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The Relationships of the Kyrgyz with the Russian Empire in the 18-19th centuries and the Russian Colonization of the Kyrgyz.

The relationships formed between Kyrgyzs and the Russian Empire in the end of 18 – mid 19th centuries became necessary precondition for further Colonization. Therefore, it’s important to consider thoroughly this period of history of Kyrgyzstan.

During the second part of XVIII century Kyrgyz society was going through complex events. Kyrgyz society had not still formed united single statehood. Not only were they having internecine wars, but were under the rule of several states as well. For instance, Southern tribes (adygine, munduz, basyz, kushchu, saruu, bagysh, jediger, sayak and others) with Uzbek, Kypchak, Tadjik were actively participating in formation of Koqand khanate, which was founded in 1709. Afterwards, just as people of Ferghana valley, Pamir, mountainous Badahshan, Orto-Tube, Djizaka and Hodjent, Kyrgyzs had also become the part of Koqand khanate.

The Northern Kyrgyzstan at this period of history was under the rule of several manaps. Manaps are tribal leaders. Due to Ablai-Han’s invasion during 1775-1776 to Talas, Chui and Issyk-Kul people of Northern Kyrgyzstan were under vassalage (âàññàëüíàÿ çàâèñèìîñòü). However, this period when Kyrgyz people were under double oppression (manaps and Ablai-Han) had ended in 1781, when Ablai-Han died. In 1780-1830 Kyrgyzs were living in “independently” forming independent conglomerates of several tribes:

Well-known rulers of this period are Tynai, Atake, Esengul, Ormon (Sarybagysh), Karga, Biynazar, Menmurat, Borombai (Bugu), Tuleberdi, Jayil, Kanai, Jangarach (Solto), Sadyr-Han, Janbolot, Kachyke, Tailak (Saiak).

Northern Kyrgyzs because of continuous internecine wars were easy target for Chinese empire (Öèíüñêàÿ èìïåðèÿ), Kazakh sultans. Even Koqand khanate started its way on conquering Northern Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, some Kyrgyz rulers were trying to find help from Russian side, because they understood that by establishing relationships with Russian Empire they could preserve own power, authority and independence. The first ruler from Kyrgyz side, who tried to establish political relationships with Russian empire was Atake-Baatyr from Sarybagysh tribe. He sent his embassy with Abdyrahman Kuchakov and Shergazy to Russia. In August 1785 of 1785 the embassy arrived to Omsk. As a presents to queen one slave, 3 skins of snow leopard and 5 skins of lynx (ðûñü); to governor-general 2 runner-horses were given. The task of this embassy was to obtain support from Russian side, and change the caravan routes to Russia so that they cross Kyrgyzstan on their ways. Although the embassy came in December 29 of 1785, the queen Katherine II received the guests only in March 15 of 1786.

Then only in 1811, 1812, 1813 Russian caravans were sent to Kyrgyztsan (Issyk-Kul) with investigating goals, which meant that Russian empire finally got interest in Kyrgyzstan. Their interest got activated as Great Game started, when Great Britain launched its conquering campaign. Great Game is the rivalry between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia (19th century). The Great Game term is attributed to Arthur Conolly, an officer of British army.

In late 1813 another embassy from Kyrgyz side (Issyk-Kul tribe - bugu) was sent to Russian empire with Kachybek and Jakypbek. After this embassy’s trip stable development of Kyrgyz-Russian relations ships started to form.

In 1825 in kurultai near Jyrgalan river bugu tribe had come to decision of rather joining Russian empire than Koqand khanate.

The full citizenship (ïîääàíñòâî) of Bugu tribe was activated only after severe confrontations with Sarybagysh tribe, during one of such confrontations Ormon-Han, the ruler of Sarybagysh, was killed and Sarybagysh tribe started its vendetta. In January 17 of 1855 Kachybek, the ambassador from bugu tribe, arrived to Omsk and swore fidelity to Russian empire. That’s the date when Bugu tribe officially joined Russian empire as the first tribe to do so.

In 60s of XIX century Russian Empire decided to finish the annexation of Kyrgyz tribes. In august 23 of 1860 Russian troops of Zimmerman occupied Tokmok fortress (Koqand’s) and destroyed in 28th.

Very important battle between Russian empire and Koqand khanate happened in 1861 near Uzun-Agach, when Russian troops destroyed Koqand troops.

In 1862 Kemin Kyrgyz joined Russian empire.

In 1862 joint troops of Russian empire and Baitik-baatyr (Solto) had finally conquered and destroyed Pishpek fortress.

The whole Northern part of Kyrgyzstan was conquered by Russian empire in 1868, when fortresses in Naryn and Karakol were built.

