The questions. Mind the verb forms.1. Do you prefer ... your friends to calling them? 2. When
you get a text message, do you send your ... immediately? 3. If
you don’t reply immediately, do you ... for not replying sooner?
4. Do you like being at home ...? 5. Do you enjoy ... with your
friends? 6. How much time do you spend every day ... the Internet?
7. Do you prefer ... the Internet to looking for some specific
information? 8. Do you usually ... meeting your school ...
after your holidays? 9. Do your friends often ... to see you?
10. Do you usually ... before going to bed? 11. Do you like or
hate eating ... food? 12. Do you like wearing ... clothes?
13. When would you prefer to ... the Internet: during the daytime
or at night? 14. Do you like ... some shops on your way to
school? 15. Do you get up at seven sharp or at 7...?
D) Use the questions from ex. 3a to interview your classmate.
Report your fi ndings to the group.
Communicative area:describing a friend
Active vocabulary:reasonable, stubborn, total, skinny, outspoken,
Revision grammar:complex and compound sentences;
adjectives and adverbs good-well, hard-hardly, etc.
A) Read about friendship and say which of the sayings you like
Best and why.
A real friend is one who walks in when the
rest of the world walks out.
Friends are the most important ingredient in
the recipe of life.
To the world you may be just one person but
to one person you may be the world.
A friend is someone who reaches out for your
hand ... and touches your heart.
True friendship comes when the silence between two
people is comfortable.
Friendship is not something you learn in school,
but if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship,
you really haven’t learned anything.
The language of friendship is not
words but meanings.
Friends are those rare people who ask how you
are and then wait for the answer.
Only your real friends will tell you
when your face is dirty.
Friendship is not a big thing – it’s
a million little things.
The best mirror is an old friend.
A friend is someone who knows all about you,
and still likes you.
B) Which of the sentences above are simple sentences, which
are complex or compound sentences?
2._a) Listen to the interview with Damian − a teenage boy
describing his friend. Why are they good friends?
B) Below are the questions in the order they appear in the
1. How do people become friends? 2. What does your friend
look like? 3. What clothes does he wear? 4. What kind of person
is your friend? 5. What are your hobbies? 6. What’s your
friend’s best quality?
Read the answers to the interview and put them in the chronological
Order too.
A. To get an idea of how different we really are you would
have to understand how we think, and act towards other people.
I feel that Paul is more reasonablethan me because I’m
pretty stubborn.Like when one of us has an idea or solution
that might not be so good, Paul’s usually the one who’ll stop
and listen. Not me. With me it’s either my way or no way. And
I never apologise. I mean I can’t. So I think it’s safe to say that
Paul is the reasonable one. It’s his best quality, I think. Regardless
of how different we are, we still always have fun. And
with a friend that’s all that really matters.
B. Sometimes the differences between two people make
them closer. Like take for example my friend Paul and I. We
are two totally different people. Yet we are close friends.
C. Our personalities differ somewhat as well. I’m more loud
and outspoken, more outgoing.Paul’s more of that quiet guy
that everybody wonders about. I’m the kind of person that likes
to start the party. He’s the kind to sit on the side and see what
happens. When we go out, it’s usually me who is the first to
chat up a girl. I keep telling everyone this joke about us: “He
listens hard and I hardly listen.”
D. Our hobbies aren’t even along the same lines. I love cars
and everything about them. I can say I know cars really well.
He’s good at music. He makes music beats and that sort of stuff.
But that’s okay because those are the kind of differences that
make us such good friends.
E. From our appearances we are totalopposites. He has
blond hair and blue eyes. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m
6 feet tall and he’s about 5'6''1 and skinny. Once back in high
school we lined up from smallest to largest and we ended up at
opposite ends of the line.
F. The way we dress is very different as well. He’s one of the
funky guys. I don’t mean to say that he dresses really well and I
dress badly. I’m just a little bit of everything. I just wear what
I like. Not what I’m supposed to like. For instance I might buy
something from a store, which he might not even pop into, because
that’s just not his style. Regardless of what they might
have inside.
1 5'6'' – 5 feet 6 inches
_c) Listen and check. Guess the meaning of the words in bold.
d) Look at the photo. Who is Damian? Who is Paul?
3. a) Find the words in bold which mean:
a) very great; b) very thin; c) based on good judgment, fair
and practical; d) doing what they want and refusing to do anything
else; e) expressing strong opinions very directly without
worrying about other people’s feelings; f) friendly and energetic
and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1625