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The general requirements for the construction, statement, design and maintenance standards


- General Provisions

- The correctness and reliability of the tests and / or calibrations performed

Laboratory determined by the following factors: GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 22

- The human factor;

- Premises and environmental conditions;

- Calibration and testing procedures and evaluation techniques suitability;

- Equipment;

- Traceability of measurements;

- Sampling;

- Handling of test and calibration.


- Laboratory management shall ensure the competence of all who operate specific equipment, perform tests and / or calibrations, evaluate results, and sign test reports and calibration certificates. For trainees must be provided with appropriate supervision. Specific tasks should be assigned to staff with the appropriate education, training, experience and /or demonstrated skills.

-User Laboratory shall formulate the goals of education, training and skills development laboratory personnel. The laboratory shall have a policy and procedures for identifying training needs and providing training of personnel. The training program shall conform to the present and anticipated tasks of the laboratory. Effectiveness of ongoing training should be evaluated.

Non-laboratory shall use personnel who are employed by or invitation to contract. If personnel are used contracted and additional technical and professional assistance, the laboratory shall ensure that it is competent to work under the supervision and in accordance with the laboratory management system.

- The laboratory must have a current job descriptions for managerial, technical and support personnel involved in the testing and calibration.

-User shall authorize specific personnel for specific works on sampling (samples), testing and / or calibration, a written test report and certificate of calibration, opinions and interpretations and operation of specific equipment. The laboratory shall maintain records of the authority, competence, educational and professional qualifications, training, skills and experience of all technical personnel, including specialists working under contract. This information should be readily available and include the date of confirmation of authority and competence.

Premise where and environmental conditions

Test conditions and / or calibration, in particular sources energy, lighting and environmental conditions, must be such as to ensure proper testing and / or calibration.

The laboratory shall ensure that the environmental conditions do not lead to misleading results or does not adversely affect the required quality of any measurement.

Particular attention should be given to those cases where sampling and testing and / or calibration are not held in the permanent laboratory facility. Technical requirements for accommodation and environmental conditions that may affect the results of tests and calibrations shall be documented.

The laboratory shall monitor and record GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 25 environment, in accordance with the technical requirements, methods and procedures, if they affect the quality of the results. Particular attention should be given, for example, to biological sterility, dust, electromagnetic interference, radiation, humidity, electrical supply, temperature, noise and vibration appropriate to the technical activities. Testing and calibration should be discontinued if the environmental conditions jeopardize the results of tests and / or calibrations.

- Neighboring areas in which there are incompatible activities should be separated from each other. Should be taken to prevent cross-contamination.

-Use of areas affecting the quality of tests and /or calibration, and access to them should be monitored. The laboratory shall have a degree of control on the basis of the specific circumstances.

-Must be taken to ensure good housekeeping in the laboratory. If necessary, should be developed special procedures.


33) Where and how to publish official information about the update and the abolition of standards and other normative documents? 1 Changes to the standards are developed at replacement, addition or deletion of certain of its requirements, which do not involve a breach of interchangeability and (or) the compatibility of new products with the products manufactured according to the current standard. Revision of the standard to develop methods of control, if not the change to affect the comparability of test results (measurement, analysis, definitions) obtained using these methods.If the standard had already made three changes, the next change will not develop, and review of standards in accordance with 5.3. Standard Editing is also advantageous if the insertion amount of change may exceed 40% of the standard text, and if necessary, changing the name of the standardDesign and presentation changes - according to GOST.2 Work on making changes to the standard provides MTC are sure that the present standard, and in his absence conducted under the supervision of the national authority of the state - the developer of the standard (state, for which the standard is fixed).3 development and adoption of changes to the standard is carried out in the manner prescribed for the draft standards, with the following additions:

- If the change to the standard is developed without the inclusion in the program of work on interstate standardization, it is not allowed to send out to other states of its first edition;

