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Member accessibility

member accessibility, 156, 166 MemberInfo

class, 602

type, 599

MemberRef table, 40

MemberwiseClone method, 182

System.Object, 92

memcpy function, 378 memory

addresses, passing between CLR and WinRT, 656

allocating, 506, 507, 513

compacting, in garbage collection, 509, 521

corruption, 506

garbage collection and, 507

inefficient allocation, 676

leaks, 506, 510, 526

limitations of, 506

monitoring, 524

OutOfMemory exception, 510

pressure methods, 539

reclaiming, with garbage collection, 517 MemoryStream

class, 656

object, 614

merging LINQ query results, 720 metadata, 5

assembly, 586

components of, 38

constants and, 175

for conversion operator methods, 197

definition tables in, 39

for events, 604

examining, 431

in human-readable form, 40 identical format of, 152 manifest tables, 47, 49

on properties, 603 property definitions in, 231 reference tables, 39

strings in, 332

tokens, 50

uses for, 5

WinRT, 644, 659

method parameters, passing, 214 MethodDef table, 39

MethodInfo method, 417

objects, converting to RuntimeMethodHandle, 609

methods, 162

accessor, 228, 231, 247, 248 anonymous types and, 240 callback, 249

calling, 102, 103, 163

calling for the first time, 11 calling for the second time, 14 compiling once only, 277 conflict resolution, 170, 171

contract, maintaining when exception thrown, 483

conversion operator, 195 declaring as constants, 224 declaring return types, 223 defined, 24, 152

for encoding classes, 355 for enumerated types, 371 examples of, 163

explicit, and state corruption, 476

explicit interface method implementations (EIMIs), 303, 308, 310

extension, 198, 255

generic, 265, 270, 281, 283, 286

generic and non-generic, 284 instance constructors, 181, 184

interface, calling, 302, 448

invoking after removal from delegate chain, 255

marking as async, 733 nonvirtual vs. virtual, 165 operator overload, 191

out and ref parameters, 282 overloading, arity-based, 286

overrides, 172

overriding, 299

parameters. See parameters parameter types, 214

partial, 204

passing variable number of arguments to, 220

performance issues, 167

polymorphic, 166

Newobj instruction

public, 299

referencing, 35

reliability contract documentation, 496 reliable, 497

return types, 395

splitting specific and generic, 283

static, 106

tables, 301

thread-safe, 759

translating input into events, 256 tuple types and, 241

type constructors, 187

type parameters, defining, 282

virtual, 133, 163, 169

virtual, changing to override, 172 virtual instance, 108

WinRT, 646, 650

MethodWithReturn method, 568

Microsoft Silverlight applications, AppDomains and, 574

Microsoft Spy++, 683

Microsoft SQL Server, AppDomains and, 575 Microsoft Visual Studio, Checked setting, 117 Microsoft Windows NT kernel, 670

migrating code from .NET Framework versions, 459

MinValue field, 317

ModuleDef table, 39, 81

ModuleRef table, 39, 81 modules

building types into, 35 combining into assemblies, 45 in friend assemblies, 156

Monitor class, 476, 794 commonly used methods, 795 example code, 796

passing reference to type object into, 798 problems with, 798

as static class, avoiding, 798 monitoring

AppDomains, 571

memory usage, 524

object lifetimes, 546

MPGO.exe, 21

MSCorEE.dll file, 554

MSCorLib.dll, 35, 558

MSCorWks.dll, 554

MSIExec.exe, 61

MulticastDelegate class, 397

non-public fields, 398

multi-dimensional arrays, 385, 386

multifile assemblies, 46, 48

multiple cores, 677. See also CPUs processing power of, 682 taking advantage of, 682 thread starvation on, 684

UI element removal and, 682 user productivity and, 682

multiple inheritance, 295. See also interfaces multithreaded operating system, 684 MultiWebRequest class, 770


class, 780, 785

lock, 792

type, 525

mutexes, 785



naked constraints, 288

named parameters, 209, 424

arguments, order of evaluation with, 210 rules and guidelines, 211

NamedPipeServerStream class, 743

namespaces, 97

aliases, creating, 99

assemblies and, 101

creating, 100

WinRT, 645

native C++, 659 native resources

cleanup code for, 534

fixed in number, 538

garbage collection and, 525, 538

wrapping, 530, 532

NetworkStream object, 355

new operator, 92, 506 delete operator and, 93

newline characters, 322

NewLine property, 322

NewMailEventArgs object, 253

newobj instruction, 321



NGen.exe, 16, 19

intellectual property and, 20 nonstatic events, 152

Normal flag, 546, 547 notifications

for exceptions, 456

for garbage collection, 518, 523

for thread attachment/detachment, 671 unregistering interest in, 260


comparing generic type variables with, 291 initializing locally typed variables with, 213 in WinRT, 647

nullable types, 288, 441

boxing, 447

C# support for, 443 calling GetType via, 448

calling interface methods with, 448 CLR support for, 447

null-coalescing operator and, 446 operators and, 444

overloaded operators and, 445 performance and, 445

unboxing, 448

nullable value types, 646

number types, parsing strings into, 348 NumberFormatInfo type, 343 Numbers, vs. enumerated types, 361 NumberStyles parameter, 348

numeric types, 117. See also types recognized formats, 340

NumTimesWordAppearsEquals method, 331

NumTimesWordAppearsIntern method, 332



obfuscator utilities, 19

Object class, 296, 362

inheritance, 296

object equality, 139

checking, 140

properties of, 141

object graphs, serializing, 614 serializing multiple, 615

object handles, wrapping, 778

object identity, checking, 140

object lifetime, controlling manually, 545 object-oriented programming (OOP), 160 ObjectDisposedException exception, 534

