B) Mark the statements below as True, False or No InformationAvailable. Read out lines from the diary to support your ideas.
1. Kelly has got a mobile phone. 2. Kelly has a sister. 3. She
likes eating microwaveable food and watching the telly. 4. Kelly
believes in God. 5. She hasn’t got a computer. 6. She got up
at 10 a.m. every day on holiday.
A) Match the words in bold with their defi nitions.
1. alone
2. an answer
3. to spend time visiting a lot of websites
4. to look at information on the Internet; to look through a
book or magazine in a relaxed, enjoyable way, looking briefly
at several pages, or to walk around a shop looking at several
items without intending to buy any of them
5. to go to a particular place
6. to talk to someone in a friendly informal way
7. to visit some websites
8. to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something
that has caused them inconvenience or unhappiness
9. (about food) cooked or heated up in a microwave
10. to visit someone in their home
11. a friend or a person whom you work with
12. a suffix added to adjectives to give the meaning to some
degree; partly; quite; around
13. to speak to a god either privately or in a religious ceremony
in order to express love, admiration or thanks or in order to
ask for something
14. to send a text message on the phone
15. very fashionable especially because not within the standards
of common people
16. to feel pleasure, to be happy that something is going to happen
B) Look through two diary pages. Which of them do you think
was written by a girl and which – by a boy?
A.Family weekend as usual. At 6 ... I was woken up by my
little sister Alice. Why can’t I stay at home ... at least once in a
month?! Instead of ... the Internet, I had to ... to my girlfriend
all morning, ... for not calling her yesterday. She sent only one
...: ‘Leave me alone!’ I just hope and ... to God she’ll stop being
so capricious. ... food again … I ... to having some nice homemade
lunch. When I finally decided to ... the Internet, my elder
brother Jim said he needed my computer because it was faster
than his, and he wanted to ... some sites to find information for
his course paper. He spent three hours ... the Internet and when
I finally started ... with my mates, Mum said she wanted a hand
in the attic – to get rid of some old stuff. Luckily, her friend ...
and they decided ... Topshop or New Look to buy some ... clothes
for my second sister Lily who is soon going to France for a
course. Some luck at last!
B. It’s been a very good day. First of all my parents went on
a weekend trip to Scotland and I was in the house ... . When I woke
up, I saw that they had already sent me SEVEN!!! messages.
Oh, God. I ... a ... and ... for making them worry. I said I had
just been sleeping. At 11 ... I ate my favourite ... pizza – Mum
had left it for me in the fridge. Thanks, Mum. It was yummy!
Then I ... the Internet and ... with my ... for an hour or so.
It felt like five minutes, though. After that I ... my favourite
music sites on the Internet. I had been ... the Internet for two
hours when my neighbour ... . We went to the High Street and ...
a couple of shops. I bought a really ... dress for my birthday
party. I’m ... to celebrating my birthday. I will be seventeen in
two weeks! I’m ... for good weather – I want to have a barbeque
in our back garden.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1485