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1. We will cooperate with other nations to deny, contain and curtail our enemies’ efforts to acquire dangerous technologies. 2. You could learn how to use English accurately, impressively, incisively – to cut through many barriers to social, academic and business success. 3. George III, the ablest of the Hanoverians, was taught a broad and liberal curriculum modeled, for the first time, on that of contemporary public schools. Ñð: The main reason why modern biographers are predisposed to minimize the despotism of emperors is that they live in liberal democracies. 4. Fifty years later, some of the tanks and field guns that survived the momentous battle are lined up, freshly painted, in the parking lot at the war museum. 5. Motorists are offered a guide to the 10 most popular routes likely to be taken by caravan enthusiasts this summer. 6. For more than a decade, Tony Blair dominated the nation’s political landscape as prime minister, the most electorally successful leader of the UK Labour party since the Second World War. 7. ABB, the Swiss-Swedish engineering group enjoyed startlingly positive media coverage academic acclaim in the 1990s, only for the story to change dramatically a couple of years later. 8.Aggressive skating isn’t exactly the safest sport around but it sure is one of the most exciting and impressive. 9. A critical role in early stages of children’s education is assigned to parents.10.In my own work, I’ve tried to anticipate what's coming over the horizon, to hasten its arrival, and to apply it to people's lives in a meaningful way. 11. You must learn day by day, year by year to broaden your horizon. 12. The manager has his eye on the bottom line; the leader has his eye on the horizon. 13. I can’t be a wife. I’m not that sort of person. Wives have to compromise all the time. 14. They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody? 15. A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. 16. Lord Drayson is reported to have made a personal fortune of around £80m from a revolutionary needle-free injection system and was made a life peer by Tony Blair in 2004. 17. The Internet has exceeded our collective expectations as a revolutionaryspring of information, news, and ideas. 18. Every revolutionary idea seems to evoke three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the phrases: 1 – It’s completely impossible; 2 – It’s possible, but it's not worth doing; 3 – I said it was a good idea all along. 19. The revolutionary Mozart is the Mozart of his last eight years. 20.The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now, and you and I will not be around to see it (George W. Bush).

21. The delicate balance between modesty and conceit is popularity. 22. Genius isn’t anything more than elegant common sense. 23. The winning combination of elegant streets, stylish hotels, great restaurants and world class galleries and museums has kept Edinburgh in the top position for an incredible eight years.

24. Instead of being a source of pleasure, the prospect of living longer has become a source of anxiety to many people without adequatepension savings.

25. Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply. 26. For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour. 27. People who want alternative information have to try so hard to find it. 28. There are many reasons why novelists write, but they all have one thing in common a need to create an alternativeworld. 29. Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. 30. We have to attack reality shows. I don’t know how far it's going to go – it’s a phenomenon that has invaded TV around the world. 31. I learned basic cookery from my mom, taught myself cake techniques and then got fed up with my own cakes not looking as good as the ones in the shops. 32. He said: “In my opinion, this woman died of a broken heart and basicallyused alcohol to take away the horrors. Something like this was bound to happen.”

33. Conventionally, one looks at history as something of the past. But after Einstein, who knows what is in the past and what is in the present? 34. When it comes to life the criticalthing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. 35. The real question isn’t whether you love your kids or not, but how well you are able to demonstrate your love and caring so that your children really feel loved. 36. I am not a member of the CIA or any other intelligenceagency. 37. Men create real miracles when they use their God-given courage and intelligence.38.The olive trees, normallyevergreen, have turned a papery gold. 39. It is our policy to correct mistakes as soon as possible. 40. Practical politics consists in ignoring facts. 41. I take a very practicalview of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms: “Checkout Time is 18 years.” 42. Two armed robbers led an extravagant lifestyle with £78 000 they stole from banks across England. 43. Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader – not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon. 44. There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. 45. Students of politics have been interested in many aspects of ethics in public service. 46. In every school, more boys wanted to be remembered as a star athletethan as a brilliant student. 47. It is the second fatalaccident this year involving a bridge collapse. 48. Nothing is so fatalto religion as indifference. 49. It never seems to occur to some people, that, like beauty, a sense of humor may sometimes be fatal. 50.The most patheticperson in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision. 51. Civilian deaths have risen dramaticallyin Iraq since the country was invaded in March 2003, according to a survey conducted by researches from Columbia University. 52. Women who want to make the break back into scientific research should try emphasizing their academicage rather than their chronological age.

Òext 1

Is corporate culture the way forward for graduates

Those of us with liberalarts degrees remember them well, the professors who know all there is to know about Shakespeare,or Dante, or medieval theology. We remember them with affection. But they let us down, according to a top American executive at IBM. They staffed us with useless information, and failed to teach us about shareholder value, or customer satisfaction.

All that is going to change, according to a book called What Business Wants From Higher Education by Dr. Diana Oblinger, academic programme and strategy executive at IBM. Did you know, for example, that in dozens of liberal arts university courses in the United States there is not a single professor with real, hands-on experience of client handling?

It is high time, says Oblinger, that academic communities started to concentrate on teaching the skills, attitudes and personal attributes that business requires. Students should be taught “to understand the unwritten rules of the corporate culture”. The Regius Professor of Lithuanian Mythology must make way for the Bill Gates Professor of Massive Profits.

Employers, says Oblinger, want employees “who can adapt to the organisation, understand the job requirements, and produce work that has a clear return – as quickly as possible. Adding value, especially in the short term, relies on knowledge, speed of learning, ability to work in teams, and adjusting to the culture of the organisation.”

How are universities to put things right? Oblinger provides some questions. “Do faculty understand how decisions are made in business and industry? Could students analysecustomer situation, develop financing and market a new product? How often do faculty or administrators engage in discussions of what business needs from higher education?”

