To help us in the marketing department, the following is a sample of a Marketing Survey for the Area
How old were you when you started bowling?
A new 10-pin bowling center is coming to Vancouver Centre. Do you know where It’s to be located?
What’s your average?
Do you own your own bowling ball?
Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)?
What’s your favorite bowling alley?
What would you like to see in a new bowling center?
Do you like bowling with the “cosmic” lights?
How about with music playing?
Do you like to order food & beverage from the snack bar or sports bar
While you bowl?
Have you ever made the 7-10 split?
Have you ever bowled a 300 game?
If not, have you seen someone else do it?
Do you watch bowling on TV? In this area, it’s on TSN twice a week.
When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?
Can you hook the ball?
What’s the highest game you’ve ever bowled?
Can we contact you via email? If yes, please leave it here…………….
Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?
Which of your MySpace or Facebook friends have you gone bowling with?
Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?
Ø Personnel
Ø Marketing
Ø Advertising
Ø Outside Sales
Ø Telemarketing
Ø Ground Breaking
Ø Grand Opening
¨ Select a General Manager (we have started the list)
¨ Select a Sales Director
¨ Shop Competition
¨ Start preparation of Marketing Analysis Program
(most has been detailed in the Business Plan)
¨ Order sign and Artist Rendering to be placed on site (this is to be done when Construction starts)
¨ Determine league strategies (most of this has been started)
- Shift Times
- Pricing
- Season length
- Priorities for solicitation – Method/Days
¨ Arrange for temporary promotional offices
- An Office at start of construction
- Furniture & Supplies
¨ Prepare promotion supplies
- Facts on new center
- Surveys
- Counter Displays & Sales packets
¨ Prepare and place first series of newspaper ads
¨ Join Board of Trade and begin active participation in community activities
¨ Select type of league agreements
¨ Develop strategy for handling lead inquiries
¨ Begin search for head mechanic
¨ Complete the Market Analysis Program
¨ Complete plans for ground breaking
¨ Begin Outside Sales Program
¨ Continue advertising as needed
¨ Hire and train lead telemarketer
(can serve as receptionist and handle incoming calls)
¨ On-the-job coaching/training in outside sales for General Manager and Sales Director
¨ Evaluate promotional plans and adjust as needed
¨ Identify key groups and organizations within your market and begin to make frequent contact with them
¨ Begin to attend as many community events as possible
¨ Be sure to attend all Chamber of Commerce functions
¨ Conduct weekly employee meetings
- Keep everyone informed
- Evaluate activities and review results
- Brainstorm new ideas
¨ Order directories for telemarketing program
¨ Evaluate additional advertising opportunities (This must be reviewed constantly)
¨ 100% implementation of outside sales program
¨ Hire and train additional sales person
- Salesperson could be Assistant Manager or Night Supervisor after opening
¨ Prepare and mail flyers, surveys and letters to key members of the Chamber of Commerce, clubs, industry, schools, government offices, PTA and other groups
- Space mailings so that timely follow-up can be made by sales team
¨ Follow up on each mailing with a phone call or visit within two weeks
¨ Plan telemarketing program
¨ Hire and train the telemarketers
¨ Prepare and mail a newsletter to all confirmed league sign-ups
- Repeat each month until center is open
¨ Evaluate promotion materials, programs and results – adjust as needed
¨ Continue community involvement
¨ Conduct weekly employee meetings
- Inform
- Evaluate activities and review results
- Look for opportunities
¨ Begin telemarketing program:
- Calling Priority:
Ø 2nd Shift
Ø Weekend
Ø Daytime
Ø 1st Shift
¨ Conduct a review of the results of your outside sales program and make adjustments as needed
¨ Evaluate need and opportunities for additional advertising
¨ Continue activities with key groups in your market
¨ Try for a booth in shopping mall near our location on weekends (this should have been arranged already)
¨ Continue weekly employee meetings
¨ Update newsletter for the Website to show construction progress and send to all league sign-ups.
¨ Update information on current picture progress.
¨ Evaluate results from outside sales program and make adjustments as needed
¨ Evaluate telemarketing results and make adjustments as needed
¨ Plan the advertising campaign to be used with center opening
We will use both local Radio and Newspapers
¨ Send out monthly newsletter with the focus of the actual opening date
With the use of our web site and collected email, this can be done effectively.
¨ Begin the selection of the department heads and implement training
¨ Continue high profile in the community
¨ Continue weekly employee meetings
¨ Finalize plans, date and objectives for grand opening
¨ The Sales Director and team will follow up all interest from telephone, email and direct mail.
¨ All leagues started
¨ Continue telemarketing to fill all team vacancies
¨ Make adjustments to outside sales program to include group open play events, birthday parties, corporate parties and to fill any vacant spots
¨ Plan and implement telemarketing program for Learn to Bowl classes and other key promotional programs
- Calling priority
- Individuals that expressed interest during pre-opening telemarketing
- From directory
- Customer information cards
¨ Plan and implement open play events
¨ Monitor customer service for additional training needs
¨ Conduct weekly employee meetings
¨ After the first month, conduct weekly department head and full staff meetings monthly
¨ Start promoting and selling Christmas and Corporate Events