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Perished, with no existence - that would be really living

If there is something which devours,
I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins -
The world which bulks between me and the abyss
I will smash to pieces my enduring curses.

I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality,
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living.

In his poem "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes:

Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.

My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell.

In another of Marx's poems, "Human Pride" (published in "World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, p. 167), he writes the following:

With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.

Then I will be able to walk triumphantly
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.

Every word of mine is fire and action.

My breast is equal to that of the Creator.

Perished, with no existence - that would be really living
(Under the Sign of the Scorpion, by Juri Lina)

And Karl Marx was a puppet of the Rothschilds and was hired and generously financed by his puppeteers to specifically "scientifically" justify the very conceptual framework of Luciferianism, which he did with his idea of "unity and the struggle of the opposites" which became the foundation for so called dialectic materialism. It was specifically designed to discredit and deny the very idea of God - that which stands ABOVE the material world. Everything was turned into the world of matter, the material world above and beyond which exists nothing.

He was nothing more than their agent, or, as known from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the "agenteur".

His task was to create a "theoretical justification" of key concepts and ideas of zombification of the "masses" by which it will be possible to create a revolution in Russia eventually. His idea of "the struggle of the proletariat" is a complete delusion and a zombification ideology. Because, first of all, the proletariat, i.e., simple working people who create all the goods and wealth for the parasites, never owned anything and never had any power, nor has ever chose anyone as their "ruler".

They were merely manipulated and were given several versions of the same Satan's lackeys, allegedly to "choose" between different shades of the same Satanists. All and any "elections" to this day are nothing more than the puppet shows and this is happening for centuries. For example, it has been said: the president of the USA will be the one chosen by Rothschild. It is quite a subject in itself and deserves a study.

But who are these "Illuminati"? - In ESSENCE!

Do they have some "answers" to all the questions? And if they think so, which is a fact, then they missed out, either for the treacherous reasons, or as a result of THEIR blindness, the fact that they have tried and are still trying "to block the channels" to everyone else, and thus, a huge part of possible creative process "on the ground", among "ordinary people" does not have a chance to manifest. Because EVERYTHING is crushed by these "lords" and absolutely nothing is allowed, if it does not fit with the "dog's opinion" of these "lords" eternally barking at all the humanity and dictating it everything.

And this is precisely the main problem of the modern world, which can not be solved without AWARENESS, or, as it is also called, the state of PRESENCE, rather than with the help of some mental exercises and routines. Yes, the mentality is needed in many cases in the physical world. Yes, you can think. But when you exclude from consideration the aspects beyond purely mental processes, you are bound to find yourself in a "pit". And that is why it was said:

"Blind leading the blind - shall fall into the ditch"!

"That is all there is to it".

These maniacs with most severe mental disorders and illnesses must THEMSELVES SEE that they have absolutely no right to dictate something to everyone else instead of just doing everything in their capacity "for US," and not "for ME" and my "ruling family" in order to control and dominate everything.

Because they are corrupt, and to the bone and marrow. Corrupt in their very beings! At their very roots.

The very act of separation on some "patricians" and "plebeians", the "elite" and "mortals" is an act of evil. At least because the vast majority of so-called "patricians" are either pure degenerates on a biological level, or perverts, monsters, parasites, and this list is too long to continue. In other words, a chance that you will find a "normal" or healthy person among them rapidly approaches zero.

You are nobody, sir lord of the world, at least in terms of Truth, and your entire "movement" or a cult or a sect of power-hungry blind fanatics seeking to "trample down" all and everything did not create any "stimulus for development of the Intelligence."

The "catalyst" of the "negative approach" is simply fake, fake as three dollar bill. And the evidence is simple. All these mental processes and "sophistication" of modern mind was not able to create a human being who is more humane than the most primitive tribes on this planet.

