A) Absence of immediate connection of speech (language) units with the present circumstances;B) Dynamic character, i.e. it undergoes constant changes together with them. Each remark changes and develops the situation;
C) A situation is not a mere entity of circumstances, events and relationships;
D) The content of a situation is based on a problem or conflict which breaks the existing system of relationships;
E) A speech situation is always realized in a speech act.
A communicative situation may be defined as a system of interacting factors of objective and subjective nature which involve a man into language intercourse and predetermine his speech conduct.
A communicative situation comprises 4 groups of factors (or components):
Ø Real circumstances;
Ø Relationships between the communicators;
Ø Speaking intentions;
Ø Realization of an act of communicators.
Situations may be real, imaginary, teaching which are built up with the help of mechanical aids or verbal aids.
A teaching situation should always contain a speech task which predetermines the speaker’s position and the direction as well as wording of speech.
Ways of modeling situations:
2) Verbal oral
3) Visual-verbal video;
4) Problem situations:
a) Suggesting of a few variants of solving one ad the same problem. Pupils are to choose the most interesting/appropriate one (e.g. the way of traveling, the movie to watch);
b) Creating a special barrier in the way of solving a problem (e.g. sport team);
c) Giving incomplete information:
d) Suggesting different controversial points of view (e.g. civilization doesn’t save us from cruelties of nature);
e) Using lack of experience of pupils for solving the problem (e.g. weigh an elephant);
f) Using their life experience, but in new situations (e.g. what a real teacher should be?)
Lecture 11
Teaching Monologue
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 889