The isolation of a grammatical form called...a) Affixation
b) Lexicalization
c) Assimilation
d) Conversion
24. Define the three components closely connected with the meaning of the word “house”
a) the sound -form [houm], the contexts, the morpheme
b) the sound -form [haus], the concept, the stem
c) the sound - form [haus], the concept, the referent
d) the sound - form [bildiŋ] the lexical meaning, the referent
23. The main types of word — meaning are...
a) Lexical and Grammatical
b) Distributional and Grammatical
c) Denotational and Connotational
d) Differential and Lexical
Words associated in meaning are...
a)Shopping, chocolate, washing, cricket, sewing
b) Television, discotheque, radio, carnival, amusement
c) Grocery, football, newspaper, basketball, tea
d) Candies, rugby, volley-ball, tennis, hockey
27. The specific subgroup of literary (bookish) words which these words refer to:
“bon mot”, “apropos”, “pas”, “bouquet”
a) professionalisms
b) terms and scientific words
c) poetic words and archaisms
d) barbarisms
Similarity of meanings is ...
a) Metonymy
b) Metaphor
c) Hyperbole
d) Simile
The figure of speech expressing the affirmative by the negation of its contrary is called...
a) Hyperbole
b) Irony
c) Litotes
d) Euphemism
30. “It’s monstrous”, “I’d love to do it”, “It’s a nightmare”, “Haven’t seen you for ages”
a) Simile
b) Euphemism
c) Litotes
d) Hyperbole
31. Contiguity of meanings is ...
a) Metonymy
b) Repetition
c) Euphemism
d) Litotes
32. Define the stylistic device which is used in this sentence: “My one belief was that she was as hard as nails”
a) Epithet
b) Irony
c) Simile
d) Repetition
Define metaphor among this word - combinations
a) I saw the jury return, moving like underwater swimmers
b) George did not lose his presence of mind
c) I could do with a cup of tea
d) I hate troubling you
34. Define the stylistic device which is used in this sentence: “At any moment she might die; at any moment she might become Lady Timpany”
a) Metonymy
b) Hyperbole
c) Repetition (Syntactical parallelism)
d) Litotes
35. A word — building process in which words are built by joining two or more stems together is called...
a) Composition
b) Conversion
c) Derivation
d) Affixation
36. The stem is ...
a) the word to which affixes are added
b) a word - building or word -forming morpheme
c) the part of the word to which word - building or word -forming affixes are added
d) a word - building morpheme preceding the root
37. Word — derivation and word - composition are two principal types of ...
a) Conversion
b) Affixation
c) Prefixation
d) Word -formation
A word — building process in which words are built by means of changing the paradigm is called...
a) Composition
b) Conversion
c) Derivation
d) Suffixation
Pick out derivatives
a) windowless, reason, visit, possible, thankful
b) blackness, individualize, resident, decide, wealth
c) defrost, forgettable, both, arm, immigrant
d) immemorial, rebuilt, decolonize, replace, interpreter
40. Define the group of words with the suffix “ful”, which adds the meaning “full of smth”
a) helpful, thankful, careful, painful
b) resourceful, useful, fearful, plateful,
c) hopeful, doubtful, plentiful, truthful
d) forgetful, spoonful, restful, handful
II variant
1. What does Lexicology study?
a) Lexicology studies the meaning of the word
b) Lexicology studies the outer sound-form of the word
c) Lexicology is the science of the word and vocabulary
d) Lexicology is the science of the word
2. The word is...
a) The principal and most important unit of the language system
b) The principal and basic unit of the language system
c) The object of thought correlated with a certain linguistic expression
d) The basic, chief and most important means of communication
3. The principal approaches to the study of language are...
a) Functional
b) Referential and Semantically
c) Morphological and historical
d) Synchronic and diachronic
4. Paradigm is...
a) The inner facet of the word, inseparable from its outer facet.
b) The system showing a word in all its word-forms
c) The meaning of the formal membership of a word expressed by the word’s form
d) The linguistic reflection of the concept the given word expresses and the basic properties of the thing the word denotes.
5. The paradigm of the word “to speak ” is...
a) To speak - speaks - spoke - have spoken - be speaking
b) To speak - speaks - spoke - spoken - speaking
c) To speak - speaks - spoke - have been spoken - had been speaking
d) To speak - will speak - spoke - has spoken - will be speaking
6. The paradigm of the noun “friend”...
a) Friend -friend’s - friends - friends’
b) Friend -friends - friend’s - friends’
c) Friend -friend’s - friends’-friends
d) Friend -friend’s - my friend - friends - my friends - friends’
7. The isolation of a grammatical form is called ...
a) Affixation
b) Assimilation
c) Lexicalization
d) Conversion
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1582