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Career skills

Explaining your job


When you introduce yourself, it is common to say something about your job and where you work. Look at the following phrases. Match each phrase with a question a-d.

I'm a ... (graphics designer)

I work as a ... (consultant)

I work for... (a media company)

We provide ... (web design services)

I'm responsible for... (project management/ managing projects)

My main role is to ... (meet with clients, sell our services)


a What kind of company do you work for?

b What does your company do?

c What do you do in your job?

d What’s your job?


Imagine you have to introduce yourself to your partner. Explain your job, company and job activities.

Work with a partner. You should each choose a different company and job for yourself. Practise asking and answering questions a-d above.



· Culture at work Greeting people

How do you greet a new contact or colleague in your country? In business, do you usually shake hands? When? Is it OK to use first names with someone you don't know? These things may be different in other cultures. Can you give any examples from your own experience?



Unit 9. Promoting brands


· Read the text. Answer the questions

Companies don't just sell products. They sell a lifestyle. Nearly everything you buy says something about you: your clothes, your car, your mobile, all show what kind of life you have. Customers choose brands that represent their lifestyle, or the lifestyle they want to have.


Through advertising, companies try to promote an image of the kind of people their customers want to be. For example, Ray-Ban - the sunglasses producer - ran an advertising campaign with photos of strong, dynamic men. The idea was that men who are leaders and heroes wear Ray-Bans.


Another example is Gap. They have a range of clothing for men called StressFree. You can drop something on your trousers and it cleans off immediately. So you have no worries. You can be relaxed and stylish at the same time. The company advertised the clothing with the song, I'm Free.


1. Companies don't just sell products. What more do they sell?

2. What three examples does Dee Delaney give of things that people buy that 'say something about who you are'?

3. What kind of men did Ray-Ban show in the photos in their advertising campaign?

4. What kind of people do their customers want to be?

5. Is Gap's StressFree clothing for men or for women?

6. What two adjectives describe the image of the brand?

· Think of examples of other famous brands. What kind of lifestyle do they sell? How do the advertisements promote the image?



Unit 10. Promoting the product


· Companies use a number of different methods to promote and sell their products or services. Study the notes and discuss in pairs how to complete them.


Methods of selling


1. Advertising media: TV, _________________________________________________

2. Personal selling: employing______________________________________________

3. Sales promotions: special offers,__________________________________________

4. Public relations: creating________________________________________________

5. Direct marketing: direct mail,_____________________________________________

6. Sponsorship: where a company pays to have its name linked to an _______________or a ____________________________________.



· Read the text about different methods of promotion. Complete the notes above.


Perhaps the most effective way to promote products to a large number of people is to advertise. There are several different advertising media that we can use, for example TV and radio. There's also the press - that's newspapers and magazines - and the cinema. And of course, the internet is extremely important now. Advertising is a good way to reach a lot of potential customers - but there are other selling techniques as well.


There's personal selling, for example. This means employing sales representatives to make regular sales visits to customers and potential customers.


Then there are sales promotions. These include special offers, for example: Ten per cent reduction in price'; or 'Buy satellite TV and get free installation' and discounts that encourage people to buy.


Other examples of sales promotions include competitions and free gifts.


Another method of promotion is public relations. This involves creating news and getting information about the company or its products in the press or on TV. For example, when a pop star launches a new album, people write about it in the music magazines. And this brings publicity for the company.

The next method is direct marketing. This includes all sales activities where consumers can buy the product immediately. An example is direct mail -where you send information to potential customers by post. We can also include TV and internet shopping in this category. And then there's telephone selling, where sales staff telephone people and try to sell products over the phone.


And finally, we have sponsorship. A company pays money to have its name linked to an event or a person such as a sports personality. The person wears clothing with the name of the company on it.



· Read the article and answer the questions.

1. How much money do UK students spend in a year in total?

2. Find two reasons why it is difficult to sell products to students.

3. How does The Guardian help students?

4. What are 'energy teams'?

5. Why is it important to use students and not company sales reps to sell products?

6. How can marketers learn more about student life?


· Match the companies 1-4 with the promotion method they use a-e, as described in the article. One company uses two methods.


Carling The Guardian Red Bull Virgin D3 a offers discounts on products b employs students to sell on campus c asks students to help plan special events d organises music events in public places e offers help with education and careers




cynical not believing that people are sincere or honest

the Tube London's underground train system (informal)

sales rep sales representative (informal)

sales pitch selling something by saying how good it is

insider someone who is part of an organisation and so has special knowledge of it

The student market in the UK is estimated to be worth £13 billion of spending power in a year. It is a market no company should ignore. Marketers are desperate to get students' attention before they turn into high-earning graduates. But students are hard to reach and cynical. How can brands target them?


Youth market trends analyst Sean Pillot de Chenecey advises companies who hope to market to students. He says there is no single strategy. Students organise their life on their mobile phones, respect brands that are ethical, but worry more about how they're going to pay off their debt than world peace. To get students' attention, marketers must offer them something that adds to their lives. It isn't enough to simply sponsor a music tour: they have to make the event happen. For example, Carling (a beer manufacturer) introduced live music on the Tube.


Offering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as Guardian Student, a 32 -page newspaper.


Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls 'energy teams' on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits.

They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. 'It's extremely important that it's a student doing this and not a company sales rep,' says the company's consumer manager who runs the scheme. 'You need to have an approach that doesn't look like a sales pitch.'


Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand student life. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as 'field staff'. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university, Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.

· 'Students have a strong sense of social responsibility and ethical branding. They want companies to behave well.' What do you think of this description of UK students? Could you describe students in your country in the same way?

· What ethical reasons could people have for not buying from a particular company? Are there any companies whose products or services you would never buy?

· Showing reactions

When a business partner or colleague suggests an idea to you, do you immediately show what you think or not? In some cultures, people show strong reactions to other people's ideas, for example, That's brilliant!' or 'That's crazy!' In other cultures, people are more careful about their response, and it is not easy to tell what they are really thinking. What are people like in your culture?


Date: 2016-01-05; view: 5019

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