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It is possible to hack the appropriate file to change the effects of your answers. The questionnaires are in the \Arena2 subdirectory in the format "Biog#t0.txt" where # is the class number of the questionnaire. Each class has its own questionnaire. What follows is a list of the codes that are used in these files.

Questionnaire Codes: (BiogXXt0.txt - where XX is one of the following)

· 00 - Mage

· 01 - Spellsword

· 02 - Battlemage

· 03 - Sorcerer

· 04 - Healer

· 05 - Nightblade

· 06 - Bard

· 07 - Burglar

· 08 - Rogue

· 09 - Acrobat

· 10 - Thief

· 11 - Assassin

· 12 - Monk

· 13 - Archer

· 14 - Ranger

· 15 - Barbarian

· 16 - Warrior

· 17 - Knight

Reputation codes:

· r0 - commoners

· r1 - merchants

· r2 - scholars

· r3 - nobility

· r4 - underworld

Skill codes: (Caution!!! Your level [and consequently your hit points] is determined by a formula that records your starting skills levels. If you increase your starting skills, you will permanently handicap your character. If you're going to mess with skills, mess with your Miscellaneous Skills since they aren't used in determining your level)

· 0 - Medical

· 1 - Etiquette

· 2 - Streetwise

· 3 - jumping

· 4 - orcish???

· 5 - harpy

· 6 - giantish

· 7 - dragonish

· 8 - nymph

· 9 - daedra

· 10- spriggan

· 11- centaur

· 12- impish

· 13- lockpicking

· 14- mercantile

· 15- pickpocketing

· 16- stealth

· 17- swimming

· 18- climbing

· 19- backstabbing

· 20- dodging

· 21- running

· 22- destruction

· 23- restoration (running? one response makes no sense with restoration)

· 24- illusion

· 25- alteration

· 26- thaumaturgy

· 27- mysticism

· 28- short blade

· 29- long blade

· 30- hand-to-hand

· 31- axe

· 32- blunt

· 33- archery

· 34- critical strike


Item codes:

Each item that can be placed in your inventory has a code to identify it. The code is in the format "IT (#a) (#b) (#c)" where "#a" designates the category of the item, "#b" designates the item within the category and "#c" designates the material. By replacing the existing codes in the appropriate questionnaire it is possible to equip yourself with whatever you want in the way of weapons and armor from the start. If you are going to add multiple items, use "copy" and "paste" so that you get the spacing right, otherwise it won't work. Except for helmets and shields, it does not appear to be possible to equip yourself with silver armor through this process. Everything else seems to work OK, though.

Categories: 2=armor, 3=weapons, 7=book, 10=religious item, 25=jewelry, and it's anybody's guess as to what falls in the middle.

Materials: 0=iron, 1=steel, 2=silver, 3=elven, 4=dwarven, 5=mithril, 6=adamantium, 7=ebony, 8=orcish, 9=daedric


The following are the items that various answers to the standard questionnaires will place in your inventory.

· IT 2 0 0 = cuirass (iron)

· IT 2 1 0 = gauntlets (iron)

· IT 2 2 0 = greaves (iron)

· IT 2 3 0 = pauldron (L/R?)

· IT 2 4 0 = pauldron (L/R?)

· (IT 2 5 0 = helmet - educated guess)

· (IT 2 6 0 = boots - educated guess)

· IT 2 7 1 = buckler (steel)

· IT 2 8 1 = round shield (steel)

· (IT 2 9 0 = kite shield (iron) - educated guess)

· (IT 2 10 0 = tower shield (iron) - educated guess)


· IT 3 0 7 = dagger (ebony)

· IT 3 1 3 = tanto (silver)

· IT 3 2 2 = staff (silver)

· IT 3 3 0 = short sword (?) (iron)

· IT 3 4 1 = wakazashi (?) (steel)

· (IT 3 5 1 = sabre (steel) - educated guess)

· (IT 3 6 1 = broadsword (steel) - educated guess)

· IT 3 7 1 = long sword(steel)

· IT 3 8 0 = katana (iron)

· IT 3 9 0 = claymore (?) (iron)

· IT 3 10 0 = dai-katana (iron)

· IT 3 11 0 = mace (iron)

· IT 3 12 0 = flail (iron)

· IT 3 13 0 = hammer (iron)

· IT 3 14 0 = battleaxe (iron)

· IT 3 15 0 = waraxe (iron)

· IT 3 16 0 = short bow (iron)

· IT 3 17 0 = long bow (iron)

· IT 3 18 0 = 1 arrow (iron)

Note: there are codes in the files for steel and silver arrows, so it's theoretically possible to have daedric arrows. Since the material of the bow determines the damage range, perhaps special arrows have increased chances to hit? Your guess is as good as mine.


· IT 7 0 0 = random book


· IT 10 4 0 = Holy Water (other religious items would be holy tomes, holy daggers, holy relics, etc. - no guesses as to the codes)


· IT 14 0 0 = ruby


· IT 22 1 0 = pearl


· IT 25 0 0 = amulet

· IT 25 2 0 = ring

· IT 25 3 0 = jewelry (type?)

