| InternalsVisibleTo attributeInternalsVisibleTo attribute, 155
InteropServices namespace, 424, 531
InvalidOperationException exception, 587
InvariantCulture property, 342 invariant type parameters, 279 Invoke method, 396, 403, 595, 603
Parallel class, 714
invoking type members, 603 I/O Completion Ports, 731 I/O operations, 727
asynchronous, 729, 731, 746
canceling, 751
context switching and, 731 event handlers and, 742
ignoring SynchronizationContext object, 750 IRPs in, 728
synchronous, 752
thread blocking and, 731 thread priorities, 754 wasted resources and, 728
I/O Request Packets (IRPs), 728 IOException exception, 532
IOTaskScheduler, 712
IOutputStream interface, 655
IProducerConsumerCollection interface, 820
IRandomAccessStream interface, 655, 657
is operator, 95
IS-A relationship, 312
IsCancellationRequested property, 698
IsDefined method, 366, 367, 430, 431 for bit flag-enumerated types, 371
IsEnumDefined method, 366
ISerializable interface, 625, 629, 630
defining type for, 630
special constructor, 629 ISerializationSurrogate
interface, 640
type, 637
IsInterned method, 330
IsPrefix method, 329
IsServerGC property, 521
IssueClientRequestAsync method, 733, 734, 747
IsSuffix method, 329
IsTransparentProxy method, 565, 569
ISurrogateSelector interface, 639
jagged arrays, 375
JIT compiler, 12
calling methods, 106
optimizing, 15
performance hit from, 14, 16 unsafe code and, 18
JITCompiler function, 12
Join method, 680
JustEnded method, 771
kernel constructs, when to use, 806
kernel-mode constructs, 760, 761, 778, 784
vs. user-mode constructs, 778, 784
kernel-mode stacks, 671
kernel objects, 671
key/value pairs, hash codes, 142 keywords, vs. type names, 113
lambda expression, 410, 411 vs. anonymous methods, 413 appropriate use of, 416 asynchronous, 746
benefit of, 413
in separate method, 414
language identifiers, 326
language settings for assemblies, 59 large objects, 519
LastIndexOf method, 329
late binding, 589
Lazy class, 810
lazy initialization, 807
LazyInitializer class, 811
LazyThreadSafetyMode flags, 811
ldstr instruction, 321
lease managers, 567
Leave method, 790
letter casing, 318
LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler, 712

linked lists
data types in, 274 inheritance and, 274
LINQ queries
buffering and merging, 720 parallel processing, 719 preserving operation order, 718 processing, 719
processing data from, 718 sequential and parallel, 717 stopping prematurely, 719
LINQ technology, 202
namespace, 717 anonymous types and, 239
Parallel language integrated query, 717 querying data collections with, 717 standard operators, 717
LINQ to Objects queries, 717 List class (generic), 266
Listeners, adding delegates to list, 257 literal
strings. See strings types, 114
livelocks, 761
Load method (AppDomain class), 585 Load method (Assembly class), 585, 616
overloads of, 584
serialization and, 617
LoadFile method, 586
LoadFrom method, 586
serialization and, 617
loading assemblies, from URLs, 586.
See assembly loading LoadLibrary function, 10
local parameters, callback method references to, 413
local variables, implicitly typed, 212 locating assemblies, 63
lock, 799
scalability issues, 814
locking threads, double-check locking, 807 lockTaken variable, 799
long type, 112, 113
low surrogate code value, 333 lowercase/uppercase, converting between, 318 LowLatency garbage collection mode, 521
MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework)
Machine.config file, 64
Main method, 43, 764
maintaining state, 482
MakeByRefType method, 608
MakeGenericType method, 596
managed applications, prioritization of, 687 managed code. See IL code
AppDomains and, 576 C++ compiler and, 6 escalation policy, 577
performance concerns, 15 performance of, vs. unmanaged, 15 reducing processes with, 17
state corruption and, 477 WinRT components as, 660
Managed Debugging Assistants (MDAs), 538 Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), 598 managed heap
allocating resources from, 506 arrays in, 374
example of, 507
garbage collection and, 507 managed modules, 4
combining into assemblies, 7 components of, 5
metadata in, 5
manifest tables, 47, 49
ManifestResourceDef table, 47
manual-reset events, 782
ManualResetEventSlim class, 794, 804 marking objects in garbage collection, 508 Marshal class, 360
MarshalByRefObject class, 564, 567, 599, 798
MarshalByValType type, 568 marshaling objects by value, 568 Match method, 434
Math class, 759
Maximum method, 776
Max method, 759
MaxValue field, 317
MBCS (Multi-Byte Character Set), converting Unicode to, 350
MDAs (Managed Debugging Assistants), 538 MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), 598
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 874