- Revision of the standard shall be deemed accepted by correspondence, if for it voted not less than two-thirds of the national authorities of applying this standard;

- National bodies voted against it in the proposed wording (or abstain from voting), to decide whether the application of the standard in their respective countries with the simultaneous use inappropriate in the states - parties to the Agreement with the accepted standards change and without it. 4 Changes to the most important fundamental standards affecting the interests of all states - parties to the Agreement, as a rule, taken at the meeting of the Interstate Council. The change to this standard shall be deemed accepted only upon reaching a consensus on it and the positive vote of all Council members participating in the meeting. 5 Date adopted changes to the standard, to ensure that it copies the national authorities, as well as the publication of information on the adoption of changes to the standard and its text to the monthly index "Interstate standards" - in accordance with the procedure established by the Interstate Council

6 Change to the standard comes into force on the territory of states after its registration in the Bureau of Standards by adopting appropriate national authorities organizational and administrative documents.

The date of entry into force of amendments to the standard recommended to set no earlier than six months and no later than one year from the date of registration of the change in the Bureau of Standards ..

7 The publication of information about the introduction of the changes to the standard, and if necessary, change the text, carried out in the manner prescribed by the national authority of the State in which the standard is applied.

Publish the changes to the standard is carried out on the languages in which this standard is published.

34) Definition of certification. Certification forms. Call the goals and principles of certification.Certification refers to the confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or organization. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit. Accreditation is a specific organization's process of certification. Forms of certification are voluntary and obligatory certification. Voluntary certification - certification, conducted on a voluntary basis at the initiative of the manufacturer, retailer or consumer products. At voluntary certification of products manufacturer, consumer society or company has the right to choose any trade certification scheme. Voluntary certification can produce any legal entity that has taken over the function body for voluntary certification and registered certification system. Mandatory certification bodies also may conduct voluntary certification under specified conditions. Voluntary certification can be carried out: for products (services) are not subject to mandatory certification; in cases where the regulatory requirements are formulated only in general terms, and the actual quality of the products (services), it is advisable to characterize more specifically; in cases where the regulations governing the quality of the variety of products (services) are not available; in cases where the product (service) has a certificate of compliance, but the manufacturer considers appropriate products to make sure that the quality of its products (services) is higher than that provided by regulations; in relation to the part of regulatory requirements, the implementation of which is not subject to confirmation in the form of mandatory certification. If the result of voluntary certification of its outcome is to issue a certificate of quality. This certificate attests not only meets the eligibility criteria, but also the degree of deviation in the desired direction in the form of added value. Obligatory certification is carried out in cases where the regulations contain requirements for the products to ensure the safety of the environment, life and health of citizens, as well as to provide technical information compatibility, interchangeability of products. The other requirements contained in the regulations, are voluntary. Compliance depends on the discretion of the manufacturer's products and its counterparties. A positive result of mandatory certification of its outcome is to issue a certificate of compliance with safety requirements.Determine the range of goods subject to mandatory certification. These include all the food groups, children's goods, consumer goods, food contact and drinking water; household products, etc..The aim is to create a mandatory certification of confidence from the manufacturer and the consumer that the certified products are safe for consumption.

35) Describe the main objects of certification. List the order of carrying out of certification of production.Objects of certification are:products; works (services); management system; staff. Product certification - procedure confirm the quality by which independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) the organization certifies in writing that the products meet the requirements.

As the requirements for the certification of products can be: legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan; state standards (including recognized in Kazakhstan interstate and international standards), sanitary rules and regulations, building codes, safety standards, as well as other documents in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan establish mandatory requirements for the product. Certification services (works) - is an independent confirmation of conformity to requirements to comply with the "Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights supplier of works and services on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As the requirements for the certification of services (works) can be: technical regulations of the Customs Union, Kazakhstan technical regulations;

legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

rules for carrying out certain types of work and the provision of certain services, approved by the Government of Kazakhstan;

state standards, sanitary rules and regulations, building codes and other documents in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan establish mandatory requirements for works and services.