Interestingly enough, there was an effort made in the UK to bring several members of one primitive tribe from Africa to the UK, dress them in modern clothes and take them to different places and let them meet with "civilized" people. At the end they were asked for their impression about the "modern world" and what they had to say is really significant.

They said: by why don't you CARE for each other? Why are you so insensitive and inhumane? Why are you so violent towards each other? Their visit was filmed and was shown on a zombie box called TV.

The Intelligence permeates ALL, and not only "me" or "you" as representatives of some "superior race" or some "elite" standing above all "mortals". And the words of Mr. Van Duyn are the words of a mortal. Because he does not see, nor "does he know what he is doing and saying".

This is the will and the law of the spheres incomprehensible to the blind.

You have "created" only the barriers and separation and brought humanity to the level of zombies and bio-robots the majority of whom have lost touch with their traditions, wisdom of the people, culture, education, humaneness, and this list may be continued with other most important aspects.

And all you have in your hands the dust, and nothing but the dust, as you were told in the scriptures.

And you live in a world of illusion, just like others, upon whom you are trying to IMPOSE your will according to a "recipe" that was given to you by your ancestors, which they allegedly received during the "entry into the ecstasy of unity" with Lucifer on all sorts of occult and Kabbalistic rituals, virtually all of which include the ideas of death, murder, annihilation and the "sacrament of blood."

And this is self-provable. Because the very notion of Illuminati is an occult and Kabbalistic concept, and if all this occult and Kabbalistic symbolism is removed from the ideology of the Illuminati, they simply cease to exist as such. Because they lose their very roots and their ideological underpinnings and the very foundation.

"The Illuminati" without occult and Kabbalah is nothing more than "a scarecrow horticultural", utterly empty of all its alleged "spiritual powers", not even mentioning the enlightenment of which they have no idea about with all their empty words "signifying nothing".

And no, they are not the illuminated ones as "Illuminati" implies, and were not given any special "higher knowledge" outside of pure Satanism and ideas of "control", domination and "ownership" of the world.

Perhaps all that they have is their thirst for POWER, domination and the suppression of anything that differs from their ideology of control and domination enforced by violence against all and their ultimatums of most brutal reprisals. And all of this comes not from some "greatness", but on the contrary, from what is known as the "inferiority complex", or more precisely self-denial.

To them, you see, it is not sufficient just to be what they are by the sheer fact of their existence. No! They need to be "better" than others, "stronger" than others, "more powerful" than others, "HIGHER" than others, more "influential" than others, which is a typical symptom of psychiatric complex of negation of oneself and Creativity as such. And they are not much different than Scientologists or other cults of vicious exploitation and "achieving", down to the level of Herbalife.

Interestingly enough. Mr. Van Duyn in his speech states that the reason the "Illuminati" is so "strong" is because of their "perseverance", which translates simply into viciousness.

The very fact of "entering into an ecstasy of unity" with whatever or whomever does not necessarily mean AWARENESS, presence, SEEING. But rather means the diametrically opposite. ABSCENCE, BLINDNESS most profound, inherent fanaticism and self-denial.

Yes, the "blind" are forever looking for something outside of themselves as confirmation that Life "makes sense" and for self-affirmation. It is as if you are missing a certificate stating that you are real, and, quite often, not just merely "real" but even MORE real than others. As a consequence, they begin to imagine that they even have the right to attack others on the grounds that they consider themselves MORE real than others. Hence comes the religious fanaticism.

But the root of this lies in the fact that without this "certificate" from some "higher power" or "super-authority" they consider themselves inferior. Don't they? In other words, a simple and ordinary inferiority complex, which is the need to prove to others, and ultimately to oneself that you are "real" and not only "real", but even more "real" than others. "The treasure box is opened simply". - You are simply denying yourselves as you are, and in most cases because of zombification and programming of your minds from early childhood with the ideas of your "imperfections", supposedly inherent "wickedness", with the need to "struggle" and to strive to climb on the heads of others and control them and so on.

