Forms of employmentThere are such forms of employment: full, part-time, partial, primary and secondary employment.
Full-time - an activity for a full working day (week, season, year), which provides income to the region of normal size.
Part-time employment is characterized by a specific person or for a part-time or part-payment or lack of efficacy. Part-time employment may be explicit or implicit.
Explicit part-time employment is predetermined by social causes, in particular by the need of getting an education, profession, improve their skills and the like.
Implicit part-time employment discourages the imbalance between labor and other production factors. It is connected with a decrease in production volumes, reconstruction enterprise and appears in low income population, incomplete use of professional competence, or low productivity.
Partial - is a voluntary part-time employment.
Primary employment is characterized by employment of a the main place of work.
If, apart from the main work or study there is still additional employment, it is called secondary employment. 14.Causes of unemployment
Causes of unemployment are varied and it may be due to the following factors: Rapid changes in technology; Recessions; Inflation; Disability (инвалидность); Undulating business cycles (Волнообразные циклы деловой активности); Changes in tastes as well as alterations in the climatic conditions. This may in turn lead to decline in demand for certain services as well as products; Attitude towards employers; Willingness to work (Готовность к работе); Perception of employees (Восприятие сотрудников); Employee values (значения сотрудников);Discriminating factors in the place of work (may include discrimination on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, color and race); Ability to look for employment.
But there are three main reasons for unemployment: loss of employment (dismissal) (увольнение); Voluntary withdrawal from the work (добровольный уход с работы); first appearance in the labor market.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1064