Certification of Management Systems - is a procedure for confirmation of the degree of compliance and effectiveness of specific management system standard requirements for the system management.

Main certifiable management system: The quality management system; The environmental management system; Management systems health and safety; Information security management systems; The system of food safety management; Republic of Kazakhstan provides the following sequence of works on certification of products:

1) The filing of an application by the applicant to the certification body; direction of the applicant decisions based on consideration of the application;

A contract between the applicant and the certification body to carry out works on certification of products;

Screening, identification of specimens declared production and submitting them to the testing laboratory (center);

certification tests of samples declared production and other activities provided by the certification scheme implemented;

analysis of the results and decide whether they can issue a certificate of conformity (hereinafter - the certificate);

certification and enrollment in the State Register of GSS Republic of Kazakhstan;

2 Submission and examination of the application.

2.1 Certification of products is carried out on the basis of an application sent to the applicant to the certification body.

The format of the application for certification of products is given in Annex B.

Recommendations for choosing a certification scheme are given in Appendix B.

In the absence of the applicant's information on such a body and the certification procedure of products of interest to him, he can get it in the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial bodies

2.2 If there are several certification bodies of these products, the applicant may submit an application at any of them.

2.3 In the absence at the time of the filing of the certification body of the product application is sent to the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.4 The certification body in the 2-week period from the date of receipt of the application and send the applicant a registration decision on the results of the application and sign business contract for works on certification of products stated in 2 copies. For small businesses, this work must be carried out no more than a week.

Copy of the decision sent to participants in the certification of products specified in the decision.

In case of refusal of an application for authority

certification, together with the decision of the applicant to return all documents belonging to him.

2.5 If you agree with the terms of the work product certification applicant shall send to the certification body a signed copy of their business agreement with a copy of the payment order on introduction to the account of the certification body in advance the amount specified by the contract specified.

At the same time the applicant agrees, if necessary, with the body responsible for carrying out sampling the above products, the timing of them held

36) List the methods of certification. Certification methods are divided into two groups: test methods;The methods of compliance.Test methods set appropriate standards and they meet the following requirements: fitness for purpose standards; objectivity, clear articulation;inclusion in the test methods, if it is technically justified, specifying the limits of reproducibility and repeatability;if possible, quite detailed description of the test method, standard setting, which allows qualified personnel to obtain similar results;limit values taking into account the requirements of the permissible deviation or the mean values for the upper or lower limit, the minimum or maximum value;should be considered when choosing standards for general test methods and related tests to determine the similar characteristics set in other standards;preference test methods that do not destroy the sample and provides the same degree of certainty;if there are several methods of testing one of them is determined as a control.

The methods of compliance with standards for third-party certification systems established by the management company. There are kinds of methods.


The method of "mark of conformity". Mark of conformity - a sign that the rules established in this system certification confirms that marked its products with the requirements.This method is based on the use of certification results to indicate that monitoring for compliance is managed by the system. The method of "certificate of conformity". The purpose of this method is to provide the consumer information about the standards covered by the certificate. The method can be used to indicate compliance with product standards or standards for specific properties. Certificates of conformity may relate to all requirements of the standard, as well as to its specific sections or features. To indicate conformity of production used a special white paper - a certificate of conformity. Certificate - a document issued by the rules of a certification system to verify compliance with the requirements of certified products.The required documents for products and services, the lack of which can lead to the application of certain sanctions include a certificate of conformity in terms of safety. Other varieties certificate - hygienic, veterinary, phytosanitary - are not binding, and serve only the basis for a simplified procedure for issuing certificates of conformity.


Certificates of conformity in terms of safety and regulatory requirements are needed only for products and services subject to mandatory certification. If the products or services are not included in the list for mandatory certification, government representatives have no right to demand from manufacturers, artists or sellers certificate of conformity.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1104

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