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Bringing the EU-EECA cooperation and policy in ICT in the HORIZON 2020 era



Internal questionnaire for inputs with regards to D4.3 “Overview of action plans in EECA countries on development of ICT sector”



In the context of the WP4, two dissemination and awareness raising events to promote the cooperation opportunities under RTD&I programmes of the EECA countries and encourage EU ICT actors to exploit the open access to knowledge and funding were foreseen to be organized. However, in the process of preparation to the info-day in EU, the issue occurred because of the lack of programmes in EECA region in which the EU actors could participate. Due to this situation the partners agreed that the organisation of an info-day to promote international collaboration under EECA R&I programmes wouldn’t be efficient.


Instead, a WP4 contingency plan was proposed. It includes three actions:

· Action 1: To continue their effort to identify and analyse EECA programmes for international collaboration and inform both EU and EECA R&I actors on the upcoming opportunities (through direct contacts, the Cluster web portal, newsletters, etc.).

· Action 2: Extend the research and analyse other funding sources available for the EECA region that support EECA-EU collaboration in the broader field of ICT, to identify potential opportunities, including the implementation projects in the region enhancing capacities of the countries.

· Action 3: Organize workshop in the ICT areas of mutual interest for EU-EECA R&I collaboration.


The work done though this questionnaire covers the action n°2: Extend the research and analyse other funding sources available for the EECA region that support EECA-EU collaboration in the broader field of ICT, to identify potential opportunities, including the implementation projects in the region enhancing capacities of the countries.


Indeed, different sources (ENI, EuropaAID, World Bank and others) are expected to fund major projects with significant ICT component in the EECA regions, and participation in these projects can be a motivating factor for the leading EU ICT organizations. Moreover, topics and priorities of such large projects are formed by global donor with governments of EECA countries. Therefore, it is very useful to deliver information on the strategy and development plans for ICT sector in EECA countries for the period of 2014- 2020, or at least 2014-2018.


The aim is to identify for example:

· If there are programmes that include ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority),

· Which countries such programmes target

· Which are the specific characteristics of such programmes. For example, do they fund all activities,

· Is national contributions needed, type of organizations targeted...


Basically, the main idea behind this document is to be pragmatic and to simply present for a researcher or a SME (or whatever) wiling to get funded how to get money and out of which funding programme, with details, such as country covered by the call, priorities (is my domain of expertise/research eligible?), who can participate, deadline for submission, website to get additional information, how to submit a proposal, do I need to build a consortium and how many partners are needed, which are rules for participations, is there a maximum budget indicated.


The information about different sources of funding is highly useful for the EECA as well as for EU, since it stimulates to extend the activities and opens opportunity for broader collaboration.


You are, as E2H partner, asked to contribute to the D4.3. As indicated in the first section, the objective of the D4.3 document is to provide an accurate list of opened funding programmes in the EECA regions and to document those programmes. At the end, the project should deliver a kind of directory of funding programmes, so any researcher or SME in the EECA region willing to get funded should be able to find the relevant information in the document.


If you are aware of multiple funding programmes, please duplicate the table provided in the section 3.1 as many times as needed.


Also, if no programme is opened in your country, and if you know why, please explain the situation (section 3.2).


Special note for funding programme such as Europaid:

EuropeAid project are funded by the European Commission and are, sometimes but not every time, organizing calls for proposal. In that case, it is worth describing the call for proposal organized by the consortium in charge of the EuropeAid projet rather than describing the EuropeAid call/project itself.



List of funding programmes


Funding source EU H2020, European Commission
Targeted countries COST members (35 in total, including EU MS and some associated countries), cooperating state Israel and near neighbouring states, including AM, AZ, BY, GE, MD, UA and RU.
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) COST funds coordination costs of pan-European research networks (COST actions) thus multiplying the potential of nationally funded research activities/programs. Historically, COST supports mainly basic and applied research, since recently it is going to fund also developments and innovation.
Programme description In order to apply, organizations from at least 5 COST member states should develop a proposal for a 4y research network and submit it to the continuous Open Call. After that, an evaluation and selection procedure follows. Upon the approval of a COST action and launch of activities, other partners may join it. Thus, typical COST action unites 22 countries.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://www.cost.eu/
Status Scheduled, on going… Ongoing
Overall budget 300 mln. EUR for 2014-2020; 130 thous. EUR/per year/per action
Maximum budget per candidate Depends on the number of persons involved and events attended
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person… Email: opencall@cost.eu http://www.cost.eu/participate/open_call
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. Organizations which carry out research activities (research labs, academics, SMEs, etc) and are involved in national S&T programs.
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted? Organizations from the near neighbouring countries has 2 opportunities to join an action: 1) by joining a consortium at COST action development stage; 2) by joining the approved COST action during its implementation; it is necessary to approach a Chair of the selected action by email.
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … COST covers the costs of meetings, short-term scientific missions, training schools, dissemination and publications. In short, it funds the activities which support and coordinated basic and applied research but not the research itself.
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority The program uses a bottom-up approach. Thus, it directly supports coordination actions for promoting the ICT research activities. There are at least 2 scientific domains which embrace ICT research: 1) Information and Communication Technologies, and 2) “Trans-Domain” with broad, interdisciplinary dimension.
Other useful information Benefits for the neighboring countries: 1) Each COST action may involve max. 2 organizations from a neighboring country; 2) The number of COST actions an organization may take part in is not limited; 3) Organization which is a partner in a COST action can be represented at its events by max. 2 experts, however only one of them will be reimbursed.




