How to call a special board that was used to account in the 5th century BC:-Abacus
FTP service in Internete designed to:-receiving and transmitting files of any size
Function "OR" which means?-Alteration
Function of key Enter:-enter key
Function of keys Ctrl:-execution of commands only in conjunction with other keys
Function of keys Insert:-inserting characters
Function of key Backspace:-Deletes the character left of the cursor
Function of key Delete:-Deletes the character above the cursor
Function of keys Alt:-execution of commands only in conjunction with other keys
Function of keys Shift:-Key uppercase
Functions of file viruses?-rechargeable infect files, but can be spread through files and documents
Funds the "Edit" dialog box applications allow you to:-inserts the necessary facilities
General Purpose Applications are?-This program required for solving problems in any area of PC applications
Give definition to the application software-This piece of software for applications
Give definition to the system software-This is a piece of software
Given a list of number systems: binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal number of the character set 100:- It exists in all of these
Global network-combines PC users across the planet, in most cases as a communications channel used satellite
Graphic Editor can be used to:-drawing
Group of cells forming a rectangle on the worksheet called-The range of cells
Hard disk - is device, which-storage random access
Hardware components of the system unit:-Motherboard, adapters, controllers, hard disk, floppy drives
How to operate Driver viruses?-infect the computer or device drivers run itself by including additional configuration file line
-How activate the Start menu by pressing the key combination?-Ctrl + Esc
How can I create a new folder using the right mouse button?-Context menu Create Folder
How can I create a shortcut to the folder window?-File / Create Shortcut
How can I insert a picture, available in Word?-Insert Picture Pictures ...
How change the format of the list?-List Format
How close the Windows window by pressing combinations of keys?-Alt + F4
How do I create a shortcut using the right mouse button-Right-click on the desktop, create a shortcut
How do you get infected, "postal" virus?-When you open an infected file that was sent a letter by e-mail
How does the alignment of numeric data in a cell by default?-On the right edge of the cell
How extension characterized by self-extracting archives?-exe
How many characters can contain the name of the object on Windows:-up to 256
How many contain any data type fields in Access?-10
How many documents on the list item in the main menu of Windows Documents:-less than 15
How many sheets may be contained as much as possible in one book Excel?-255
How many windows can be divided into workspace window Word:-for as long as the document is opened
How to arrange the icons on the Windows desktop:-The context menu Arrange Icons
How to call a special board that was used to account in the 5th century BC:-Abacus
How to cancel an existing numbered list?-Select all the elements of a numbered list, and then click on the "Numbering" format bar
How to change desktop themes?-Right-click on the desktop, select "Properties" from the context menu
How to change the page settings-File / Page Setup
How to change the sheets in workbook?-Drag the sheet tabs in the new provisions
How to create a new document?-Select "Create" from the File menu
How to go to a specific cell Excel?-EDIT / GO or function key F5, or the Name field to the left of the formula bar
How to install a double line spacing when typing?-HOME, a paragraph in the "Line" set "double", OK
How to join (combine) two strings?-Place the cursor at the beginning of the second line and press the "Backspace"
How to operate network viruses?-use protocols and capabilities of computer networks
How to operate the boot viruses?-infect boot the computer program stored in the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk and run when the computer starts
How to place a large amount of text in a narrow cell, without extending it?-FORMAT / cell / Alignment / Wrap / OK
How to remove the selected cells? -EDIT / DELETE
How to see what programs are installed on your computer:-in the Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
How to select multiple contiguous worksheets?-Click on the label of the first sheet with the SHIFT key pressed, click on the label of the last sheet
How to select multiple worksheets,walking randomly?-CTRL + click on the label each allocated sheets left mouse button
How to select nonadjacent files:-click the file, then hold down Ctrl, click the last to select files
How to set monetary form for the representation of labeled cells?-FORMAT / cell / day / MONEY
How to set the input numbers on the numeric keypad?-Num Lock
How to split a table cell into two (vertically)?-Select the cells to execute the command Table / Split Cells
How to start a window processor Word:-with the heading
HTML is:-hypertext markup language
Hypertext a-structured text, which can make the transition through dedicated tags
Hypertext - is:-Information in the form of documents, with links to other documents
If the chart is located on a separate sheet that this sheet is called-Chart sheet
If you delete a file from a floppy disk occurs:-physical removal
If you set the print page numbers 1-5, 8, 10-12, the number will be printed:-9
Image modes in the document MS Word:-common, electronic document, page layout, the main document