In this light, it is noteworthy to mention that zombification or programming of the mind among the "Illuminati" starts from early childhood, as described, for example, by the former "Illuminati" Svali, who was a regional head in the area of mind programming and zombification. Furthermore, this programming is conducted via most brutal methods, up to dramatizations of public killings and even real ritual murders of young children under age of seven being committed in the womb of Satan - the Vatican, with a ritual knife made of pure gold, as described by several authors.

For example, John Todd, a former witch or a "priest", a member "The Committee of 13", and a descendant of the Collins family, one of the 13 most powerful "Illuminati" families, as he describes himself, mentions only a small part of various satanic rituals. "Naturally", he was eventually killed, or rather, had "disappeared", and no one knows where he is. But the thing is, it is simply impossible to kill the Truth, regardless of the degree barbaric acts and atrocities committed by these madmen who began to imagine that they know something so "sacred" that mere "mortals" can not even begin to comprehend.

See: Who are the "Illuminati"?

Try to argue with someone who was called Mahasattva by none other than Osho, if you heard about him, and you probably had, because the prince of the House of Hanover was involved. And you, Mr. "Illuminati", as you are as such, compared to Osho, are not an authority of any kind as far as AWARENESS goes, and are nothing more than a pygmy, somewhere on the level of Ronald Regan, whom Osho loved to call a "gorilla", not to insult the pygmies or gorillas here, compared with which, incidentally, in terms of humaneness, the so-called "Illuminati" with all their "schemes" and all the occult knowledge are developed to the level of not higher than of an amoeba, even if it looks like too colorful of a way to describe it. But just to be blunt and for the picturesque aspect of it and to put things in proper perspective it seems something worthwhile.

Maha means "great", sattva means "purity", the most subtle level of being and expression, the highest aspect of the three Gunas, as known in India. Tamas - the dark, the gross matter; Raja - action, activity, also means "king", karma; and Sattva - the most subtle level, - awareness, consciousness.

And this gentleman, Mr. Van Duyn, is at the level of karma. Karma also means "action", activity, in other words - "vanity in vain". And therefore - BLIND. For he does not SEE the Source All-Pervading, even though he pretends he does, as the very notion of "Illuminati", the "illuminated one" means! According to Svali, they, you know, even have a complete system of zombification called "12 steps to enlightenment" which is nothing but delusion of delirium level. Because there are no steps and paths to enlightenment. These things are simply impossible, just as it was said by many great masters.

Enlightenment does not occur as a result of learning or reading thick books, or engaging in any kind of rituals, occult or otherwise, nor any kind of mental process or following some "bloodline dictates" or "plans", nor entering into some "ecstasy of unity". Because genuine ecstasy of unity is inherent in ALL forms of Life. It is ALL pervading, ALL encompassing, ALL inclusive, inherent in Life as such.

And, as mentioned in the New Testament, Jesus revealed the blindness of the Pharisees who studied the mountains of Talmudic Scribes or even Tora from morning to night, every single day. But, after all these studies, they could not win a single argument with him. Or could they?

Because no matter how much you study, no matter what "system" you have memorized and no matter how many books you read, there is no guarantee of enlightenment and there can not possibly be. In its very ESSENCE. Quite the contrary. The more you study and read, the more "blind" you get, at least from the standpoint of enlightenment, which you can not even dream about. Because to dream about something you need to know what to dream about. That's the story of "Illuminism" of Madame Blavatsky's kind.

Because SEEING is not a mental process of thinking or degree of "sophistication" of philosophers. Awakening has absolutely nothing to do with the mental exercises or "knowledge", and even more so with the ritual ecstasy of coming into contact with Lucifer or anyone else. That's the main stumbling block with enlightenment. It is not a process of mentation of reality. It is the DIRECT perception of it, outside and beyond the mental processes as such.

In a single word it can be described as AWARENESS or presence. You are in the moment, fully aware of everything that is going on and surrounding you.

