Seminar 6. Liquidation of serfdom - The emancipation of the serfs.
- The difference between the liquidation of serfdom in Ukraine and Russia.
- The attitude of the peasants to the reform
- Other reforms.
- The significance of the reforms.
- The similarities and differences between the reforms introduced by the Australian and Russian Empires in 1848 and in 1861.
- The policy of the tsarist government towards Ukraine. Petr Valuev Ukaz. The Ems Ukaz.
- Hromady and their role in the development of the movement for the liberation of Ukraine. M.Dragomarov.
to expend
| areas under crops
| to invade/invaders
| to break into
| to fight loyally
| the overthrow of autocratic rule
| to abolish
| council
| death penalty
| trade route
| revolt, uprising
Tasks for individual work
1. What was the Crimean War of 1854 for Ukraine.
2. What are the factors that influenced the abolition of serfdom.
3. What was the attitude of Landlords towards the land reform?
4. What was peasant’s attitude towards the reform.
Compulsory literature:
1. Orest Subtelny History of Ukraine. – New York 1990p. 256-258
Seminar 7. Ukraine in the period of the Ukrainian state revival
- Ukraine in 1917. The creation of the Central Rada.
- October revolt in Kiev and the proclamation of UNR.
- The 1st Congress of Soviets in Kiev and Kharkiv. The split of Ukraine.
- The Best-Litovsk Treaty. The occupation of Ukraine.
- The revolution on the 29th of April. Hetman Skoropadsky. S.Petlura.
- The dramatic denouement. The lessons of history.
emancipation of the
| serf
| serfdom
| abolition
| drawbacks
| to be in decline
| to fall behind
| a wave of unrest
| feudalism
| bourgeois society
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1127