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Quot;No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize" ...

Here's a pretty interesting thing that has, one might say, a "stunning effect":

"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".

First of all, it should be noted that the very idea of ​​"no one dares to criticize us" is a psychiatric pathology - the highest form of intolerance and a complete denial of everything else. Only the truly sick people or servants of evil are able to say such a thing.

Of course, if they are merely corrupt puppets of the "Illuminati" it is possible to say such a thing. But then it turns out that the whole world is rotten to an extent beyond comprehension. Then the question arises: How did it happen, that even KINGS and "presidents" sold their souls? Was it not a result of the ultimatum: either you do what you are told, or jump from the roof of a skyscraper, so you don't to suffer long and hard? Because if you refuse us, than what will be left of you is nothing even worth mentioning, as it happened with Yanukovych in Ukraine and too many others who said "no" to these forces of darkness and "wolves in sheep's clothes".

Because no one in this world is the "supreme authority". Because it is a contextual issue. Everything depends on unimaginably large number of parameters, aspects, preferences and situations. And it also depends on the individual needs of a particular individual at the moment, which, as of unavoidable necessity, is different from the needs and the way of development and evolving of other entities. It is not for no reason they say "to each his own". Young fruit needs water, and to the mature fruit water may only hurt. Children need milk but not the elderly. And so with everything else, whoever you might be.

Moreover, it is a sign of weakness, rather than strength. Because the strong man has nothing to fear in criticism. Because through the criticism you have a chance to look at yourself and your mistakes in perception and blindness from the outside of yourself, from a certain distance, from a different angle and different perception and, thereby, see the very essence of your misconceptions, misunderstanding and blindness.

Denial and even more so, the strict ban, and under the threat of violence, is perhaps the most horrible disease of all - disease which stands against Life itself. Because the very Life is a process of growth and development, regardless of your level or degree of "advancement" or "sophistication", "elitism" or "perfection." And this is the very essence of Creativity - eternal SEEing and becoming AWARE of more and more aspects that, by the inevitable necessary, were not previously available to you.

And therefore, to deny the criticism is to deny Life itself, as such. And this is also a dead end. Such beings are not able to develop any further, at least for as long as they do not realize the futility of the approach of denial of ones own limitations.

Furthermore, to hold on to whatever in this world is the futility, as is trying to elevate oneself to the throne of some "ruler of the world", who is the only one among all who "knows" something. The question arises: what precisely does he or they know, at least outside of violence and the imposition of certain doctrines upon all others? Do they know this:

All you have in your hands is dust and nothing but the dust, no matter how "great" you would consider yourself to be.

And the name of this law - the Law of illusion. Law of futility of primitive intelligence, which has lost its contact with the Source.

And if they did not know it, so let them know. For this is a Will and the Law. The Law, which stands outside of all the laws they known. The Law of Life.

And perhaps the most significant aspect of this idea of ​​"no one dares to criticize us" is the fact that this formula no longer works. Those times are gone. Because it is simply impossible in the information terms. Yes, for as long as the forces of evil and global domination and parasitism were able destroy and suppress the information, kill the authors, purchase and burn the whole editions and close or buy out the publishers, that is, could completely control the information streams, they were able "get away with it" because people did not really know of anything real.

But today we live in a different world and the information can no longer be suppressed and destroyed because it is simply impossible, and for purely technical reasons. Moreover, all that unique information, which they thought they destroyed, suddenly, "out of nowhere" surfaced on the very surface, and even more than that, it has emerged in such a way that the original information achieved power and might never seen before, which is a fact and not some "conspiracy theory" as they love to classify things in order to delude people.

And, even if they continue to kill the authors, to eliminate the reporters and shut the mouths of all those who were able to get to the truth, or close down the entire publications, it will not work. Because today, as soon as new information or a new view at the conglomeration of existing information comes to light, it becomes immortal. It will no longer be possible to destroy and even prevent its spread, and again, for purely technical reasons.

The information can no longer be destroyed or suppressed, no matter how many "laws" they enact trying to stamp some "evil" label on it. And more than that, every human being has the BASIC RIGHT to receive the information of his choosing and no government or power of any kind has the right to prohibit of interfere with access to the information, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Basic Human Rights, articles 18, 19 and 30. And, mind you, BASIC Human Rights and not some luxury!

Article 18.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Article 19.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Article 30.

"Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."


Yes, nowadays no one even mentions this declaration, like it does not exist, and many governments around the world have enacted the "laws" that clearly violate this Declaration, which is an exercise in futility.

Even if they close down or block the whole websites, and globally, as they are currently attempting to do all over the world, frantically creating piles of so-called "laws" allegedly in the name of "fighting terrorism", "extremism" and other isms, they are constantly inventing as they go, it will not work. And again, for purely technical reasons.

And this could be the reason why Mr. Van Duyn stated that "our new enemy is the media". Because that was quite a remarkable of a statement in the light that they claim to control the whole world, and yet, for some strange reason, they claim the media is their "new enemy", which implies that they do not and can not control it. How could this be the case if they own and control everything and everyone, top to bottom, via their agents or "agentur" as they are called in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? So, we are yet to see the meaning of "our new enemy - the media".

Because the new technologies have emerged "out of nowhere", which are able to assure that you can have a complete and up-to-date information from any site, even if it is blocked worldwide. These technologies are called "Sync", which means that your personal computer or cell phone is always "in sync" and has the latest and most complete information from some site regardless of whether is is blocked. And it is possible, even today, with the help, for example, of such programs as BTSync, Syncthing, Tahoe LAFS or Hive2Hive . For example:

BTSync Detailed User Guide

And so, Mr. Van Duyn, the "Illuminati" and ZioNazi "banking Mafia" - THE TIME HAS COME TO WAKE UP TO REALITY OF THAT WHICH IS ...

And so, let us get started, ladies and gentlemen in the jury ...

Firstly, Mr. Van Duyn, whether he realizes it or not, thus recognizes the responsibility of the Bilderbergers as well as his personal, for all the chaos created in the world and rivers of blood spilled "under their attentive guidance". And these things mean that he and they shall be condemned at the highest level. And a "condemnation" at this level means either death or complete annihilation. And he should know about such consequences, and he knows really well what means "condemnation."

Thus, he acknowledges that this grand secret plot to take over the world is but a criminal scheme, and nothing more than that. Yes, it is precisely a conspiracy. And the consequences for them will be something they are not very likely to even comprehend. Because they voluntarily surrendered their souls to evil. Evil, no matter how "powerful" it may seem, is not capable of conquering and ceasing the human essence. Such is simply impossible, as they are beginning to realize.

Secondly, in this statement Mr. Van Duyn admits that he is a fanatical dictator who does not tolerate absolutely anything outside of what was programmed into his mentally ill mind.

" 98% of those who accumulated capital and power become psychopaths, hunting after millions of us, and killing, remaining seemingly charming while relating to others, with sudden viciousness."

One trillion dollars worth are the Rockefellers, 500 trillion are Rothschilds.

98% накопивших капитал и власть становятся психопатами
Психиатр консультант ФБР по психопатии Д-р наук Роберт Харе (Dr. Robert Hare, Phd.)
[Идет война Народная - Информационная война ]

Here's more:

Robert Hare, professor of psychology at the University of Vancouver, is considered to be one of the world's foremost experts in the study of psychopathy. He estimates that about 1% of the population are psychopaths. "Psychopaths use superficial charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and satisfy their own selfish needs," he says. "They lack conscience and feelings for others, cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest guilt or regret."

In the go-getting, ruthless world of modern business, such personal qualities are often valued and encouraged.

The result? A psychopath who stays on the right side of the law can go far, charming and manipulating their way to the top of the career ladder and treading on those in their way. "These individuals are every bit as egocentric, callous and manipulative as the average criminal psychopath," says Robert Hare. "However, their intelligence, family background, social skills and circumstances permit them to construct a facade of normalcy and to get what they want with relative impunity."

Psycho bosses on the loose
Are you in their line of fire?

And the world can not evolve in an environment of heavy-handed dictatorship of fanatics, inevitably and forever "cutting off the oxygen" to everyone else. Under the conditions of dictatorship there appear degenerative and deformed entities whose minds are no longer functioning independently, but instead eternally rely upon the dictates and slogans of their puppeteers.

The end result is a sick world. And all this talk about an alleged "catalyst for the development of the mind" via "unity and struggle of the opposites" is a lie and a distortion of the Truth itself. Because no good of any kind may come out of evil. And that is why it was said:

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 968

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