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Comments to the William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. 2014

In the opening speech of William C. Van Duyn most notable and significant moments having far-reaching consequences can be denoted as follows:

The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government..

Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy: the Media.

... No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes.

And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati.

It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy...

Bilderberg Meeting is tool of the Illuminati. It runs because of the Illuminati. Bilderberg is the strongest and most powerful association, the perfect concept for sound economic security, by keeping the world order in shape, and the initiator of mankind in the age of reason.

William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. 2014

The speech of William C. Van Duyn deserves a thorough analysis and for many reasons. Because it may shed some light on the most key points and concepts of the entire "negative approach to stimulate development of the intelligence" presented by "spiritual priest" of the "ruling dynasty" Lucifer, who called himself the "Hidden hand".

Revelation from the "Group soul" - Lucifer made by "The Hidden Hand"

Mr. Van Duyn, whether he knows it or not, but at least it seems that he THINKS he knows, is an obedient puppet in the hands of "the ruling dynasty" of Lucifer, at least according to their interpretation. And, as "Hidden hand" puts it, they let these puppets do anything they like for as long as they follow the orders and commandments as to what "the Lucifer ruling dynasty" wants to be done. And the essence of all the actions of the so-called Illuminati is a direct consequence of the satanic ideology taking over the planet as described, for example in "The Urantia Book":

Lucifer rebellion (The Urantia Book, Paper 53)

Let's look at, perhaps, the most significant moments in all these passionate speeches of these so called "rulers of the world" who imagined that they know something unknowable by others.

First of all, it has been said, and this is the KEY point:

"Blind leading the blind - shall fall into a pit".

Most respected by the so-called "elites" Mr. Van Duyn in his speech presents himself as a kind of "leader of mankind" or at least one of them. He accuses others of messianism, but he himself, in the very depths of his, behaves exactly the same way as any dictator, if not a tyrant, and all of them have some "mission" of one kind or another, with all due respect to his colorful words, ideas and appeals in the name and on behalf of good.

He began to imagine that he has "the answers to all the questions and problems of the world" and his "mission" is to "lead" humanity to some amorphous "bright future". But he thus denies the very essence of Life, and that is Creative potential and a processes inherent and available to all, and not only to a certain "elite" of "leaders," as he puts himself here, even though, it is at least conceivable, without bad intent.

And it is quite a hidden and unconscious tendency in ANY "elite" - to exhibit oneself in the position of some know-it-all, to whom "Truth" is available, but which is inaccessible to others - the "mortals."

It is as though the very creativity and the ability to find solutions and options for development is available and belongs only to them - "the lords of this world" at least as they think they are.

But Creativity is available to ALL without exception. And it is not necessarily associated with art, science, etc. It can be seen in the most simple and seemingly "ordinary" matters, such as working in one's own garden or a kitchen or even digging a pit. Because Creativity is ALL-pervading, by its very nature and is available to all those who wish and dare to claim it.

Moreover, the problems and issues of development of humanity and a progress of Intelligence is possible only when creative process involves all who have the interest and desire. Because this is precisely how intelligence develops and enlarges itself. Intelligence, for the inevitable and inherent necessity, seeks for diversity and expansion of all the aspects and manifestations. And that is why in Nature there exists indescribable variety and diversity of manifestations and types. For it is the very ESSENCE of life itself.

Life and intelligence does not seek to achieve some standardized "ideal" which all are required to follow and submit to. Otherwise, and inevitably, the end result would be a machine, a robot-like creature, a mechanical object performing some function for the benefit and in the interests of some puppeteers, who imagined themselves to be some "lords" and "guides" of all kinds.

And that is why the mankind is in such a desperate and miserable condition. Because those blind "lords", who imagined about themselves more than their eyes allow them to see, just grabbed all the key areas of influence, activity and resources. Because, and inherently, they are tyrants and dictators who seized everything and began to impose their inherently limited point of view on all. And thus they repress and suppress anything and everything that does not come from and is not concocted by themselves!

Because their intolerance blinds their eyes, and little do they know that the very roots of that intolerance is not "superiority" over others, but just the other way around - the "inferiority complex" and self-denial, as strange as it may sound. Because genuinely strong individual has nothing to "prove" to anyone. Because he knows deep inside that he IS valid regardless of the opinions of others about him.

