queries, LINQ. See LINQ queries QueryMemoryResource notification, 519 question marks, in C# code, 443

queues, thread-safe, 813

QueueUserWorkItem method, 409, 693,

700, 724



raising events, in thread-safe way, 254 Rational type, 195

RCWs (Runtime Callable Wrappers), 644 Read method, 753

in I/O operations, 728

Read method (Volatile class), 765, 767, 768 read-only files, setting attribute for, 368 ReadAsync method, 729, 733, 742, 753

ReadBlockAsync method, 742

ReaderWriterLock class, 802

reader-writer locks, 801, 804

ReaderWriterLockSlim class, 800

ReadLineAsync method, 742

readonly fields, 177

defining, 178

ReadToEndAsync method, 742 real-time operating systems, 684

Realtime priority class, 685 Rectangles, constructing, 185 recursive locks, avoiding, 806 recursive thread locks, 786 ref keyword

overloading methods based on, 216 vs. out keyword, 215

ref parameter, 282

reference counting, 508

ReferenceEquals method, 140, 331

References, checking, 157 reference tables in metadata, 39 reference tracking, 508

reference type variables, setting to null, 288 reference types, 118, 320

arrays of, 373

classes as, 119

converting value types into, 125 example code, 121

examples of, 119

field layout, 123

generic, 269

null-coalescing operator and, 446 overlapping with value types, 124 performance issues, 119

as primary constraints, 287

ref keyword vs. out keyword, 215 serializing, 618

sharing code, 277

swapping, 218, 219

with type constructors, 188 vs. value types, 122

referencing assemblies, 70, 98

strongly named assemblies, 74 types, 80

reflection, 141, 148, 430 discovering type members, 599 exception handling and, 485 object model, discovering, 602 performance issues, 589

serialization and, 614

type discovery with, 590, 604 type safety and, 589



reflection API for .NET Framework, 583 reflection members, generics and, 271 reflection methods, 432

Reflection namespace, 431, 588

reflection types, 588, 589

hierarchy of, 600

ReflectionOnlyGetType method, 591

ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method, 587

ReflectionOnlyLoad method, 587

regional settings, 326 Register method

CancellationToken class, 699

CancellationTokenSource class, 698

RegisterForFullGCNotification method, 523

registering assemblies, 74

relational operators, nullable types and, 444 relative thread priority classes, 685 ReleaseMutex method, 785

ReliabilityContract attribute, 496 Reliability Monitor

problem signatures, 487

terminated applications, viewing in, 487 reliability vs. productivity in error handling, 469 Remove method, 260, 338, 403

RemoveAt method, 358

RemoveEventHandler method, 603

RemoveMemoryPressure method, 538

RemoveParticipant method, 805

Replace method, 338

ReportStatus method, 772

ResetAbort method, 579, 580

resolving types, 593

resource files, adding to assemblies, 53

resource leaks, 531

resources, accessing, 505

response files, 36

ignoring, 38

resurrected objects, 544

return types, discovering information on, 602 returning arrays, 382

reverse engineering, protecting against, 19 roots, 508

in garbage collection, 509 Run method, 745

Runtime binders, 148

handles, 608

Runtime Callable Wrappers (RCWs), 644 RuntimeWrappedException class, 458



safe places, 580

SafeHandle class, 527

derivation of, 528

SafeHandle namespace, 529, 530, 531

SafeWaitHandle class, 529

satellite assemblies, 59

sbyte type, 112

scalability, threads and, 674 scheduling tasks, 711

reader/writer semantics, 815

scheduling threads, 683, 684

sealed classes, 168

partial methods and, 205 secondary constraints, 288

SecureString class, 357, 358

decrypting objects, 360 FCL support for, 358

passing objects as a password, 358 secure strings, 357

security, class, 168

SecurityCritical attribute, 489, 695 security settings, thread pools and, 694 Semaphore class, 780, 784

semaphores, 784

vs. auto-reset events, 784

as primitive kernel-mode thread synchronization constructs, 778

SemaphoreSlim class, 794, 815

sequential queries, 717

serialization, 589

AddValue method and, 627 of application state, 616 assemblies and, 616

cloning with, 615

of collection objects, 622




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