The pre-opening marketing effort will create awareness of our project and identify its location and the services being offered. It is important to build anticipation and solicit inquiries. In view of the population growth and the lack of new recreation to serve the Vancouver Centre market, bowling as the entertainment choice will be established.
Beginning four weeks prior to the planned opening date, a telephone solicitation program will be implemented to call all homes in the area. The message will be to inform the residents of the facility name, location and program offerings. One week prior to opening, a direct mail piece will be sent to residents in the postal codes within the market area announcing the opening date and program offerings, i.e., group outings, birthday parties, league interest and your programs.
Group sales will be generated by a direct mail piece announcing a variety of programs with flexibility to meet specific needs that may include meeting rooms, food, beverage alternatives, etc. This mailing will be made to all businesses and offices with 25 or more people and will provide center features, information and contact persons.
The two most effective ways to develop bowling activity are through contact with individuals or groups. The use of the Website has proven to be effective in developing a customer base.
We will have a Team setup when construction begins to accommodate all the inquiries. In addition, a number will be posted on the construction site and Web-site.
The fastest growing segments of bowling participation are youth, corporate or group parties and cosmic bowling. Since organized (Leagues) activity has become less dominant in bowling centers, more organized marketing effort is necessary to build on these growth areas. The league concept is still an important part of bowling activity, but requires more flexibility and attention than in previous years. Our ongoing program will address these issues with specific programs and activities that will be identified in this plan.
The new equipment features and program offerings will revitalize this growing market. This market has distinct opportunities for the different age groups. The 4-15 years olds are very active participants in league and birthday party programs. It will be necessary to start early to develop this segment of the market. Group packages that include food, beverage and a time segment for bowling will be offered. In addition, inexperienced bowlers will have the option of using automatic bumpers to prevent premature gutter galls and increase the enjoyment of bowling.
An active program to teach bowling in the school systems will be provided by the center. The center can use an “in-school bowling program” that has been developed by the industry (supplied by the Bowling Proprietors of British Columbia) that teaches bowling, and provides equipment and teaching materials. At the conclusion of the instruction program, students can be brought to the center for a graduation ceremony and experience bowling in its real environment. The students will be given a tour of the entire facility and will be registered for a birthday program and other events.
The efforts to promote junior activity through birthday parties or in-school programs all provide us with names of potential customers for our direct and email list. Those participants indicating an ongoing interest in bowling competition will be provided additional instruction and opportunity to participate in youth league programs.
Our center will offer Scholarships for the youth with good grades and bowling. $10,000 for scholarships for the 1st year and with a little help of local Sponsors, try to increase this to $25,000 per year.
The youth bowlers who have bowling experience or previous league experience will provide a nucleus for your youth program. Participants will be solicited within the center on a regular basis for these programs.
Special programs will be offered to encourage adult/youth activities. Adults and youths will participate in various programs offering special incentives, i.e., a free bowling ball or other merchandise that will encourage a strong interest among these youngsters to continue participation. Whatever the incentive, the cost of merchandise will be incorporated into weekly fees.
This market offers potential for daytime activity. Vancouver Centre has a number of retired Armed Forces Personnel in this area. Most have bowled 5-pin and can be converted. They are there for the fun.
Seniors are loyal customers, have disposable income, available time and, once they become active, bowl year round and often bowl more than once a week.
To develop this market, we will conduct a three-week free Seniors day twice a week. The purpose of the free weeks is to generate repetitive interest, provide instruction, form teams and organize them in league format. The promotion for this program will be conducted by personal sales calls on the Parks and Recreation Department, local retirement clubs from utility companies and teachers’ associations. The church community in Vancouver Centre provides an opportunity for building a Christian Seniors’ League, in addition to the general senior promotion and is an excellent source for bowling prospects.
Once the two programs are completed and leagues are started, we can develop a “Bring-a-Friend” concept. This will be an additional league where the senior bowler pays half price for bringing a friend who pays the regular price.
Additional promotion opportunities to build senior activity can be through purchase of direct mail lists of households with residents who are 55 and over. This should be a lot of fun.
Women’s Daytime
Recognizing the limitation of available prospects, your efforts to build league activity will be through group sales where common interests and available time is apparent. One of the programs that have been successful in the industry can be implemented in our center. This can be done through school contacts, and working with the Parent Teacher Association. To increase interest and support, the school will receive a rebate from the league fees. Country golf clubs and tennis clubs have a nucleus of active-competitive members who have many weeks of unscheduled inactivity due to weather restrictions.
Competitive leagues can be organized by contacting these various clubs. The free clinic offering will be utilized to create interest and organize these groups into regular activity.
General League Building
All organizations with fifty or more employees or members provide an opportunity to build a league concept within their group. The sales director will be responsible for obtaining the mailing lists for these various groups, which are available through the Chamber of Commerce. The sales director will call for an appointment, and make a presentation offering a free party for members, which will include light refreshments at no cost or obligation to the employer or group. While at the center, your league program will be explained, questions answered and solicitation of those interested in joining the league program. The best time to conduct these bowling parties is shortly after work hours, and provides the center an opportunity to develop business when most beneficial.
For larger companies or organizations that have a second or third shift, you can offer a party to accommodate these members at the conclusion of their work shift. As an example, many food service employees are available at 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. for regular activity.
This sales process will be ongoing and the responsibility of the sales director.
Once a free party is held for an organization and an organized program is established, the sales director can follow-up for future paid group outings. By conducting these free parties you expose your center to many potential customers at a very low cost. The individuals indicating special interest will be prospects for other league formats.
Organized Casual Bowling
With the advent of modern, exciting, new bowling entertainment centers, there are opportunities to successfully market organized bowling events to groups. These groups typically view bowling as entertainment rather than competition. Some of these opportunities include cosmic bowling, company organized outings, fund raisers, youth lock-ins, team building events, Christmas parties, birthday parties, prom parties, class reunions and church outings.
For each group, a customized flexible package is an opportunity to include food, beverage, arcade, meeting rooms and bowling. Each group may have special needs for requests, and you can price according to their requirements.
Each of these groups offers special opportunities and a variety of marketing approaches.
Upon receiving appropriate approvals for construction and financing, a search will begin in earnest for a general manager will be conducted with anticipation of an immediate hiring to ensure proper training and exposure to the bowling business. As of August 2010 we have a list to start the interview process.
In addition to the general manager, two key positions to fill will be the Sales director and center Mechanic, who will be in charge of maintenance for the entire facility.
The center will also require a Food and Beverage Manager that can give guidelines and advice to the management team to concentrate on implementing the necessary business plans.
Our Human Resources Plan
The following are key staff for our Bowling Center for opening: