for bachelor training of educational area 0924 –“Telecommunications”
by the Faculty Council
Protocol ¹ 5
from 24.12.2009
UDK 538 (075.8)
Publication plan 2010.
Writers: assoc. prof. Gorbachov V.E, instructor Kardashev K.D.
The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetic oscillations and waves” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four laboratory works allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and measuring technique applied to determine main characteristics of oscillations systems and waves. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with detailed descriptions of applied electromagnetic equipment construction and measuring techniques.
Recommended for students of TE-group, educational area 0924 –“Telecommunications”.
4-1. Investigation of harmonic oscillations of mechanical systems.
Calculation of parameters of harmonic electrical oscillations.
4-3. Investigation of damped oscillations of mathematical pendulum.
Calculation of parameters of damping electrical oscillations.
4-6. Investigation of driven oscillations in oscillation circuit.
Calculation of current and voltage in RLC-circuit.
5-1. Finding of frequency of oscillations of vibrator by Meldje method.
Calculation of parameters of electromagnetic waves.
All laboratory works are provided in a frontal way, i.e. all group makes the same laboratory work at the same time.
Appropriate homework must forego to work in a lab. The homework contains self-studying of theory and methodology of work accomplishment, preparation of protocol which includes experimental facility’s schematic drawing, equipment table's drawing, measurement table's drawing, a list of working formulae with description of all quantities which are in, list of control questions' answering.
The allowance to performing of laboratory work will be had only those of students who have fulfilled homework and have positive result on express mini-quiz in a lab.
Content of the reports for all laboratory works has to be the following:
1) Title and number of laboratory work.
2) Goal of the work.
3) Laboratory research facility's scheme.
4) Equipment table.
5) Equations for calculation with decryption of all quantities in.
6) Standard table of measurements for each measured quantity. It has to be checked and verified by an instructor.
7) Experimental data processing (write one for many similar)
8) Standard form of result (confidence interval and relative error or a graphic result)
9) Conclusion
10) Date, name of a student.
Besides this guide is recommended to use literature from bibliography given at the end of this guide.