In a menu command is to change the column width of the table to MS Word:-Table
In a menu command is to change the height of table rows for MS Word:-Table
In a window, you can view the contents of a floppy disk?-Windows Explorer or My Computer
In cell C1 enter the formula = A1 + B1, how to change the formula if it is copied into cell D1:-= B1 + C1
In cell information table Excel as 01.02.2009 represented as:-date and time
In cell information table Excel as 123,00r represented as:-currency format
In cell information table Excel as 5/3 is represented as:-fractional format
In cell information table Excel as 99% is represented in the form:-percentage format
In environments Windows used archivers, such as-WinZIP, WinRAR
In Excel contains columns:-256
In Excel to refer to all types of graphic representation of numerical data used:-chart
In MS Word To select a single line should be to bring the mouse cursor to the top line and:-click the left mouse button
In MS Word, there are the following types of document viewing a) normal, b) e, c) the page layout, d) a structured, d) structural, e) a hidden document, g) the main document-a, b, c, d, f
In MS Word, to highlight the paragraph:-you need to click the left mouse button once this paragraph 2
In MS Word, to highlight the word-you need to click on a single keyword 2 times
In one KByte contains:-1024 bytes
In order to solve a problem is not designed text editor Word?-To make economic calculations
In some cases, a linear algorithm, it is-sequential order operations
In the calculation formula in the cell, an error message appears pound sign, this means:-Overflow cell
In the course of the text formatting changes:-text layout
In the Excel spreadsheet cells can not perform the following steps:-change the size of a single cell
In the name of the great mathematician named term algorithm:-Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
In the process of loading the operating system is-progressive download files from the operating system into memory
In the window of the application, you can delete the file-Explorer
In what mode the monitor:-text, graphics
In which year appeared on the market the first computer company Apple:-1977
Informatics- a science-studies the structure and general properties of information, as well as issues related to the collection, storage, retrieval, processing, transmission, transformation of information using a computer
Information is:- the totality of the facts, events, messages, subject to registration and processing
Information – is:-data, which relieved uncertainty of the consumer in respect of any object
Information resources - is:-the product of intellectual activity of qualified professionals of different professional groups
Input device is-Keyboard
Insert Header in MS Word-View -> Header and Footer
Is presented in the right part of the window "Explorer"?-The contents of the current folder (directory C)
It appears the information on your computer:-Only numerically
J. Von Neumann known as:-developer of the principles of functioning of mainframe computers
Key combination to copy?-Ctrl + Insert
Key combination to cut?-Shift + Delete
Key combination to paste from the clipboard?-Shift + Insert
Key in Microsoft Access - is:-one or more fields that uniquely identify records in the table
Label - it's -Index to quickly launch programs, documents, ...
List ways to view a Word document-Page Layout view, the normal mode, tipped mode, the electronic document
Mailbox subscriber e-mail address is:-part of the memory on the hard disk of the mail server assigned to the user
Main features algorithms:-Readability, certainty, feasibility, mass
Main features of the operating system: a) management of data b) the management of processes (tasks) c) the creation of applications d) communication with a human operator e) communication with data carriers-a, b, d
Main types of models of organizing data:-network, hierarchical, relational
Manipulator "mouse" - a device:-for testing the cursor position on the screen
Manipulator "mouse" – is device, which:-input information
Marker It’s-Black box located in the lower right corner of the selected cells
Menu text editor - is:-part of its interface, which provides the transition to perform various operations on the text
Microprocessors main options are:a) a set of instructions executed in) the bit with) the clock frequency d) the voltage-a, b, c
Microsoft Access is-DBMS
Microsoft Access - is-relational database
Microsoft Access Request is a:-object that allows the user to select data from one or more tables
Microsoft Excel - is-Table Editor
Minimum set of devices to a PC contains:-system unit, monitor, keyboard
Mode to work with files in a text editor, the user is:-save files, download them from an external device
Mode window object Microsoft Access, which creates and changes the structure of the object:-Constructor
Modem it is-digital converting device into analog signals, and vice versa
MS Word is:-text editor
Multi-operating system - it’s.-Windows
Name of the folder that stores user documents, which opens by default during the execution of commands-work folder
Network Internet – is:-global network
Network Protocol - is:-the rules of communication between two computers on the network
NTML is-hypertext markup language
Number 10 in binary notation-1010
Number A16 corresponds to the number in the decimal system:-10
Number B7 corresponds to the number in the decimal system:-183