Basic model of state employment policyAccording to Article 43, Constitution of Ukraine, “Everyone shall have the
right to work, including a possibility to earn a living by labour that he freely
chooses or to which he freely agrees. The State shall create conditions for citizens
that will make it possible to fully realise their right to work, guarantee equal
opportunities in the choice of profession and of types of labour activities, and
implement programmes for vocational education, training, and retraining of
personnel according to the needs of society.
Fundamental principles of the state employment policy include:
providing all citizens, regardless of their origin, social and property status,
race and ethnic background, sex, age, political opinions, attitude to religion,
with equal opportunities for the effective exercise of the right to choose an
occupation freely according to abilities and professional attainment with
account of personal interests and social needs;
contributing to ensuring efficient employment, to preventing unemployment,
and to creating new jobs and conditions for the development of enterprise;
coordinating activities in the field of employment with other economic and
social policy areas based on state and regional employment programmes;
cooperation among trade unions, associations (unions) of entrepreneurs and
enterprise owners, institutions, organisations or bodies authorised thereby in
the interaction with public administration bodies for the development,
implementation and supervision of measures aimed at securing employment
of the population;
international cooperation in addressing problems of employment of the
population, including Ukrainian citizens’ work abroad and that of foreign
citizens in Ukraine.
Also, the State shall provide:
investment and tax policy measures aimed at securing optimal deployment of
productive forces, increasing workers’ mobility, creating new technologies,
encouraging enterprise, creating small businesses, applying flexible working
schedules and homework, as well as other measures promoting preservation and
development of the jobs system;
securing workers’ rights and interests, providing favourable conditions at
work, improving the legislation on employment of the population and on
conducting analytical and scientific studies on the economic structure, and
forecasting subsequent changes in quality and distribution of labour force;
regulating foreign economic activities to the extent concerning involvement
and use of foreign labour force in Ukraine based on quotas and licensing;
contributing, as necessary, to creation of additional jobs by enterprises,
institutions and organisations of all forms of ownership as well as to
improvement of working conditions in public production;
organising vocational guidance.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 922 of 5 July 2006
approved the Basic Directions for pursuing state employment policy throughout
Development of the Basic Directions was caused by the need for
improving the coordination between central and local executive authorities for
regulation of the labour market situation.
The goal of the Basic Directions is to create, assisted by legal,
organisational and economic mechanisms, conditions for promoting:
employment of the population by means of retaining efficient, and creating
new, jobs at enterprises, in organisations and institutions of all forms of
self-employment of the population, and development of enterprise;
training of labour force whose occupational structure and qualification level
meet the needs of economy and labour market;
improvement of labour force quality, and development of a system of
vocational training during the labour activitiy period with account of labour
market needs;
stronger motivation for legal productive employment;
employment of individuals in need of social production and unable to
compete in the labour market on equal terms;
vocational training and employment of physically and mentally handicapped
return of the registered unemployed to productive employment;
unshadowing of relations in the field of employment;
legalisation of outbound labour migration of Ukrainian citizens, and
strengthening of their social protection.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1025