These so-called "Illuminati" are not even be able to appreciate the essence of an act of Jiddu Krishnamurti when he refused the "crown of the leader of mankind", at the time of his inauguration, for which he has been prepared and received the most intense education as sponsored by Blavatsky (Blavatskaya).

And Krishnamurti, after receiving the education of the highest level imaginable, and from the highest level privately hired professors, and studying the occult, theosophy, theology, and anything imaginable, simply rejected all the occult and theosophy, created by Madame Blavatsky, and even more so, never even mentioned it in his lectures and books. Which means that he rejected it all so flatly, that he would not be willing to even mention it as something deserving his attention. And Krishnamurti was considered by some as the greatest one of the 20th century at least. In fact, it is precisely Krishnamurti who coined the term "awareness".

And these "Illuminati", compared to Blavatsky, are not even "advanced" enough to be called Pygmies. To them she is considered to be like a "goddess" or a "prophet". And what is interesting about her is the fact that she was trying to restore "justice" in relation to Lucifer. Because she alleged that he and his work of presentation of a "catalyst" for the development of intelligence on this planet (in the form of "negative approach") has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. Exactly the same ideas as pursued by the "Illuminati", peddling their ideology and doctrine of the "struggle between good and evil" in the name of "development of Intelligence".

And so everything related to all these subjects is so twisted and made so complicated that, as they say, "even the devil himself will brake his leg!". Even a book is not enough, to disassemble it all and sort it out on the shelves.

And this is how the question stands about the so-called "Illuminati" and all the mayhem associated with them.

Another interesting thing about this all is that, as stated by Svali, who was a hereditary "Illuminati" since her early childhood, quite a few high level "Illuminati" eventually realized all the evil perpetrated by them and would like to get out of this cult and sect. But they are afraid that they will be destroyed, and in quite literal terms.

And that is why there exists a split within the "Illuminati", even though it is not visible on the surface. And this split is bound to eventually reach its climax. That is simply inevitable. Because blindness is limited, both in time and in space, and in other aspects, and it can only exist in complete secrecy and suppression of information which is simply impossible nowadays. And therefore, their days are numbered, and by the inevitable necessity.

And that is why the "Illuminati" Hillary Clinton told Mr. Van Duyn, that all this "brewing and fermenting among the people" has turned into a flood now, an avalanche. The dissent and revolt in the U.S. and the EU is brewing and they are bursting at the seams, and the very idea of the NWO (the so-called "New World Order") is crumbling before our eyes. And many of these "lords" and "masters" are not really glad that they have gotten themselves into this venture.

Because today stands the question of "condemnation" of all the collaborators. And this condemnation means death to most of them - all those who still refuse to recognize their wickedness and evil nature of their schemes, motives and actions.

Because "condemnation" on the subtle planes, means turning off the Vital Energy of the Source, after which they turn into a soap bubble that can be pierced even by a mosquito. ZERO Energy. And in order to even take a breath one needs energy!

Because their time is up. Now came the time to sum up the chips on the table of the so-called "negative approach" of Lucifer and pay all the bills for all their deeds and thoughts that brought humanity into the territory of darkness and despair.

But unfortunately, just as we can see from this speech, they are still in denial and keep trying to justify all the evil as something "good". Sure, you can justify almost anything, even a murder. And sure, even a murderer has his "reasons" and, like they say "the way you talk you are right". But there is a "but" to this story, and that but is called Truth, which you can not avoid no matter what you do and no matter who you are.

For to destroy the Truth is impossible, and so is impossible to stop it. Ultimately, there remains only Truth, even from the standpoint of the very "negative approach" of Lucifer.

"The disease of becoming"

In India, there is such a notion as a "desease of becoming". And this is the finest point, so fine, that even to invent something finer is not possible.

So, what is "disease of becoming"? Well, it is a never-ending process of "improving" who or what you are. In the "western world" it is called "progress." It would seem that: "great, this is the very essence of life." But let's not jump to conclusions.

