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Rank Min High Skill Min 2nd Skill Min Rep Fighters Mages Knights Temples Thieves Assassins
Apprentice Apprentice Aspirant Novice Apprentice Apprentice
Journeyman Journeyman Squire Initiate Journeyman Journeyman
Swordsman Evoker Gallant Acolyte Filcher Operator
Protector Conjuror Chevalier Adept Crook Slayer
Defender Magician Keeper Curate Robber Executioner
Warder Enchanter Brother Disciple Bandit Punisher
Guardian Warlock Commander Brother Thief Terminator
Champion Wizard Marshall Diviner Ringleader Assassin
Warrior Master Seneschal Master Mastermind Dark Brother
Master Archmage Paladin Patriarch Master Master


Fighters Guild

Required Skills: Archery, Axe, Blunt Weapon, Giantish, Long Blade, Orcish, Short Blade

Training Offered: Guild skills, plus Critical Strike, Jumping, Running and Swimming

Benefits of Membership:

· Weapon and armor repairs at reduced cost (10x rank as a percentage of base cost - in other words 4th rank gets you a 40% discount, 8th rank gets you an 80% discount)

· More money for completing quests (about 10% more per rank), sometimes a freebie dungeon map

· Rest in any guild hall for free (watch out vampires, some count as holy places)

· Guildhalls become 24/7 operations at rank 8


All Fighter Guildhalls look the same (though in the desert areas to the south they are frequently called "Fighter Trainers"). They are square three-story towers and all offer the same services (training, weapon repairs, quests and a place to sleep). The Fighter Trainers guildhalls count as holy places, so vampires and PC's with certain items should be careful about resting in them.

Fighters Guild quests come in a few basic varieties: kill some critter that got into someone’s house, kill beasties that are plaguing the area (harpies, giants, orcs, etc.), kill a werecritter (werewolf or wereboar) that is causing problems. The Fighters Guild also provides a couple of unique quests involving finding assassins and the infamous Lord K’avar quest. Some Fighters Guild quests will also help increase your rep with Merchants and Commoners.


Thieves Guild

Membership in the Thieves Guild is by invitation only. The invitation to join will be issued when you pickpocket 10 or more times in a 3-day period or successfully break into a store without using an “Open” spell on the door. They’ll contact you about a week later with instructions on what to do. Complete the quest to join the guild. Although the Guild makes veiled threats about the consequences of failing to complete their initiation quest, I’ve run several months past their deadline and not seen any form of retaliation other than negative reputation. But if you blow the quest, you’ll never get to join the Guild. Only one invitation will be issued.

Required Skills: Backstabbing, Climbing, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Short Blade, Stealth, Streetwise

Training Offered: Guild Skills plus Blunt Weapon, Dodging, Jumping, and Swimming

Benefits of Membership:

· Chance of bribing the judge when you’re accused of theft crimes (chance increases with your rank in the guild)

· Dungeon locations at rank 0, 6 and 8

· Fencing stolen goods for 50% of base price at rank 2 (finding the fence is another matter, but you can unload magic items if you want. Personally, I get better money selling to merchants.)

· Access to the Spymaster at rank 4 (always good for rumors and doesn’t clam up if you ask about more than one thing)

· (most important benefit) Thieves Guilds are automatically marked on your town map when you enter a town

Thieves Guild quests tend to run along the lines of moving stolen property from place to place, occasionally you get one to break into a building and steal an object. Very little dungeon crawling involved in this Guild. Another great benefit is that the Thieves Guild is a 24/7 operation. They're always there when you need them.


Mages Guild

The Mages Guild is perhaps the handiest guild in the whole game. Some of their services (identifying magic items and selling pre-made spells) are available to non-members. Every player who can join the Mages Guild should do so, if for no other reason than gaining access to the spell-maker.

Required Skills: Alteration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration, Thaumaturgy

Training Offered: Guild skills plus Daedric, Dragonish, Harpy, Impish, Orcish, Spriggan

Benefits of Membership:

· Access to spellmaker at rank 0

· Access to library at rank 2 (not implemented)

· Buy magic items at rank 3

· Buy Soul Gems at rank 4

· Access to item maker at rank 5

· Access to Daedra summoning at rank 6 (caution -- summonings only performed on specific days) and Guildhalls become 24/7 operations

· Access to teleporter at rank 8


Mages Guild quests tend to fall into a few general varieties: stand guard for 3 hours (you get to fight thieves and assassins), fetch research papers, kill imps, kill runaway lab experiments, fetch spell components, kill rogue wizards. The last ones involve dungeon crawling, but the rest are pretty straightforward.


Dark Brotherhood

Membership in the Dark Brotherhood is by invitation only. The invitation to join will be issued when you kill three townspeople (or a lot of guards) within a 3-day period. Complete their quest to gain membership. The guild makes not-so-veiled threats about what will happen to you if you don't join, but nothing has ever materialized for me aside from a severely negative rep (-25 points) with the DB. The quest can be a bit buggy with the letter containing your instructions appearing and then suddenly disappearing. When you get the letter, save the game immediately so you'll have something to go back to.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 738

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HACKING THE QUESTIONNAIRE | Required Skills: Archery, Critical Strike, Dragonish, Etiquette, Giantish, Long Blade, Medical
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