Specialists in holidays for young people (teenagers and students), primarily from the US, Canada, Israel, and Europe, Incoming groups and individuals are offered a full package of sightseeing activities, social events, and contacts with local youngsters, under the guidance of experienced youth workers. (Established 1957)
Brit-Tours Ltd
Deals in large volumes of group traffic from North America, specializing in complete incentive programmes plus special-interest groups and business conferences. Creativity and quality assured. US office in Dallas, Texas,
Hollywood Travel Services Ltd
Catering for both groups and individuals from all over the world, Hollywood Travel offers special interest tours in over eight different categories. Private entertaining in rural hotels and private houses of historic and architectural importance. Private shooting and fishing packages. The personal touch for an exclusive clientele.
Blue Skies Travel Ltd
An organization which sends over 80,000 people a year on short-stay packages, mainly to London. Specialists in concerts with coach travel, accommodation, and guided tours included. Contact through newspaper advertising throughout the UK. Also markets theatre programmes for schools.
Customtours Ltd
Custom-made itineraries, designed to meet the needs of both groups and individuals. Specializing in special-interest tours, performing groups, and youth groups from overseas and within the UK.
1 Reading
Tour operators are an important part of the tourism industry and, for many hotels, are a vital source of business, as they bring large groups.
Look ar the pictures and read the profiles of the tour operators. Decide which picture goes with which tour operator.
1 22 Unit 11 Jour operation -planning
2 ListeningYou are going to listen to George Webber, who works for a large rour
operator, talking about 'familiarization rrips'.
1 Read through the questions below, then listen and make nores.
a What is a familiarization trip?
b How is it different today Prom thepast?
c Which travel agencies get invited on most of George's fam trips?
d Which other agencies might get invited on 'new-product' trips?
e Who pays for fam trips?
f When will George be sending people on them?
2 Afrer listening, discuss what questions you would put on a fam trip tjuestionnnaire to make sure that travel agency employees used their rime well. Make a list,
3 Language studyFuture Continuous
We use the Future Continuous:
is .>. polite w.iv mI u.skiny ahoui somebody's plans
► Will you he sending people out soon? ro talk about what we expect to happen.
► We 'II be sending people out in early May.
1 Make questions using the following prompts.
You want your friend to give Jim a message. (ymi/stWJim/roniglic?) Will you bf seeing Jimtonight?
a You want to lock up the office, but one of your colleagues is still
working in [here, (you/finish/soon?)
b You are booking a guest into your hotel. (How long/you/stay?) c You want your friend to buy you some stamps, (you/go/post office/on
your way home?) d You wanr to borrow your friend's rypewrirer. (you/use/your
typewriter/this evening?)
2 Complete these sentences about plans using will + -ing,
I (work) all day tomorrow, so I won't have rime to meet you.
I'll be working all day tomorrow, so I won't have time to ?neet you.
a They (repeat) the performance on Thursday night, if you missed h
this time.
b He (come) back for a visit next month. C Jo (move house) on Sunday, so she can't come to the party. d We (travel) through London on Saturday, so we could meet you there.
Unit 11 Tour operation— planning 123
Future Perfect
We use the Future Perfect to talk about an action that will alteady be completed by a time in the future:
> By June, we 'II have arranged some trips for the end of the summer.
► When wilt you have finished1 your work by?
Combine the following sentences using the Future Perfect.
We are redecorating this wing. It will be ready by the middle of next year.
We 11 have redecorated this wing by the middle of next year.
a The Dutch guests are leaving today. They will leave by rwelve noon. b The chambermaid is cleaning the room. It will be done by the time
they arrive. c The hotel hopes to double its business. It should manage ro do so by
the year 2000. d The delegates have received the information. I am sure they will all
read it before rhe start of the conference, e The painters are doing the downstairs rooms now. They say rhcy will
finish by Friday. f I have five letters to write. I plan to write diem all before I go home.
Reported speech
Notice how we report statements:
'him trips are an opportunity for people to get to know our hotels,' said
+■ Yum said earlier thatfam trips were an opportunity for people to get to
know your hotels,
'We've asked everyone to fill in a questionnaire,' George told us. >■ George told us they had asked everyone to fill in a questionnaire.
Now report rhe following statements in a similar way:
a 'We enjoy staying here,' said Thomas.
b 'We didn't have much time to relax,' Peter told us.
c The Browns are leaving at eight o'clock,' said Beatrice.
d "We've lost your address,' Debby told us.
e 'It's been raining for hours,' said Frank.
f lI don't remember where I left my keys,' Ronny told his wire.
g 'They will be here at any minute,' said Mary.
h Til help you when I've finished,' Tony told them.
i 'I can't understand your handwriting,' Ian rold me.
j You should apply for this job,' David told Catherine.
4 Reading
*C,; .^ -tffcfcp
Unit 11 Tour operation —planning
The Yorkshire and Humberside I ourist Board (YH IB), in conjunction withlocal Yorkshire hotels. Shearings (a tnajor UK coach rour operator), and North Sea Ferries, has put together u familiarization trip for employees of NSF and OLAU, a Dutch tour operator.
1Look at the map and itinerary and trace the route they will be taking. Shearings Fam TripProposed Itinerary