| Task 4. The differentiating properties of corynebacteriaTYPE OF DIFFERENTIATION OF DIPHTHERIA BACILLI
| Morphology
| Usually short rods, with uniform staining, few or no granules. Some degree of pleomorphism, with irregularly barred, snow-shoe and tear-drop forms
| Long barred fixms witli clubbed ends; poor granulation, very pleomorphic
| Long, curved, pleomorphic rods
with prominent granules
| Colony on tellurite
blood agar
| In 18 hours, colony is 1 -2 mm in size, with greyish black center, paler, semiranslucent peniphery and commencing crenation of edge. In 2-3 days, 3-5 mm in size, flat colony with raised dark center and crenated edge with radial striation -"daisy head" colony
| 18 hour colony small, 1 mm in size, misty. Does not enlarge in 48 hours, dull granular center with smoother, more glistening periphery and a lighter ring near the edge—"frog‘s egg” colony
| Size variable, black. In 2-3 days, colonies become flat, with a central elevation "poached egg” colony
| Consistency of
| Like "cold margarine", britle, moves as a whole on the plate, not easily picked out or emulsifiable
| Intemiediate between gravis and mitis
| Soft buttery, easily emulsifiable
| Hemolysis
| Variable
| Nonhemolytic
| Usually hemolytic
| Grow th in broth
| Surface pellicle, granular deposit, little or no
| Turbidity in 24 hours, clearing in 48 hours, with fine granular sediment
| Diffuse turbidity with soft pellicle later
| Glycogen aid starch
| Positive
| Negative
| Negative
| Task 5. Test at cistinase (Pizy test)
In the column of gelose with cistin by a prick sow the studied culture and put a test tube in a thermostat. In 1 day a medium is blaking on motion a prick, on the depth of 1 cm view a brown «cloud» appears from a surface. Difteroidy does not form a «cloud».
Task 6. Test at urease (Zaksa test)
Determination of urease is made sowing on media with urea. As an indicator in a nutrient media, bring in phenolic red. A nutrient medium with culture Corynebacterium spp. put on 30 minutes in a thermostat (37°C). For this time an urea fissions with formation of ammonia and an medium becomes red (a test is positive, because ðÍ changes).
Task 7. The indirect hemagglutination test determine the antitoxin antibodies concentration in blood serum. It is made according to the formula: X=10*A/B, where X is content of diphtheria antitoxin in assayed serum (IU), 10- titer of control serum (IU/ml), A - maximal dilution of assayed serum with positive result, B - maximal dilution of control serum with positive result.
Task 8.
B. pertussis is small, coccoid, nonmotile, Gram-negative rods.
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1983