First of all, where did this "disease" come from? Well, it originated from zombification of your minds from the cradle! Everyone wants to "survive"! Don't they? And in order to "survive" what is necessary? - Well, for that it is necessary to constantly "improve oneself" as if you were a broken gramophone, which must be constantly repaired. Whoever and whatever you were, it never seems enough. And so ad infinitum!

To achieve, to conquer, to control and submit everyone and everything, and this list goes on.

But why is it necessary?

Well, because no matter who you really are you are "imperfect" and must forever be "improved upon", to "broaden and deepen" who you are. Is not it the case?

You were taught from the cradle, and by your own parents, that you need to be "stronger", "smarter", more "educated" than others. Otherwise you will not be able to "survive" in this world of evil, where everyone is trying to climb on the top of heads of others and drum on them, "controlling the situation."

And it all looks quite understandable. It is not for nothing they say: "better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick." And this is precisely a trap "for the souls of men."

Because what you get as a result is that you are being wound up by your "teachers" of various kinds, or all sorts of figures and "authorities", constantly zombifying your minds with the ideas that you supposedly have to constantly keep "running out of your skin" to "achieve" something. And your minds are being wound up with the ideas of "the harder - the better." And you begin to "plow like Papa Carlo", from morning to night and every single day, "achieving" something.

As a result, you are forever in the state of becoming something that you are not.

And you are told: run faster, work harder and keep running out of your skin to become something that can "break through", "break out" of some bondage and "survive" in this "rat race". Aren't you?

That is, the hard work is, ostensibly, the "virtue" of some kind. And have you ever thought that all of it was just invented and specifically in order to squeeze all your juices out of you and to suck out all your vital energy, so you never, under any circumstances, would have enough of energy just to look at this whole "madhouse" and ask yourself this simple question: "excuse me, but why is all this necessary and for WHOM?" - For me? - Well, "the hell with" these pleasures of achieving something which I do not really know, but merely repeat, like some zombie, a program in my mind. What do I need it for?

Moreover, it is interesting that even creative people say "The most important thing is HEAVY, titanic and even hellish work." That, they say, will make you a "genius"! What a trip! Even the needle runs off the scale.

But you are hardly ever told: relax son, "if you rush you will simply make a fool of yourself". Where do you have to run, except from yourself? People think that they are running AFTER something, but they are running FROM something - from themselves! And not even suspecting it and thinking that they are constantly "improving" themselves. After all, just look, for example, at all the "stars" on the stage. It seems like "perfection" itself!

They always seem to be "happy," laughing like horses, forever smiling with their plastic smiles and being dressed in all sorts of "far out" dresses and drive expensive cars which are driven by the kings and queens ... What could be more "perfect" and "happier"? And very few even realize that it is all fake and their smiles disappear as soon as they walk behind the curtain on a stage.

And most of it is just a part of this fake "be positive" trip of guilt and inferiority creation program of controlling "the herd". Not that positivity and joy is something fake, but it is a RESULT, not the cause. And it is a result of SEEING that Life, no matter how you look at it and who you are is something grand and it forever gives you all sorts of opportunities to continue your experimentation and seeking for that which you really are, which is joy and Love and appreciation of the very opportunity to be. But it can not be IMPOSED upon you, like something given.

And very few people even notice that the smiles of these "stars" are made of plastic, like everything else associated with them, and does not reflect anything real. Look at them on the stage in front of the "mob" and then look at them when they go behind the curtains. That is where you'll see the hell itself, if you ever visited backstage.

They demon-strate you one thing, but in their minds there is something entirely different. Because they are hypocrites made out of plastic, throwing their lives left and right, as if "the whole world is hell and everyone's a bitch". Except of themselves, of course ...

But you are simply "being had". All your Life juices are being sucked out of you so you remain blind and never have the opportunity to SEE, and instead, would always be busy and "kept working like a dog", for the benefit and in the name of - you know who, right? But not for your own!