· IT 25 5 0 = jewelry (type?)


Guilds are your home away from home, your buddies, your employment agency, and a general all-around pain in the behind. But they are a necessary pain if you want to enjoy their benefits. Which guild you join depends on you and your skills. The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood are by invitation only, but you ask to join the others. If your skills meet the minimum requirements, you're in. Each Guild has certain benefits, but they all work pretty much the same way.

Each Guild requires minimum levels in 2 skills in order to join. If you have not selected the skills required by the guild you want to join as Primary, Major, or Minor skills, you can develop it to the minimum level and then join. As a general rule of thumb, if one of the required skills is a Primary or Major skill, you're pretty much a shoe-in for membership. If you have none of the skills as Primary or Major, but some are Minor, membership will depend on how you distribute your bonus points and develop your skills early in the game. If none of the required skills are in your Primary, Major or Minor slots, you need to plan on developing the skills before you can join.

For non-spell-casters who want to be able to join the Mages Guild, the easiest way to develop the necessary skills is to buy a "Buoyancy" spell. It's a very cheap spell to cast, even for those with very few spell points and very low skill levels. Cast it, rest, cast it, rest, cast it, rest, ... . Eventually your Thaumaturgy skill will reach the point where you qualify for membership.

For non-thieves, the quickest Thieving skill to develop is pickpocketing. Travel the dungeons in "Steal" mode and pickpocket everything you come across.

Advancement within the guilds requires development of your skills and increasing your reputation. You increase your reputation with the guilds by performing quests for them. More about quests at a later point, but each successful quest will increase your reputation with the faction that gave the quest by 5 points. On the other hand, each failed quest drops your reputation by 2 points. It is possible to be kicked out of a guild should your reputation drop far enough.

There are quests that set you at odds with your guild(s). Successful completion of these quests can drop your rep with the guild (and all of its affiliated factions) anywhere from a couple of points to 20 or more points. This is especially true of the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood. Watch your rep closely with these two guilds or you may find yourself out in the cold. If you are expelled from a guild, you can rejoin as soon as your rep zeroes out. This may take a few months or the completion of a few non-member quests.

Progression within the guild is not linear. You can skip ranks. Let’s suppose you have performed 15 successful quests for the Thieves Guild (this gives you a 75 reputation), but your skills are only sufficient to warrant your being awarded rank 4. If you subsequently develop your skills to the point where you qualify for rank 7 (71 in one and 32 in another skill), the next time you talk to someone at the Thieves Guild you will be promoted to rank 7 without having to go through ranks 5 and 6. You can only receive one promotion every 28 days, no matter how high your skills and reputation. Should your rep or skills drop below the minimum required for your rank, you will not lose your rank. There are no guild demotions in "Daggerfall".

It is a VERY good idea to build up a cushion of rep with the guilds that you belong to. This is especially true of the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood since it's very difficult to rejoin if you’re kicked out. Occasionally you will take a quest that will involve stepping on the toes of another guild. For example, the quest from the Fighters Guild that involves protecting the client from assassins will require you to kill several assassins. Also, some of the nobles who will give you quests will be involved in smuggling and you will run afoul of the Thieves Guild. If you complete the quests to rescue the kidnapped child, your rep with the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild will drop 15 points. When your rep drops into negative numbers you can be kicked out of the Guild. To avoid this, make sure you’ve always got 30 to 40 points of positive rep with these two guilds.

Each guild has certain advantages that go with particular ranks and promotions. In theory you should not be able to make use of these privileges until you are officially awarded the rank. But in some cases, this is not the case. For example, you should not be able to make use of the Spymaster in the Thieves Guild until you are rank 4. However, if your rep with "The Shadow Spies" is high enough, the Spymaster will talk to you (you have to use the "Talk" rather than "Spymaster" button) without having the appropriate rank. Don't just assume that you can't do something simply because you don't have the right rank. Go ahead and try it. The worst that can happen is that you'll be told you don't have the right rank.

A final word about guilds: Should you become a vampire, you will lose all of your guild affiliations. Except for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood you can rejoin all of the guilds. You start over as rank 0, but after 28 days (4 game weeks) you return to your former rank. If you have not joined the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood before becoming a vampire, you can join afterwards. Just go nibble on a few townspeople or pick a few pockets and the invitations will show up eventually. If or when you decide to effect a cure for your disease, your guild memberships will be restored (including Thieves and DB). Since rank is related to skill and rep, you may either retain your former rank or perhaps even gain rank. And remember, your reputation moves one point closer to zero every month or two, so keep in touch with your guilds by performing an occasional quest for them.

Each guild provides some basic services to its members. With the exception of the Knightly Orders, each guild offers training in the skills it requires, plus a few extras. The following pages will give you information on each Guild.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 686

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