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SerializationBinder class

serialization (continued)

controlling, 619

controlling data, 624

converting types, 628 defining type for, 630 definition of, 611

formatter consistency, 615 of instance types, 619

ISerializable interface, 625, 630 matching deserialization method, 628 of multiple object graphs, 615 namespace, 623

.NET Framework support for, 612 of object graph, 614

of object set, 622

overriding assembly/type, 641 quick start for, 613

reflection and, 614

security and, 619

of singleton types, 633 special constructor type, 628 streaming contexts for, 631 surrogate selector chains, 639 surrogates for, 636

of type instances, 623 of types, 617, 618

of types, as different types, 633 to XML stream, 612, 614

when to avoid, 619 SerializationBinder class, 640

SerializationException exception, 615, 616,

618, 622

SerializationInfo object, 625, 628

Serialize method, 614

SerializeToMemory method, 614 Server garbage collection mode, 520

Servers, asynchronous implementation, 751 servicings, 161

SetAt method, 358

SetMaxThreads method, 724

SetMinThreads method, 724, 726

SetType method, 626, 635

SetValue method, 603

shared data, Parallel class and, 714

shim DLL, 554

short type, 112

SignalAndWait method, 805 signed data types, 117 signing files, 70

Silverlight applications AppDomains and, 574 processes run by, 687

Silverlight, threading model, 748 SimpleHybridLock method, 793

SimpleSpinLock method, 773

SimpleWaitLock method, 782, 784

simplifying applications, 682

SimulateNewMail method, 256

single-dimensional arrays, 375

single-instance applications, 781

Singleton class, 809

singleton types, serialization of, 633 Sleep method, 774

SN.exe, 68

delayed signing with, 77 Soap namespace, 614 SoapFormatter

class, 614

object, 614

Software Publisher’s Digital ID for Authenticode, 488

SomeMethod method, 565, 566 SOS Debugging Extension, 525 source code

compiling, 3

splitting types between, 159 protection, 267

source control, 159

spin locks, 773. See also thread synchronization spin loops, thread yielding and, 775

SpinLock method, 775

SpinLocks, 818

spinning threads, with hybrid locks, 791 SpinWait method, 774

Spy++, 683

SQL Server, AppDomains and, 575 stackalloc statement, 388

StackOverflowExceptions, 497




stack space, 102

checking for, 489

stack trace, 461, 462

complete, 462

constructing, 462

interpreting, 463

StackTrace property, 461

Start method (Thread class), 679 StartNew method, 710

StartsWith method, comparing strings, 325 startup time, improving, 19, 21

starvation, thread, 684 state corruption

destroying, 476

exception handling and, 474 FailFast method, 480 managed code and, 477 mitigating, 475

terminating process for, 477

state machines, returning threading model, 749 stateless encoding and decoding, 356 statements, checked and unchecked, 116

static classes, 158

static constructors. See type constructors

defining on generic types, 273

static events, 152

static fields, 177

defining, 178

initializing, 189 memory leaks and, 510

static members interfaces and, 297

MarshalByRefObject class and, 567 static methods

for arrays, 380

calling, 106

calling back, with delegates, 394

calling operator overload methods with, 194 for Char type, 318

extension attribute, 203 Finalize method and, 526 for Int32 variables, 768 thread safety, 759, 760

volatile keyword, 767

StaticDelegateDemo method, 394 Stop method (Parallel class), 716

streaming contexts for serialization, 631 StreamReader type, 350

streams, 656

StreamWriter type, 350, 537

finalization and, 538

String class

hash table, accessing, 330 methods, 338

sealed, 323

string interning, 329 String objects. See strings

immutability of, 569

String type, 112, 320

constructing, 320

interfaces and, 300

method overloads defined by, 325

as primitive type, 320 StringBuilder class, 198, 345

creating objects, 336

members, 337

methods, 338

StringBuilder type, 336

StringComparer class, 329

StringComparison type, 324

StringInfo, 333 strings

base-64 encoding/decoding, 356 changing case of characters in, 325 character arrays, 337

characters, examining, 333

cloning, 335

comparing, 323

concatenating, 322

constructing, 320

constructing efficiently, 336 converting to bytes, 353 converting Unicode to MBCS, 350 copying, 335

custom formatter, 345

date formatting, 341

deleting securely, 358

encodings, 350




Strong Name utility (SN.exe)

strings (continued)

formatting, 344, 346

formatting multiple objects into, 344 immutability of, 323

interning, 329

mapping enumerated types to, 364 in metadata, 332

number formatting, 341

as object representation, 339 parsing, 348

pooling, 332

secure, 357

in source code, 321 uses for, 324

verbatim, 322

WinRT, 647

Strong Name utility (SN.exe), 68 strongly named assemblies

characteristics of, 66

components of, 68

compressing, 74

creating, 67

deploying globally, 72

deploying privately, 79 obtaining key for, 68 referencing, 74

security of, 76

tamper resistant nature of, 75 unique identification of, 67 verification, 76

struct constraint, 287

Structured Exception Handling (SEH), 453.

See also exceptions; exception handling structures. See value types

Substring method, 335

SubstringByTextElements method, 333

SuppressFlow method, 695

SuppressMessage attribute, 440

SurrogateSelector objects, 639 surrogate types for serialization, 636 surrogates for Unicode elements, 333 suspending threads, 774

sync blocks, 794

array, 795

index, 105

initialization of, 795

optimizing, 795

public indexes, 797

relationships, 795 type objects and, 795

synchronization context task schedulers, 711 SynchronizationContext class, 749 synchronizing threads. See thread


synchronous I/O operations, 752. See I/O operations

FileStream objects and, 753 System Monitor, 524

System namespace, 22, 23

System.Collections.Generic namespace, 270

System.Decimal type, 118, 198 System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute

attribute, 206 System.Exception

class, catching, state corruption and, 474 type, 460

SystemException type, 466

System.InvalidCastException type, 95

System.Object type, 26, 91

delete operator, 93

new operator, 92

protected methods, 92

public methods, 92

System.Reflection.AssemblyName class, 68

System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization class, 16

System.Text namespace, 97

System.Type object, type object pointer, 110 SZ arrays, 375



TakeFromAny methods, 822 Task class

vs. Barrier class, 814

vs. thread synchronization, 814 Task Manager, 670, 675

monitoring performance with, 675 Task objects, 701

arrays of, 710

Boolean properties for, 709

fields in, 707

ContinueWith task collections, 705

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