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For finding roots of algebraic and transcendental equations

Method Initial Guesses Convergence Rate Stability Accuracy Breadth of Application Comments
Graphical - - - Poor Real roots May take more time than the numerical method
Bisection Slow Always Good Real roots  
Secant Medium to fast Possibly divergent Good General Initial guesses do not have to bracket the root
False-position Medium Always Good Real roots  
Newton-Raphson Fast Possibly divergent Good General Requires evaluation of f¢(x)
Newton-Raphson for Nonlinear Systems of Equations n Fast Often diverge if the initial guesses are not sufficiently close to the true roots Good General Requires evaluation of J(x)

TABLE 4.2 Summary of important information


Method Formulation Errors and Stopping Criteria
Bisection or
Secant or
False Position ; if or
Newton-Raphson or
Newton-Raphson for Nonlinear Systems of Equations

Example 1

Determine the real root of :


b)Using the bisection method (three iterations).

c)Using the secant method (three iterations).

d)Using the false position method (three iterations).

e)Using the Newton-Raphson method (three iterations).

Solution. a)The graphical approach for determining the roots of an equation.

x f(x)
0.1 0.804837
0.2 0.618731
0.3 0.440818
0.4 0.27032
0.5 0.106531
0.6 -0.05119
0.7 -0.20341
0.8 -0.35067
0.9 -0.49343

The root is .

b)Bisection method.

Using bisection, the results can be summarized as

Iteration, i ai bi xi f(ai) f(bi) f(xi)
0.5 -0.63212 0.106531
0.5 0.75 0.106531 -0.63212 -0.277633
0.5 0.75 0.625 0.106531 -0.277633 -0.089738
0.5 0.625 0.5625 0.106531 -0.089738 0.007283

Thus, after three iterations the root is x » 0.5625, f(x) = 0.007283 @ 0, .

c)Secant method.

Use the secant method to find the root with initial estimates of and .

First iteration:

Second iteration:

Note that both estimates are now on the same side of the root.

Third iteration:

d)False position method.

Use the false position method with guesses of a0 = 0 and b0 = 1.

First iteration:

Second iteration:

Therefore, the root lies in the first subinterval, and p1 becomes:


Third iteration: .

Therefore, the root lies in the first subinterval:

e)Newton-Raphson method.

The first derivative of the function can be evaluated as

which can be substituted along with the original function into equation (see table 4.2) to give:


Starting with an initial guess of x0 = 1, this iterative equation can be applied to compute

i xi f(xi) ea, %
0.537883 0.0461 85.9
0.566987 0.000245 5.1
0.567143 4.541×10-8 2.8×10-2

Thus, the method rapidly converges on the true root.

Notice that the percent relative error decreases at each iteration much faster than it does in another methods.

Example 2

Use the Newton-Raphson method for nonlinear system to determine the roots of equations:

Solution. Graphical method gives us solution (point): M(1.2; 1.7). For this system Jacobian matrix is


Hence, at the initial guesses we approximated roots as

then .

First iteration:

Thus, the determinant of the Jacobian for the first iteration is . The values of the functions can be evaluated at the initial guesses as .

Hence, . From the formula:

Check, how the results are converging to the true values:



Second iteration:

Repeat this process and we will have

The computation can be repeated until an acceptable accuracy is obtained.




1. Determine the real roots of : (a)graphically, (b)using the Newton-Raphson method, and (c)using the secant method. Compare and discuss the rate of convergence.

2. Locate the first positive root of . Use four iterations of (a)the bisection method, and (b)the false position method. Discuss and also perform an error check of your final answer.

3. Determine the roots of the nonlinear system of equations using the Newton-Raphson method:

Use graphical approach to obtain your initial guesses. Discuss and estimate the rate of convergence.


Date: 2016-01-14; view: 919

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