Yes, indeed, Life is a continuous process of learning something "higher" than what you are at any given moment. That is the very stimuli to BE. And joy is inherent in it once you realize the harmonious aspects of it. Because it all "works" no matter what.

But there is a small and almost imperceptible detail. You begin to DENY that which you are, and you are that very BEST that you can be at that moment. Otherwise, if you could be "better" would not you? Everyone, even criminal, is the best of what he might be at the moment. And if he COULD be "better", would not he even try? And how do you even compare "better" to "worse"?

How do you know that something is "better" than something else? Well, you need to have some system of value, which is what morality is. And where did morality come from? Well, it came from religion. And what is religion? Well, for the most part a system of belief and fanaticism, rooted in ego gratification, which, in turn, is rooted in self-denial. Again, the same thing.

And why is religion so powerful? Well, because it can not be disproven. Yes, it can not be proven either, but still, you can not disprove it. So, the priests tell you that there are "holy books". And what is "holy books"? Well, something beyond argumentation, which, allegedly, came from the "higher" sources and all sorts of prophets and seers. And, since it is presented as a "word of God", how can you argue it?

And so, your morality is born out of fiction. Yes, indeed, there ARE some tremendous insights in at least some of those scriptures. But you have to verify the validity of it and not merely take is on blind faith like some "ultimate" in reality.

The end result of this is that, if you look at it with your own eyes and ask yourself a question "but do I really KNOW this"? The answer will be obvious if you are honest to yourself. You DON'T know it! You have merely accepted someone else's words and that is "the bottom line". But you have not SEEN much of it, if anything at all.

The thing is that you are that which is limited by your perception, concepts and programs with which your mind was programmed. For a child, it is fun just to run around and chase the butterflies or pigeons. But would a grown man to do it? And so is with everything else.

In other words, each person has his own personal context, his personal interests and his own unique set of qualities, through which he perceives the world and how it looks to him. And each is unique. There exists no two identical men in the whole world in terms of their interests and "progress", knowledge, etc. etc. You can not even find two identical grains of sand in a desert, as with snow flakes.

And, therefore, there exists no universal recipe of "right". Perhaps the sole criterion for such a recipe is life-affirmation. As long as you affirm, recognize and accept Life itself, you can not do things that are not good. Because life-affirmation is that very initial stimulus to BE for Intelligence Itself. After all, why be?

And if you recognize, affirm and are contributing to Life itself, then how can you become insensitive to other manifestations of Life and to others? - And there is no way to do so, don't you realize this? Because it is simply impossible. If you are sensitive to Life as such, how can you deny the interests and aspirations of others? After all, they might as well do the same thing to you as you do to them!

For it is not for no reason it was said in the New Testament the name of Jesus:

Do unto others what you want them to do to yourself!

And this is also known as the law of Karma. And the law of karma is the law of balance of Life itself. Every action has consequences and any misunderstanding needs to be clarified so that the state of Harmony could be maintained, which is an affirmation of Life as such.

Otherwise, the Intelligence can not evolve and such a notion as Truth simply will lose its meaning.

Karma does not mean punishment, as many people think. It means that you still have not learned a lesson which you need to learn in order to understand and, more precisely, SEE the very essence of it. And if you still do not see life-denying consequences of your actions, the lesson will be repeated again and again, and until you SEE the very ESSENCE of it, and that which was life-destroying before, becomes Harmonious, and thus Life-affirming.

Hence the notion of the "wheel of karma", which will repeat the same thing again and again and again. Until it has been learned and SEEN for what it is.

And that is why karma is the law of Balance and there is no way to win over it. It is the absolute inevitability which you will not be able to get around, no matter what you do.