Funding source Directorate-General Neighbourhood and Enlargement negotiations, European Commission
Targeted countries EU neighbouring countries
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) TAIEX supports public administrations with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as facilitating the sharing of EU best practices.
Programme description TAIEX assistance is mainly demand driven. It is given in response to requests sent by officials working for the administrations of Beneficiary Countries. The applications for assistance are available online here on the TAIEX website. If you wish to apply, please fill in the appropriate form whether it be to receive targeted for expertise, to apply for a study visit or to propose the organisation of a larger workshop.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex/index_en.htm
Status Scheduled, on going… Ongoing
Overall budget n/a
Maximum budget per candidate n/a
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person…  
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. Public authorities
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted? An application should be developed by a public authority
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … Workshop - EU Member State experts present specific areas of EU legislation in workshops attended by officials from the beneficiaries’ administrations. Study visit – a group of up to 3 practitioners from a beneficiary administration embark on a study visit to EU MS for 5 days to learn the best practices and EU legislation Experts mission – 1 or more EU expert is coming to a beneficiary administration to advice, provide best practices, etc for up to 5 days.
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority The program does not include ICT directly. However, it is able support the capacity building in the areas which strongly depend on ICT (medicine, energy, etc) or assist in answering the major social challenges (to which ICT contribute) by providing the best available experience (e.g. security).
Other useful information  



Funding source European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Targeted countries Developing countries in the region from Central Europe to Central Asia, in the Western Balkans and the southern and eastern Mediterranean region
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) Fostering innovations and building sustainable and open-market economies in the target countries
Programme description EBRD provides direct financing for well structured, financially robust projects of all sizes (including SMEs), both directly and through financial intermediaries such as local banks and investment funds. The Bank works mainly with private sector clients, but also finances municipal entities and publicly owned companies. The principal financing instruments are loans, equity investments and guarantees.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://www.ebrd.com/where-we-are/belarus/overview.html
Status Scheduled, on going… Ongoing
Overall budget EUR 1,642 million in 1992–2015; the portfolio of projects in 2015 is EUR 638 million
Maximum budget per candidate n/a
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person… 70 Myasnikova Street, Room 522 220030 Minsk Belarus +375 17 308 39 00  
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. Private sector clients, municipal entities, publicly owned companies
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted? An application should include: (1) description of a project, (2) financial plan, (3) information on environmental protection
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … Project investments are at the heart of the EBRD operations. The EBRD offers a wide range of financial instruments and takes a flexible approach in structuring its financial products. The principal forms of direct financing that the EBRD may offer are loans, equity and guarantees. Projects may be considered for EBRD assistance if they: - are located in an country where the EBRD works; - have good prospects of being profitable; - have significant equity contributions in cash or in kind from the project sponsor; - would benefit the local economy; - satisfy the EBRD's environmental standards as well as those of the host country;
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority ICT projects can be provided with financial support from the EBRD on general terms. ICT is one of the thematic priorities in the EBRD programme for supporting development of SMEs in Belarus.
Other useful information http://www.ebrd.com/downloads/country/strategy/belarus.pdf  




Funding source United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Targeted countries Developing countries
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) UNIDO aspires to reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Programme description The mandate of the UNIDO is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition. In recent years, UNIDO has assumed an enhanced role in the global development agenda by focusing its activities on poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The Organization draws on four mutually reinforcing categories of services: technical cooperation, analytical and policy advisory services, standard setting and compliance, and a convening function for knowledge transfer and networking. UNIDO's vision is a world where economic development is inclusive and sustainable and economic progress is equitable. The Organization focuses on three main thematic areas: - Poverty reduction through productive activities - Trade capacity-building - Energy and environment The Organization is recognized as a specialized and efficient provider of key services meeting the interlinked challenges of reducing poverty through productive activities, integrating developing countries in global trade through trade capacity-building, fostering environmental sustainability in industry, and improving access to clean energy.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://www.unido.org/ http://www.scienceportal.org.by/cooperation/opportunities/multilateral/unido/  
Status Scheduled, on going… Ongoing
Overall budget n/a
Maximum budget per candidate n/a
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person… UNIDO Headquarters Vienna International Centre Wagramerstr. 5 P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Austria
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. National S&T institutions, Government and governmental organisations, SMEs, etc.
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted?  
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … UNIDO and the Government of Belarus will cooperate in the mobilization of financial resources for potential projects under this programme, and will explore financing from such sources as international finance organizations, donor countries and the private sector as part of a funds mobilization strategy.
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority To increase the impact of the development of the private sector on the reduction of poverty, UNIDO will support the efforts of developing countries to improve the business environment and lay the policy and institutional foundations for the development of a vibrant private sector. The main support tool is the programme “Building e-competence” which enables SMEs in developing countries to access opportunities through ICTs.
Other useful information http://www.unido.org/fileadmin/user_media/Services/PSD/ICT/UNIDO48pp_SR.pdf  



Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR)

Funding source Public budget
Targeted countries Belarus, EECA, EU-countries countries of interest depending on specific Call (e.g. Turkey, Vietnam, Mongolia, etc.).
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) BRFFR was established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus in May, 1991 in order to strengthen financial support of fundamental and exploratory research in areas of natural and technical sciences and humanities, conducted by scientific organizations, higher education institutions and individual scientists within priority directions of such research. The following tasks and functions of the Foundation are defined by its Statute: - financing of short-term fundamental and exploratory research projects in priority scientific areas; - support of talented young scientists; - financing of joint projects with foreign partners; - financial support for publishing of monographs and other sources of scientific information based on the results of conducted fundamental research. - financial support for organization of symposiums, conferences and other scientific events in the Republic of Belarus, aimed at developing of fundamental and exploratory research, as well as financial aid to research fellows for participation in scientific events abroad.
Programme description BRFFR supports research projects, aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge on nature, the man and society in the following areas of knowledge: - physical and mathematical sciences, - technical sciences, - chemical sciences and Earth sciences, - biological and medical sciences, - agrarian sciences, - humanitarian sciences.   All types of financial support are realized by the Foundation on the competitive basis regardless of age (except target calls for young scientists aged below 35), academic degree or position of the scientist as well as department affiliation of the scientific organization he works in.   Decisions on financing of projects are taken on the basis of the peer review process, conducted by independent experts and expert councils. Expert councils are composed of the most renowned scientists in their sphere of expertise.   One of the important principles of the Foundation’s work is the principle of openness. All calls, conditions of their realization and results are published in the press. Calls are opened on the annual basis (except joint calls with the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, realized biennially). The Foundation strives to use allocated funds mainly for the research itself, limiting the indirect costs to 20%.   Members of the Council of the Foundation and the Trusteeship Council are recommended not to participate in the calls in the capacity of project leaders. Information about evaluation process, including evaluation papers on projects, is confidential and cannot be provided to applicants and third parties. The results of the call are announced to the applicants within a month after its termination. The list of approved projects is published in the magazine “Bulletin of the Foundation for Fundamental Research” and on the web-site of the Foundation. Abstracts of the completed projects are published in the Annual Volume of the Foundation “Main Results of the Fundamental and Exploratory Research and Suggestions on Perspectives of their Application”.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://fond.bas-net.by/default_eng.html  
Status Scheduled, on going… On going (from Call to Call)
Overall budget n/a
Maximum budget per candidate Ordinary projects: ca 17 000 EUR
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person… fond@it.org.by Tel.: +375-17-284-07-42, Fax: +375-17-284-08-97 Chairman: Prof., Academician Sergey GAPONENKO
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. All legal research entities including Universities, the National Academy of Sciences and other.
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted? In case of an International Call, a consortium of at least two partners from Belarus and foreign country is compulsory.
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … Research
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority ICT is one of the main areas along with other
Other useful information Typically, there are a number of Calls a year. However, each time the funding volume is rather small.



Funding source German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Targeted countries Germany-Belarus
Programme objectives What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…) Programs for graduate students and scholars: - Scientific internships for scientists and university professors; - Repeated invitations to the former annual scholarship DAAD; - Research fellowships for graduate students and young scientists; - Research DLR-DAAD scholarship; - Structured program for graduate students. Applications for postgraduate training: - Scholarships for postgraduate training of graduates of all disciplines; - Scholarships for postgraduate training ERP graduates of economic specialties; - Special Program of Postgraduate Education; - Scholarships for postgraduate training of graduates of creative disciplines; - Training programs for professionals and executives. Programs for students: - Summer college courses for students of all specialties; - Study tours and practice of student groups in Germany; - Group travel to Germany with a concert and choral performances; - International Programme for journalists; - Teaching practice for foreign students studying natural and engineering sciences, agriculture and forestry (IAESTE); The program for students - Scholarship program for high school graduates with in-depth study of German language (DSD, FIT);
Programme description The DAAD funds the development and introduction of high-quality, internationally competitive study and research programmes for qualified foreign students, (post)graduates, academics and researchers who, for their part, contribute to the outstanding teaching and research offered in Germany. The DAAD also encourages the creation of hospitable frameworks for foreigners (status and work permit legislation, guidance-counselling, and much more) and helps higher education institutions position themselves in the international "education market" by carrying out information and advertising campaigns.
Website and additional links If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, … http://www.daad-ic-minsk.by/
Status Scheduled, on going… Ongoing
Overall budget Reimbursement projects
Maximum budget per candidate  
Contact Entity responsible for the call, contact person… Minsk office http://www.daad-ic-minsk.by/
Who can candidate? Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria. Individuals in research, education, students
What are the requirements for applying? Consortium needed? International partners accepted? Individual project proposal
Type of activity funded Research, trials, … Reimbursement projects
Link with ICT Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority R&I, education.
Other useful information  



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