But what if academics refuse to allow business to dictate the curriculum? Then, opines Oblinger grimly, they facea bleak future. “To get a sympathetic ear from legislators highereducation will need strong àdvocacy from the business community, an ally it is unlikely to win unless it has put itself through the same sort of streamlining and re-engineering that the business community has.”

Text 2

Ferrari of probes to check Earth gravity

Scientists unveiled a new weapon in the battle against global warming last week: a 16th torpedo-shaped probe that will swoop over the atmosphere to measure Earth's gravity with unprecedented accuracy.

The Gravity and Ocean Circulation Explorer, or Goce, has been dubbed the Ferrari of space probes because of its elegant design and will be launched early next year on a Russian SS-19 missile. Scientists say its data on Earth’s gravitational field will be vital in understanding how ocean currents react to the heating of our planet over the next few decades.

“Gravity is the force that drives the circulation of the oceans,” said Dr. Mark Drinkwater, Goce’s project scientist. “Until we understand its exact role we can not predict how the seas – and planet – will behave as the climate gets warmer. That is why Goce is being launched.”

Ocean currents take a third of all the heat that falls on equatorial regions and carries it to higher latitudes. One of the most important is the Gulf Stream, which scientists fear could soon be destroyed or diverted by melting Arctic ice. But they need to know all the gravitational effects that influence the stream’s course across the Atlantic before they can make accuratepredictions.

The problem is that Earth’s gravity is not constant. The planet is flattened at the poles, for example, so gravity is stronger there, and weaker at the equator. Gas fields, mineral deposits, ground-water reservoirs and rock strata also produce variations in gravity. “There are all sorts of wiggles and bumps in Earth’s gravity field, said Dr. Chris Hughes, of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory in Liverpool. “Each will influence ocean currents, which have a crucial role in moving heat around the world. If we are to understand how climate change is going to affect the planet, we have to have a precise picture of its gravity field.”

Goce, which will cost the European Space Agency £200m to build and launch, has been put together by Thales Alenia Space Italia. And while most satellites are simply boxes with instruments bolted on, Goce is sleek and elegant; last week it was described by project manager Andrea Allasio as “the Ferrari of space probes”. Covered with silver-blue solar cells, it must fly low because it could not measure Earth’s gravity with sufficient accuracy in deep space. “It has to get close to make its measurements,” said Professor Reiner Rummel, of Munich Technical University.

However, as Goce skims above the Earth at a height of 150 miles it will encounter drag from the outer edges of the atmosphere. To prevent it losing height, an ion rocket will be fired constantly to keep it in its correct orbit. Computers will send 10 messages a second to its engines to ensure the probe orbits at the right height. To measure Earth’s gravity the probe will use GPS devices to plot its exact position and a gradiometer, a machine that can detect fluctuations of a million millionth in Earth’s gravity. This datawill be transmitted daily and used to build a model of Earth’s shape that is accurate to within a centimetre, as well as putting together a highly accurate gravity map of the planet.


Text 3

Rise of indigenous people sets the fashion trend in Bolivia

For centuries the traditional dress of South America’s indigenous people has been mocked as the garb of losers. The Indians lost power to the conquistadors, they lost land and wealth to waves of European settlers, and eventually they lost pride.

The bright tunics and unusual hats were belittled by the paler-skinned elites as the uniform of marginalized peasants in the highlands and shanty-dwellers in the cities.

But in a dramatic turnaround, the style has now become synonymous with authority. Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia and a figurehead for the indigenous movement, has led the way by turning traditional dress into a statement that the natives are back in the game. The outfit he wore on the eve of his January 2006 inauguration – a multi-coloured tunic and an alpaca-wool sweater with a four-pointed hat, and a garland of coca leaves – is to be officially declared a nationaltreasure.

“It was one of the most important moments. Those clothes were symbols. Right there was contained our history and patrimony,” said Juan Ramon Quintana, Minister to the Presidency, when he unveiled the plan to immortalise the clothes. Just a few years ago, the outfit, which Morales wore at an indigenous ceremony in the sanctuary of Tiawanacu, would have been seen only in remote villages or in displays for tourists.

That it should now be elevated to a totem of national pride reflects the ascendancy of Morales, a former coca-grower and radicalleft-winger, over the economic and political establishment that used to run the country.

Indigenous people are still economically marginalised and often the victims of racism, but in the past decade they have emerged as a formidable political force. To protest against crushing poverty and neglect, they have blocked motorways, clashed with police and even swung elections. Bolivia led the way. Morales swept to power in 2005 by mobilizing indigenous voters, previously neglected by the European-influenced elite. As his clout has grown, so has the visibility of traditional dress.

The costumes, once largely confined to peasants, have become prominent and even hip. Earlier this year the capital, La Paz, hosted a glitzy fashion show in which models wore the bowler hats and flared skirts of highland women. Increasing numbers of shops are stocking traditional outfits, and newspapers and magazines are publishing more pictures of people wearing such clothes.

TV stations, which used to ignore or play down celebrations of the Bolivian Aymara people’s new year, last month devoted lengthy shows to the spectacle.

With talk of Morales amending the constitution to run again, there is growing realisation that his radical – and supporters would add, belated – push for indigenous rights may be here to stay. Many pale-skinned city dwellers are learning Quechua now that the language can help get jobs in government.

Rising indigenous influence across the Andean region is both a cause and a consequence of the “pink tide” of left-wing governments. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa owed much of last year’s electoral victory to indigenous support. In Venezuela the Indians have found a champion in President Hugo Chavez, himself a mix of European and Indian blood.

Much of Latin America still celebrates October 12 as Christopher Columbus Day, but in Venezuela it has been renamed Indigenous Resistance Day.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 6182

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