ObjectHandle type, 595

ObjectInvariant method, 502 objects

allocating and initializing, 106 casting between types, 93 converting between types, 195 corrupted state, avoiding, 228 creating, 92, 106, 596

Equals method, 139

formatting, 344

GetHashCode method, 142

hash codes, 142

initializers, 235

invariants, 498, 501 marshaling by reference, 564 type, 23, 112

OnDeserialization method, 629

OneManyLock class, 802

performance results, 804

OneManyResourceLock class, 804

OnNewMail method, 254 OnThreadException virtual method, 488 op_Addition method, 193

open types, 272

OpenAsync method, 753

OpenExisting methods, 780

operands, generic type variables as, 292 operating system instability, reasons for, 34 OperationCanceledException exception, 652 operations

canceling, 696

canceling after set time, 700 canceling, invoking methods after, 698 cooperative cancellation, 696 preventing cancellation of, 698

operator overload methods, 191 calling internally, 194

CLR handling of, 191

for core numeric types, 193 example of, 192

naming rules, 194

ParseExact method

operators, list of, 193

overloads defined, 152

parameters for, 191

support for, 191

unsupported, 193 operators

binary, 192

checked and unchecked, 116 null-coalescing, 446

and nullable types, 444 unary, 192

op_Explicit method, 197

op_Implicit method, 197

OptimizedAway method, 763

optimizing code, 14, 277, 763 Volatile class and, 765

optional attribute, 212

optional parameters, 209

arguments, order of evaluation with, 210 rules and guidelines, 211

OrderedTaskScheduler, 713 ordinal equality check, 329 out keyword

overloading methods based on, 216 vs. ref keyword, 215

out parameter, 282

OutOfMemory exception, 510 overflows, checked and unchecked, 115 overhead fields, 795


arity-based, 286 nullable types and, 445

overloading operators. See operator overload methods

override methods, 172

overriding methods, 299

generic, 286

ownership, of thread locks, 791



packaging assemblies, 60

Parallel class, 713, 714

performance issues, 714 when to use, 714

Parallel LINQ, 717

buffering and merging, 720 parallel processing queries, 719 partitions across CPU cores, 720 preserving operation order, 718 sequential and parallel queries, 717 stopping queries prematurely, 719

parallel queries, 717

ParallelEnumerable class, 717, 719

ParallelLoopResult instance, 716

ParallelLoopState object, 716

ParallelOptions object, 714

ParamArray attribute, 221

ParamDef table, 39

parameterful properties, 227, 242

accessing from unsupported languages, 247 selecting, 246

ParameterInfo object, 602

parameterless constructors, 186, 235

parameterless properties, 227 parameters

declaring as constants, 224 declaring types, 214, 223

default values, 210, 212 default values, changing, 211 for indexers, 244

named, 209

optional, 209

out keyword vs. ref keyword, 215 params keyword, 221

passing by reference, 215 passing via method, 214 types, in methods, 214 types, interfaces as, 306 validation, 366

variables, 211

weak vs. strong, 223 params keyword, 221

Parse method, 348, 366, 370 exception handling for, 493 overloading, 349

parameters, 349

performance and, 350 skipping leading space, 348

ParseCombiningCharacters method, 333

ParseExact method, 349




dates and times, 349 strings, 348

partial keyword, 159

partial methods, 204

efficiency of, 205 overriding types with, 205 private keyword and, 207 return type for, 207

rules and guidelines, 207 runtime performance and, 206 sealed classes and, 205

in Visual Studio, 206 passing arrays, 382

passing parameters, via reference, 215 path names, loading assemblies with, 586 pbytes local variable, 549

PDB (Program Database) files, 15 PE (portable executable) files

manifest, 47

command-line switches for compiling, 47 components of, 38

embedding resource files into, 53


(+) files, 6

(+) headers, 38

PE32 headers, 5 platform version and, 9

PerfMon.exe, 524

performance concerns, 15

performance counters, 524 performance issues

binding handles and, 608 context switching and, 672, 673

DLLs and, 672

double-check locking and, 808 exception handling and, 492 execution contexts and, 695 hyperthreading and, 677 instance fields and, 567

I/O operations and, 731

of methods with variable number of arguments, 222

monitoring with Task Manager, 675 Parallel class and, 714

reflection and, 589

tasks and, 708

thread pools and, 692 threads and, 670, 674, 681

thread synchronization and, 758 thread synchronization locks and, 790

Performance Monitor, testing exception handling with, 493

PerfView, 525

periodic compute-bound operations, 720 PEVerify.exe, 18

Pinned flag, 546

pinning objects, 548

points of failure, sources of, 471. See also

exceptions; exception handling policy controls, 86

polygons, arrays of, 375

polymorphism, WinRT components and, 646 pooling strings, 332

positional parameters, 424

PostAsync method, 742

postconditions, 498, 501

execution of, 502

side-effect-free members, 501 Power Threading library, 804 preamble, 353

preconditions, 498, 501

inheritance of, 502

side-effect-free members, 501 preemptive multithreaded operating

system, 684

PrepareConstrainedRegions method, 496

primary constraints, 287

primitive thread sychronization constructs, 760 kernel-mode, 761, 778, 784

interlocked, 768

user-mode, 762

volatile, 766

primitive types, 111

checked and unchecked, 115 comparing to each other, 292 defining constants with, 175 dynamic, 144

as enumerated types, 363 vs. FCL types, 113

with FCL types, 112 parameter default values, 211

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