Time use efficiencyUnacceptable Score: 1.0
Acceptable Score: 2.0
Target Score: 3.0
No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
26: Defining expected behavior
Level 1.0 Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Poorly defines expected behavior, encouraging positive behavior and controlling negative.
Level 2.0 Acceptable
Clearly defines expected behavior, encouraging positive behavior and controlling negative.
Level 3.0 Target
Proficiently defines expected behavior, encouraging positive behavior and controlling negative.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe
Score: 2.0
Score: 3.0
Score: n/a
27: Disruptive student handling
Level1.O Unacceptable
Fails to handle disruptive students effectively.
Level2.0 Acceptable
Handles disruptive students effectively.
Level3.0 Target
Continually handles disruptive students effectively.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe
Score: 1.0
Score: 2.0
Score: 3.0
Score: n/a
Mutual courtesy
Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Poorly encourages mutual courtesy and respect between the teacher and students.
Level 2.0 Acceptable
Encourages mutual courtesy and respect between the teacher and students.
Level 3.0 Target
Exhibits exceptional encouragement of mutual courtesy and respect between the teacher and students.
Score: 2.0
Score: 3.0
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Rapport with students
Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Fails to establishes rapp01t with students and provides a pleasant, safe and orderly climate conducive of learning.
Level 2.0 Acceptable Score: 2.0
Establishes rapport with students and provides a pleasant, safe and orderly climate conducive of learning.
Level 3.0 Target Score: 3.0
Establishes superior rapport with students and provides a pleasant, safe and orderly climate conducive of learning.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Personal organization
Level 1.0 Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Does not show evidence of personal organization, i.e., organizes time, resources and materials for effective instruction.
Level2.0 Acceptable Score: 2.0
Shows evidence of personal organization, i.e., organizes time, resources and materials for effective instruction.
Level 3.0 Target Score: 3.0
Shows superior evidence of personal organization, i.e., organizes time, resources and materials for effective instruction.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Written record maintenance
Rarely maintains a written record of student progress.
Maintains a written record of student progress.
Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Acceptable Score: 2.0
Target Score: 3.0
Continuously maintains a written record of student progress.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Lesson plan design
Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Rarely writes lesson plans designed to achieve the identified objectives.
Level2.0 Acceptable
Writes lesson plans designed to achieve the identified objectives.
Level3.0 Target
Continually writes lesson plans designed to achieve the identified objectives.
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe
Score: 2.0
Score: 3.0
Score: n/a
Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Rarely demonstrates evidence of professional demeanor, scholarship and behavior.
Level 2.0 Acceptable
Demonstrates evidence of professional demeanor, scholarship and behavior.
Level 3.0 Target
Continuously demonstrates evidence of professional demeanor, scholarship and behavior.
Score: 2.0
Score: 3.0
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Self expression
Level 1.0 Unacceptable Score: 1.0
Does not effectively express self in written and verbal communication using correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary.
Level 2.0 Acceptable Score: 2.0
Effectively expresses self in written and verbal communication using correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary.
Level3.0 Target Score: 3.0
Continuously demonstrates effective self expression in written and verbal communication using correct grammar and appropriate
Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 681