Because blindness can not "win", "eventually". And this is the the very essence of the "negative approach". It, in fact, states: "Deny, deny and deny, and deny everything. And the more and the faster you deny the more inevitably you come closer to the Truth. Because "eventually" there can be nothing but the Truth, or, which is the most important sutra of Jain religions of India, known as Tattvartha Sutra, which states:

"The Truth is that which IS!"

That which is in reality and not in accordance to your "concepts", notions, representations or delusions. In this sense, Truth is absolute, and the absolute can not be an individual. Otherwise it is not an absolute, but a special case.

Thus, whatever you do and wherever you wanted to go, "eventually" what will be left is the Truth. Truth can not degrade or disappear. Only lies, or rather, blindness may disappear.

So, the very essence "of the disease becoming" is, in essence, self-negation. Negation of that which you ARE. And it is also a "struggle", the struggle with that which you ARE at the moment, regardless of your "limitations" and a degree of "perfection".

Because at any time you are a "perfection". The only thing which is "required" from you, or, more precisely, is necessary for you to do, is to become AWARE and ACCEPT yourself, as you are. Because when the time comes for the fruit to ripen, it matures by itself, without any "Illuminati" or "lords" pointing you "the way". Ripening of the fruit is a natural process. And denying yourself can only slow down the process, and nothing more.

The very idea of self-denial is an absurd, and illusion. Because the Intelligence is "perfect" at any given time, regardless of anything. And all of you, without exception, are the manifestations, expressions of Intelligence, but purely individualized. And in this there is Joy, and not the sorrow of illusion!

You ARE, which is undeniable FACT, undeniable by anything. And precisely because you are, there is a certain sense in it. Otherwise you would not be. Which means that you just need to find the "cause" or a "reason" of that manifestation of the Intelligence, which makes your uniqueness having some meaning, some sense. And the meaning is always there. Otherwise, life itself would have ceased, and a long time ago, so long ago that even to imagine such a thing does not seem quite possible.

In other words, "disease of becoming" means that you are never happy with who you are. And at the very root of it lies the "fear of survival." Because this is how you were zombified and programmed since your childhood. It is as if Life is a never-ending war!!! And you eternally need to "conquer" and to "achieve" to eventually become "better" than what you truly are. Isn't it the case?

And this is the disease, and perhaps the most fatal to your being. Because it creates self-denial and eternal struggle with that which IS.

Because instead of growing, which is quite a natural tendency, and yearning, you go to war, and, strangely enough, with yourself! Where did this idea of ​​"unity and struggle of the opposites" come from that is the root of all evil?

Thus, instead of to enjoying Life and REALIZING that you, AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT, are that very best that you can be at this point, you begin to grieve over your own "imperfections", not even talking about others. Because if you deny yourself that which you are, and even in the best of intentions, then you will INEVITABLY deny the others.

As a result, you loose your ability to ENJOY the Grandness of Life itself and deny that Godly spark within you, and, instead of smiling all day long and being happy just to be and appreciative of all the opportunities presented to you, you begin to condemn, and to condemn that which you ARE.

And once you do that, you begin to seek the ways to condemn the others and everything, just as a means of a "revenge" of perverted kind. For if you are not as "good" as you think you "SHOULD" be, then the others must be even worse than you. Otherwise, you sensitive ego hurts. What a trip!

And this is precisely what the "Illuminati" are with their "negative approach" of "eternal fight" "between good and evil" which in itself is EVIL, and of the most treacherous and sophisticated kind.

Mr. Van Duyn brags about the "Illuminati" "power" and "might" being the result of their perseverance, but, most likely, he does not even realize that it is not just "perseverance". It is a STRUGGLE! Because if perseverance is a result of your inner earning out of pure Joy of being able to express the Creativity then it is something natural and not disharmonious. But "perseverance" out of desire to control, dominate and impose YOUR views and ideas on others is a totally different matter. In essence, it is nothing more than creation of hell, disharmony, and violence is simply inevitable as a result.

"That is all there is to it".


Date: 2016-01-14; view: 827

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