Funding source
| International Visegrad Fund (V4)
Targeted countries
| Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary and the EaP countries (V4EaP), Western Balkans countries
Programme objectives
What is the orientation of support offered to the country? (e.g. develop e-Health infrastructure, enhance skills for international cooperation, e-government…)
| The purpose of the fund is to facilitate and promote the development of closer cooperation among citizens and institutions in the region as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially the Western Balkans and countries of the Eastern Partnership.
Programme description
| The International Visegrad Fund is an international organization based in Bratislava founded by the governments of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic. The fund provides grant support of common cultural, scientific and educational projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism promotion, and through individual mobility programs (scholarships, residencies).
The Fund runs five regular grant programs:
- Small Grants,
- Standard Grants,
- the Visegrad Strategic Program,
- the Visegrad Strategic Conferences, and the Visegrad+ program
and a separate Visegrad 4 Eastern Partnership program with its separate grant and scholarship schemes, scholarship schemes, a multi-chapter artist-in-residence program, and a curriculum-building program for universities.
Website and additional links
If relevant, indicate here where to find tender specifications, where to ask questions, …
Scheduled, on going…
| On going
Overall budget
| EUR 8 million in 2014
Maximum budget per candidate
| n/a
Entity responsible for the call, contact person…
| International Visegrad Fund
Kráľovské údolie 8, 811 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 259 203 811
fax: +421 259 203 805
Who can candidate?
Research labs, academics, SMEs, public authorities, industrial partners… Indicate also here illegibility criteria.
| NGOs, civil society organizations, municipalities and local or regional governments, schools and universities, private companies or individual citizens
What are the requirements for applying?
Consortium needed? International partners accepted?
| A project should deal with the region and further develop cooperation among project partners based in the region. With the exception of cross-border projects, entities from at least three V4 countries must be involved (e.g., a V4 organizer and at least two V4 partners).
Type of activity funded
Research, trials, …
| Cultural cooperation, scientific exchange and research, education, youth exchanges, cross-border cooperation, promotion of tourism, long-term projects of strategic character
Link with ICT
Does the programme includes ICT directly or indirectly (e.g. as an enabling “infrastructure” but not as the main priority
| The program does not include ICT directly, but ICT projects can be provided with financial support on general terms.
Other useful information