Car and Transportation Company: Respect-Auto Ltd., Creative Group HOLIDAY in Novosibirsk
Candidate: Mr. Baumgertner, Valeriy N.
Age: 41 Years Old
Date & Place of Birth: 8th Sep.1974 in Talica (Ural, near Yekaterinburg)
Place of Residence: Novosibirsk (Siberia Region), RUSsia
Mobile Phone: +7.913.48.777.48 (SMS, Viber,
Home Phone / Fax: +7.383.334.85.36 (AM)
Skype: valerjan-nsk (Webcam) (my ex job)
Languages: German: very good/fluent/perfect,
English: good/almost fluent,
Russian: native speaker
Driving Licence: European and International Russian (A,B,C category)
IT & PC knowledge: Appropriate modern Electronic Date Processing,
Computer/IT-Technologies and useful Software Programs
Attention please(!): This application was special and originally created for a free vacancy (JOB) as Business Development Manager, Russian Market (car brands: Opel, Chevrolet, HUMMER, Saab, Cadillac etc.) for Car/Automobile Manufacturer: GENERAL MOTORS DAT CIS ì
1992 - 2003 I`ve studied, lived and worked for more than 11 years in West-Europe, particularly in
G E R M A N Y (Berlin, Nuremberg/Munich, Hamburg, Hanover).
University EDUCATION & Professional Trainings (practical man, expert):
1994 – 1996
Fields of Study: Business Administration (Business Management & Development - MBA), Enterprise Management, Sales & Marketing, English, Internet & IT Technologies, Lawyer and Legal Expert (self-training) at the University of Luneburg near Hamburg, Germany.
1996 – 1999
Professional Training (according German Dual Education System) at several German companies (practice) and at the [same time] special Business School (theory) in and by Hamburg
Profession: Wholesale- and Foreign Trade Sales-Man
(Import & Export - Dealings and Distributions mostly of European and partly US-Cars, Trucks, Automotive spares/accessories and other different industrial, commercial and consumer goods).
1997 – 2001
Correspondence studying at the Goethe-Institute in Hanover from the Philological Faculty of Munich University (Bavaria)
Specialization: German Linguistic Diploma (or Master of German Language).
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Personal Qualities and Characteristics of the Candidate:
ü Wise and Positive Leadership & Strength of Decisive,
ü Responsibility & Seriousness (Reliability),
ü Loyalty & Stress-resistant,
ü Practical Man of Flexibility & Team-Work Player,
ü High Creative for Business Solutions and to Serve Customers,
ü Motivations, Presentations and Consultative/Adviser Skills & Open-Mindedness,
ü Ability to Cooperation & Thinking of Enterprising (Initiative),
ü MEGA good Communications and strong Organization Talents,
ü Very quickly Adaptable to a Changing Business Environment, to new Subjects/Contacts/People.
Additional Courses and Practice Experience:
A lot of various Trainings and Seminars, as well as effective systems of constantly Self-Training to improve my professional skill and intellectual level trough e.g. printed and electronic mass-media, private and business dialogues (realized many projects and orders), in following fields:
§ All round Top-Management & Commercial Enterprise, ERP,
§ Psychology (human, HR, customers, business partners, dealers and so on),
§ Practical and many-sided Technical Understanding,
§ Various Product, Branding and Service Knowledge, CRM,
§ Finance-, Economy- and Insurance-Sphere; Secrets of Negotiations,
§ Business Consulting & Audit (economic check on conformity, expertise) etc.
WORK EXPERIENCE (job places selectively):
2006 – 2015 (9 years - present time)
Car and Transportation Company: Respect-Auto Ltd., Creative Group HOLIDAY in Novosibirsk
Ü Occupation: General Manager (Managing Director & Creative Producer), Area: Russia; also Freelance Management Consultant, and Independent Business(Rent-a-Car)Broker / Businessman for different goods and services
u Business fields (among other):
Hiring and Renting out (partly Taxi-Service, Leasing) of different Vehicles with and without driver - for example: Passengers Cars, Limousines, Off-road Cars/Jeeps, Buses, Mini-Buses, Trucks... such like from GM: Chevrolet-Lacetti, Chevrolet-Lanos, Chevrolet-Niva, Opel-Astra, Opel-Corsa, Opel-Zafira, HUMMER H2 + H3, Cadillac Escalade; Fords, Lexus, Lincoln, Infinity and other car brands (about
+/- 300) from European, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, American and Russian (Soviet) Motor industry.
Also Management and Organization service of ceremonious Events & Weddings, of every possible Holidays and Parties/Concerts, Publicity Campaigns, Advertising, Sales Promotions and Marketing Actions etc.