Uprising of Polot-Han (Ishak Hasan uulu) started in 1873 against Kudoiar-Han of Koqand khanate. In 1874 part of the rebels asked of joining Russian Empire Turkestan’s governor-general. But in 1875 Russian troops aided Koqand troops in crushing the uprising. After these actions from Russian side, the rebels, who were not only Kyrgyz, resisted Russian troops as well. In 1875 Polot-Han ran away to Chon Alai. In 1876 Koqand khanate was liquidated by Russian empire. The same year Polot-han was caught and was killed through hanging.

The only part of Kyrgyzstan which was still not a part of Russian empire was Alai. This region of Kyrgyzstan resisted a lot, especially sons of famous Kurmanjan-datka. She understood that they can no longer resist Russian troops, that soon or late they would be conquered; and she stopped her sons and officially proclaimed about joining to Russian empire in 1876. So the Kyrgyzstan was annexed in 1876.


17. Central Asia and the Kyrgyz under the Russian Rule in the 19- early 20th centuries: economic, political and cultural development and its consequences.

October Revolution and formation of Kyrgyz statehood (1924-1936)


In October 24, 1917 there was a Revolution in Russia. The Bolshevik Party headed by V.Lenin announced the defeat of Temporal Government. The II Russian Congress of Councils elected a Committee of People Commissars, which was the first government of Bolshevik Party. They took two important decrees. Peace Decree and Land Decree. On the territory of present Kyrgyzstan establishing of the Soviet Power had some differences. Soviet authority was established in the south inn 1917. Kyzyl-Kia and Sulukta towns announced the establishment of Soviet Power. In Northern Kyrgyzstan the Soviet power was established in Talas town in December, 1917. In Pishpek organized Bolshevik groups headed by A.Ivanitsin, Shvetz-Bazarniy, and M.Merkun.


Economical, Political, and Cultural Reforms


Economic reforms

Land Decree 1917:

 Communal state land

 Invalidation of all credit payments

 Organization of agrarian cooperative farms

 Land-Water reform in 1921-24 in Central Asia

 Aim: expropriation of land from Russian landlords (kulak) and equalization of land rights

 Formation of local peasant class

 Fighting against local nomadic elite

 Formation of kolkhozes –

 In 1925 arable lands 325,000 desyatin or 50,3 % in contrast to 25% in 1914



 In 1929 – first 5-year plan of Kyrgyz ASSR

 Refined and cultivated branches of industry

 Recast of cotton, vegetables.

 Turksib(turkestan Siberian magistral) railway was an important reason for industry of Central Asia because it connected CA with Siberia and Ural

 Formation of worker class and professional communities


The Victory of Lenin’s party and defense of Soviet Power (1917-1920)

 November 7th, 1917 – Council of People Commissars – the first government of peasants and workers

 November 1917 – June 1918 – Soviet Power in Kyrgyzstan

 Organization of Defense Military Force: Pishpek Soviet Troop (sept.1918) headed by Ya. Logvinenko, Turkistan Front (august 1919) headed by M.Frunze


The first Party of Kyrgyz peasants and nomads

 Sarykulakov Kojomurat (1892-1918) was born in Pishpek, In 1911 graduated from Verniy gymnasium. In 1911-1913 he studied in Saint Vladimir Kiev university. In February 1917 came back home and was a chief of Bukhara party


Formation of Kyrgyz Soviet Socialistic Republic (1917-1924)

 March-October 1917 - establishing three parties and rules

 Council of solder deputies, “Bukhara” party (Bolshevik)

 Mensevik parties

 ”Alash”, “Shuro-i-Islam”, (Islamic council) “Turan” Nationalistic and Islamic parties


Political reforms:

 1917 - Declaration of the rights of people of Russia (base of national politics)

 1917 – Address to worker Muslim of Russia and East (equality of rights)

 26-29 November 1917-22 February 1918 – Kokand autonomy by nationalistic Muslim leaders of Central Asia

 1918 formation of Turkistan Soviet Socialistic Republic

 Attempt to establish Kyrgyz Mountainous Republic inside Turkistan Soviet Socialistic Republic by Yu.Abdrakhmanov and A.Sydykov

 1924 – formation of Turkmen SSR, Kazakh SSR, Uzbek SSR, Tajik autonomous oblast, Kara-Kyrgyz oblast, Kara-Kalpak autonomous oblast, Kara-Kyrgyz ASSO:

 Population - 829,000

 Territory – 200, 000 sq.km, 6 cites, 321 villages and 5 khutors

 1926 Kara-Kyrgyz ASSR in the Russian federation

 1926 – the first Constitution of Kyrgyz ASSR


Stalin’s politics and Repression

 Stalin+Bukharin fraction against Zinov’ev-Trotskiy fraction

 1929 – Stalin’s politics about the liquidation of kulak class

 In Kyrgyzstan were repressed more than 40,000 people

(population of Kyrgyzstan on that time was 1, 4 mln)



Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1942

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The Relationships of the Kyrgyz with the Koqand Khanate in the 18-19th centuries. The Rebellion of 1873-1876 against Kokand Khanate. | The Rebellions 1898 and 1916 against the Russian Colonization.
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