And eventually, they began to impose their ideas on everyone and have all the channels shut, zombifying people's minds with their limited ideology, which is fundamentally an ideology of evil and has nothing to do with "Illuminism" or "enlightenment".

For one thing the enlightened person will never join ANY cult regardless of its kind or its influence and "might". For what would he do that? He is "enough unto himself". He needs no approval from anyone. He is satisfied with what and who he is at any given moment and in any situation, regardless. Even in the most difficult situations, he knows that "this too shalt pass".

It is only the blind who join all sorts of cults or "elitist" "societies" or "brotherhoods" of all kinds.

Because the enlightened one always stands alone. Because he is enough onto himself and needs no external "support" or some group to unite with in order to achieve some goals.

The "Illuminati," as they call themselves, do not possess that which they claim, the Light. They are nothing more than impostors, impersonators and pretenders of that, which they know not - the enlightenment.

They are just as blind as others, with the only difference of their desire to climb atop of all the heads and drum upon them, imposing and dictating their doctrine on others. And for their OWN gainful goals and their own insidious ideas of serving their own individual selves and their own interests, but not "ours". "We" for them means the innermost circle of grand conspiracy - circle of the "masters" and "lords of the world."

The very structure of the "Illuminati" secret society is conceived precisely as set of concentric circles of "influence" and "might". The "initiated" ones, who just entered this conspiracy, belong to the outmost circle - the "clueless". They are told all sorts of lies about "good" and they merely believe it, just as Albert Pike described the Blue Lodge degrees for example. The first three degrees, called the "Blue Lodge" are for the complete fools. Even the higher degrees, up to 16th, they are all lead by their noses with lies about the "good". Only in the 17th degree they are disclosed the "truth", and, for the first time, they tell all those fools that their "god" is Lucifer.

So, any mason of all the degrees starting with 17th, no matter what color or creed, is a Luciferian, and in the highest degrees, they are pure grade satanists, perverts and sadomasochists and they "worship" evil, and of the pure grade.

As they "progress", they enter into the more and more "inner circles" and at some point they are told "our god is Lucifer". And those in the innermost circle are pure grade Luciferian satanists controlling all and everything and imposing their will upon all and destroying all and everything that does not fit their agenda, which is evil in its purest form no matter what kind of sweet words they tell others. And this has been stated by some former "Illuminati" some of whom where born into the "Illuminati" bloodlines, such, for example, as Svali, John Todd of the Collins bloodline and others.

The key words here are "POWER" and "control". And that is why those who called themselves the "insiders" declare themselves "the ruling dynasty" of this planet who stand above the Rothschilds and Baruchs. EXACTLY the same thing Mr. Van Duyn does in his fiery speech. And if you look closely, you will see that they are not alone in this desire for "power" over all and everything. Because power is the highest "value" of the material world, which stands even above the money.

A desire and yearning for power, is perhaps the most insidious of all diseases - a disease of the soul and of one's essence. And that is why power - like a worm, eats you away from within.

And no, they are not the philanthropists or "good doers" of ANY kind, no matter how much they pretend to be or justify it in their minds. First of all, the Good can not be created in secrecy, without the participation of humanity as such. Only evil can be done in secrecy and without the participation of others.

Mr. Van Duyn claims in his speech that they supposedly work for the sake of some "bright future of mankind". But the bright future can not be created by those who have blood on their hands up to the elbows and who, in the name "negative approach" of Lucifer, have created so much evil that there exists no library big enough to describe it all.

And they lead mankind into the pit and tyranny, whether they know it or not. The very "negative approach" allegedly to "stimulate the growth of Intelligence" is no more than a revolt against the direct and positive approach of direct perception and awareness of who you ARE, and not that which you are NOT. And that is precisely the difference between Satanism and evil and genuine development of Intelligence and the very essence of Life, not death, which they subconsciously and intuitively seek, knowing that the end result of all their acts, deeds and thoughts will be self-destruction, as stated by hereditary Talmudist and Satanist Karl Marx.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 972

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