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Required Skills: Archery, Critical Strike, Dragonish, Etiquette, Giantish, Long Blade, Medical

Training Offered: None (not even in their required skills)

Benefits of Membership:

· No charge for staying at inns in regions where the order is present

· Free (random) non-magical armor piece at each promotion*

· No charge for staying at inns anywhere starting at rank 4

· No charge for traveling by ship at rank 6

· Free house in that order’s region at rank 9 (finding it is another matter)**

*There seems to be a lot of confusion about the free armor. The type of armor you receive (mithril, elven, dwarven, etc.) is not dependent upon your rank, but upon how many times you have been promoted. You go one step up with each promotion. So, if you want to get that free daedric armor, you'd better be sure that you get promoted at each opportunity and don't skip any ranks.

**Your house will be located in the town where you received the promotion to rank 9. Since there is a bug that makes it almost impossible to locate your house, the easiest solution is to get the promotion in a town where you don’t want a house, sell it, then go to the town where you do want a house and buy one.

Knightly Orders that you cannot join:

· Knights of the Moon (Sentinel)

· Host of the True Horn (Lord Kain)

· Knights of the Cup (Lord Plessington)

· Knights of the Lamp (Mages Guild)

Knightly Orders that you can join:

· Knights of the Dragon (Daggerfall)

· Knights of the Candle (Sentinel)

· Knights of the White Rose (Wayrest)

· Knights of the Flame (Anticlere)

· Knights of the Horn (Lainlyn)

· Knights of the Owl (Glenpoint)

· Knights of the Raven (Dwynnen)

· Knights of the Wheel (Abibon-Gora)

· Knights of the Scarab (Totambu)

· Knights of the Hawk (Santaki)

Temple Knights (you may join them, but they count as temples, not knights):

· Order of the Hour (Akatosh)

· Knights of the Circle (Arkay)

· Order of the Lily (Dibella)

· Knights Mentor (Julianos)

· Kynaran Order (Kynareth)

· Maran Knights (Mara)

· The Crusaders (Stendarr)

· Knights of Iron (Zenithar)


Like temples, you may only join one Knightly Order.


Knightly Order quests tend to involve a bit of dungeon crawling and you don’t get paid for it. You’re a goody-goody knight, remember? Knights do good deeds and don’t expect anything for them. The Knightly Orders are also your only source (besides Daedra summoning) for quests to artifacts and the quest to slay a Dragonling is the only time you can soul trap a Dragonling that will work in the item-maker. Some of the Knights Guild quests will increase your rep with the general populace and/or nobility. Handy if you're looking to do a little sucking-up.


There are a variety of temples in the world and each functions pretty much like all the rest, though they are slightly different and often members of one order won’t even speak to members of another (and who says this game isn’t like real life). In the original version of the game it was possible to join all of the temples (which led to some interesting reputation problems). One of the earlier patches removed this ability. You are now restricted to one temple (though you can get kicked out and join another if you want to go through the hassle).

On the topic of blessings, I have not found much help. Each temple supposedly offers blessings, but I have not been able to find anyone at any temple who dispenses these blessings. They will all take your money, but if I’ve received a blessing, there is no indication that it has been done.

All temples will heal the wounds of their members for free once you reach a certain rank in the temple. All you have to do is talk to one of the people in the temple and it will be done automatically. This healing will also take care of any damaged attributes or diseases.

All temples will cure diseases -- it’s 250 GP per disease, but subject to your mercantile skill and reputation with the temple, so you might pay a little more or a little less. The cure is always effective. There is supposed to be a chance of failure for lycanthropy and vampirism, but they’ve always cured me as long as I got there within the three-day limit.

All temples accept donations. Donations can increase your reputation with that temple, but generally do not take the place of completing quests. In other words, they’ll take your money, but you can’t buy rank in the temples. There is an exception to this. Donations to Zenithar increase your rep with the temple, so it may be possible to "buy" rank with the Resolution of Zen.

All temples will offer training to non-members, but their prices are exorbitant. If you don't mind paying the price, you can train. A word of caution, though: if you take damage in Holy Places, be prepared for a serious owie if you train at a temple.

Temple quests are pretty standard. You’re usually sent out to kill the heretic, retrieve the drunken priest, exorcise the demon, check out the story of a vision or something along those lines. Temple quests typically involve dungeon crawling, but there are a several quests that don’t. Successful completion of certain Temple quests can increase your rep with the general populace.

Your rank in the temple affects your reputation in the regions where that temple is a major religion. Check the overland map and look at the temples in the region to see which god(ess) the province follows. There are a couple of the smaller provinces (Orsinium is a wonderful example) where it's not quite clear what the dominant religion is.

Required Skills:

Arkay: Axe, Backstabbing, Daedric, Destruction, Medical, Restoration, Short Blade

Akatosh: Alteration, Daedric, Destruction, Dragonish, Long Blade, Running, Stealth

Dibella: Daedric, Etiquette, Illusion, Lock Picking, Long Blade, Nymph, Orcish, Restoration

Julianos: Alteration, Daedric, Impish, Lock Picking, Mysticism, Short Blade, Thaumaturgy

Kynareth: Archery, Climbing, Daedric, Destruction, Dodging, Dragonish, Harpy, Illusion, Jumping, Stealth, Running

Mara: Archery, Critical Strike, Daedric, Etiquette, Harpy, Illusion, Medical, Nymph, Restoration, Streetwise

Stendarr: Axe, Blunt Weapon, Critical Strike, Daedric, Dodging, Medical, Restoration

Zenithar: Blunt Weapon, Centaurian, Daedric, Giantish, Harpy, Mercantile, Orcish, Pickpocket, Spriggan, Streetwise, Thaumaturgy


Training Offerred:

Arkay: Guild skills plus Critical Strike and Climbing

Akatosh: Guild skills plus Archery and Swimming

Dibella: Guild Skills plus Streetwise and Harpy

Julianos: Guild skills plus Critical Strike and Mercantile

Kynareth: Guild skills only

Mara: Guild skills only

Stendarr: Guild skills plus Orcish and Spriggan

Zenithar: Guild skills plus Etiquette


Benefits of Membership:


Cures cost less with each rank

Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member

Buy potions at rank 1

Access to library at rank 3

Access to potion maker at rank 4

Buy soul gems at rank 5

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Fast travel time improves (but not by much)

Wounds healed free when you talk to any member at rank 1

Access to library at rank 2

Buy potions at rank 4

Access to potion maker at rank 5

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Add your guild rank to the chance a critter will not attack you

Buy potions at rank 1

Wounds healed for free when you talk to a member at rank 2

Access to library at rank 4

Access to potion maker at rank 5

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Access to library at rank 0

Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member at rank 2

Buy magic items at rank 3

Access to item maker at rank 5 (the only temple with an item-maker)

Daedra summoning at rank 6



Can hold breath longer when under water (no appreciable difference that I can detect)

Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member at rank 1

Buy spells at rank 3

Access to library at rank 4

Access to spell maker at rank 6

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Add your guild rank to the roll to determine reaction from opposite sex (no difference that I can detect)

Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member at rank 1

Buy potions at rank 2

Access to library at rank 4

Access to potion maker at rank 5

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member

Buy potions at rank 2

Access to library at rank 4

Access to potion maker at rank 5

Daedra summoning at rank 7



Better chance of donations increasing your rep

Buy potions at rank 1

Wounds healed for free when you talk to any member at rank 2

Access to library at rank 4

Access to potion maker at rank 6

Daedra summoning at rank 8

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 718

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