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Reply to unsolicited letter

Mitchell Hill Plc

Merchant Bank

11-15 Montague Street LondonEel son

Telephone: 071 625 3311/2/3

Telex: 971135 Fax: 071 625 4019

Cable: mithil (London)


Furstenweg 110 29 June 20—

D-3000 Hannover 71


Dear Mr Bauer,

Thank you for your letter of 21 June 19—, in which you enquired about a one-year traineeship in our Securities Department in the UK.

I have spoken to Mr McLean, who recommended you to contact us, and he remembers you from the course you did together.

We do employ staff from overseas banks, with experience, and could probably find an opening for you in the Securities Department around the end of this year as one of our current overseas trainees is leaving in September.

I am enclosing an application form and booklet giving you details of Mitchell Hill, salary structure, and conditions of employment. Would you please complete the application form and sent it to Mrs Helen Griffiths, Personnel Department, at the above address. Meanwhile, could you ask your Director, Mr Strauss, to send me a reference for you, and we would appreciate another reference, possibly from one of your Professors at Munich University.

Once I have received these details we can consider your application. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Burrows (Miss)

pp David McLean

Securities Manager



Covering letter for c.v.

In this example, notice the applicant immediately explains what the letter is about. She then goes on to expand on her present duties and emphasizes these and any other information that she feels is relevant to the advertised position, ignoring the duties in her previous employment which have no relevance to this particular post. Most importantly, she explains why she is applying for this particular vacancy and the qualities she can offer the company. Note that if she offered her current employers as referees, she could mention that she would prefer the company she is applying to not to approach her employers until after an interview.


1. What position is Ms Brice applying for?

2. What does the abbreviation P.A. mean?

3. How did she learn about IT?

4. What reason does she give for wanting to join ICS?

5. Which words in the letter correspond to the following: ask for', everyday duties', continued with', materials used with a computer, e.g. discs; managing; real?


Your Ref: KH 305/9 25 Westbound Road


Mrs J. Hastings Herts

Personnel Officer WD6 1DX

International Computing Services PLC

City Road

18 June 19—

London ΕΡΗ 4HJ


Dear Mrs Hastings,

I would like to apply for the position advertised in The Guardian on 16 June for a Personal Assistant to the Sales Director.

As you will see from my c.v., much of the work I do in my present position is that of a PA. I deal not only with the routine work of a secretary, but also represent the Assistant Director at small meetings and functions, and am delegated to take a number of policy decisions in his absence.

Your advertisement asked for a knowledge of languages. I have kept up my French, and learnt Italian for the past two years at evening classes, and have regularly visited Belgium and Italy with the Assistant Director, acting as an interpreter and translator for him.

I am also familar with the latest developments in Information Technology, having just completed a one-month course at The City College, in addition to previous day release courses I attended when I was with Johnson Bros.

I am particularly interested in the situation you are offering, as I would like to become more involved with an IT organization. I am quite familar with many of the software products that ICS manufacture for office technology.

As well as my secretarial skills and experience of running a busy office, I am used to working with technicians and other specialized personnel in the field of computers. I have a genuine interest in computer development and the people involved in the profession.

Please let me know if there is any further information you require. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Carol Brice (Ms)

End. c.v.

Curriculum vitae

Date of Birth: Name: Present address: Telephone number: Marital status: Education and qualifications: 1980-1985   1985-1987 Work experience: Oct'87-Dec'88   Jan '89 - present Other information: References: Current salary: 25 February 19— Carol Bnce 25, Westbound Road, Borehamwood. Herts, WD6 1DX Single   Mayfield School, Henley Road, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1DX GCE in English Language; French; History; Geography; and Art.   Hilltop Further Education College, Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM Diploma in Business Studies.   Johnson Bros. Pic, 51-55 Baker Street, London W1A 1AA Type of Company:Retail Cham Stores Post:Junior Secretary Responsibilities:Secretarial work including typing; shorthand; correspondence; copying reports and minutes from shorthand notes; tabulating data; filing; answering customers' calls; mail distribution; and general office duties.   National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Sidmouth Street, London WC1H4GJ Type of Company:Car importers Post:Secretary to Assistant Director Responsibilities:Dealing with all correspondence; taking minutes at meetings and writing up Assistant Director's reports; receiving customers and suppliers; dealing with home and overseas enqumes; making decisions on behalf of A.D. in his absence; and representing the company at various business functions.   While working I have attended various evening courses for Italian and French, and have also been on a special Information Technology course at The City College. My interests include tennis, badminton, swimming, and reading.   Mr B. Norman, Assistant Director, National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Sidmouth Street, London WC1H 4GJ.   Mrs T. R. Bradley, Senior Lecturer, Business Studies Dept., Hilltop Further Education College, Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM.   £14,000 per annum



Curriculum vitae

There are various layouts for a c.v. and this is just one example. Some c.v.s may have a section for supplementary information, where reasons for applying for the position and leaving previous and present employment are included, as well as personal qualities and skills which the candidate feels are relevant to the job. In this example, however, this material is included in the covering letter, see 16.3.4.



1. What was Ms Brice's position at Johnson Bros?

2. Name three of her duties at National Auto.

3. Which words in the c.v. correspond to the following: unmarried; stenography; cataloguing and keeping data; acting for; wages?



Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1676

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