B) Match the volunteer projects with their defi nitions.A. Providinginformation to visitors, fixing buildings and
picnic tables, answering the telephone, typing letters, leading
Communicative area:asking for and giving information
Active vocabulary:a volunteer, a motto, a hero, a shelter, a
senior citizen, to provide for
Homeless SheltersFood Banks
State Parks
Helping Others Learn to Read Libraries
Senior CitizenCentres
Animals Shelters
Red Cross
Website Creation Environmental Organisations
guided tours, organising hikes and evening programmes, cleaning
the park.
B.If you live in a city of any size, then there is at least one
organisation that helps homeless people with meals, beds and
other services.
C.Reading is one of the most important skills an adult can
have. Many adults, however, have never learned how to read.
Volunteershelp illiterate children and adults learn this important
D.You can volunteer to return books onto shelves, run children’s
programmes, give out books and so on. This programme
trains volunteers to assist library staff and the public.
E.Helping to take care of animals, keep facilities clean and
work with the public.
F.In this project you can help with environmental activities.
You can help in many ways: by leading hikes and other activities,
or by lending a hand at the office.
G.Many small charities and organisations do not yet have
websites. You can help by creating a website. You could also
raise money to pay for the website.
H.This organisation helps people in emergencies – whether
it’s half a million disaster victims or one sick child who
needs blood.
I.They serve poor people living in the community (especially
around the holidays) by collecting food and distributing it to
those in need.
J.This volunteer job involves helping patients both inside
and outside the hospital. The volunteers programmes allow participants
to explore medical careers and gain work experience.
K.Here you can provide friendship and community activities
for elderly people.
c) Which of the words in bold means:
a) a person who has reached the official age when they can stop
working regularly, a more polite way of saying ‘old person’
b) giving someone, or making it possible for someone to have
something which is useful or which they will need
c) people who do something, especially help other people, willingly
and without being forced or paid to do it
d) a building designed to give protection from bad weather,
danger or attack
d) Which of the volunteer projects would you like to join?
A) Do the questionnaire to decide what kind of volunteer work
You should do.
1. When you meet someone new, what do you do?
a) I give them a big smile and a hug (îáúÿòèÿ).
b) I give them a flower I picked in the garden.
c) I attack them with lots of questions.
d) I get excited and start jumping up and down.
2. What mottodo you live by?
a) Hug them, feed them, love them.
b) The 3 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle.
c) A laugh a day keeps the doctor away.
d) You can’t get anywhere without a good education.
3. Which school club interests you most?
a) Eco-Friends.
b) Friendship Club.
c) Students in the Community ( â îáùåñòâå).
d) Future Leaders.
4. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
a) Stop global warming.
b) Feed the hungry.
c) Find a cure for every single disease.
d) End the wars – can’t we all just get along.
5. How would your best friends describe you?
a) Fun to be with.
b) Helpful and caring.
c) Smart and brainy.
d) Romantic and dreamy.
6. Who is your hero?
a) Albert Einstein – he was a genius.
b) The Animal Rights Group.
c) Jacques Yve Cousteau – he loved the Earth.
d) Mother Teresa – a true saint (ñâÿòàÿ).
How to score: 1a – 3; 1b – 1; 1c – 2; 1d – 4;
2a – 3; 2b – 1; 2c – 4; 2d – 2;
3a – 1; 3b – 3; 3c – 4; 3d – 2;
4a – 1; 4b – 3; 4c – 2; 4d – 4;
5a – 4; 5b – 3; 5c – 1; 5d – 2;
6a – 2; 6b – 4; 6c – 1; 6d – 3.
6–11: Your perfect volunteer work is with the environment!
You’re passionate about protecting the environment. You
stand up for recycling and riding bikes to school, you’re
against aerosols, littering and the use of styrofoam in the
school cafeteria. It would be great for you to volunteer at a
recycling depot, at a greenhouse or even for Greenpeace.
12–17: Your perfect volunteer work is with science!
You’re a brainiac who loves learning about all things scientific!
Your room is filled with telescopes to study space and
microscopes to study bugs and bacteria that you find hiding
in the corners of your room. So start volunteering at a museum,
space centre or planetarium to use your brain cells.
18–23: Your perfect volunteer work is with the homeless!
You’re so kind and caring that your friends sometimes mistake
you for their mom! You don’t have a selfish bone in your
body and would do anything to help out sick and homeless
people. That’s why you’re perfectly suited to work at a homeless
shelter or a soup kitchen where you can get to know homeless
people, feed them and maybe even help them get jobs.
b) Which of the words in bold means:
a) a short sentence or phrase that expresses a principle of
good or correct behaviour;
b) a person who is admired for having done something very
brave or having achieved something great, or the main character
in a book, film or play, especially one who is admired for
their good qualities; someone you admire greatly.
c) Do you agree with the questionnaire’s results? Compare your
ideas with your partner’s.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1396