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E a lot of things to see

7 ListeningLook at this programme for the Hoteliers' Annual Conference to be held

At a hotel in Edinburgh.

Hoteliers' Annual Conference, Edinburgh

Provisional Programme

16.00 Registration and check-in

16,30 Introduction In main auditorium

16.45-17. IS Opening address: Marjorie Willis. Chairpericn of the British
Tourist Association -The Tourist, Industry In the 21st Century'
18.30 Cocktail reception

19.30 Dinner

Saturday 8.30 Breakfast

9.30 Workshops <x3)

11.00 Coffee

I 1,30 Workshop* (x3)

13.00 Buffet lunch

14.30 Optional excursion: Guided tour of the city and surrounding

countryside (by coach)

or Delegates ma/ make use of the hotel swimming-pool and leisure

centre and other hotel facilities
19.30 Grand Conference Dinner

Speech by Sir Norman Weston MP

Sunday 9.30 Breakfast

9.30 Workshops (x3)

11.00 Coffee

11.30 Closing session: Basit Carter - 'Marketing Strategies to Prom ore Your Hotel'

12.45 Su mm Ing up and closing remarks

I 3.00 Buffer lunch and departure

1 Listen to a conference co-ordinator discussing the programme with her assistant. Make a note of the things which have been changed from the original programme.

Unit 10 Conferences

2 Listen again and make a list of all the things which still have to be checked and arranged.


Imagine you are planning the derails of the Hoteliers1 Annual Conference looked at in 7 Listening of this unit.

In groups, decide on subjects for the three sets of workshops. There should be rhree workshops at each time (in other words, nine workshops in all). Also decide what seating arrangements you want, and what equipment you need.

Complete this chart:


Workshop time Title Seating style Equipment
Sat. 9.30-11.00 1    
Sat. 11.30-13-00    
Sun. 9.30-11.00    

Are there any other changes you would make to the conference programme?

When you have finished, show your programme to another group.


It is the opening night of a new hotel and conference centre (the New Grand). A special reception parry is being held. You are all characters at the reception.

Youi teacher will tell you which of che characters you are.

Unit 10 Conferences




Manager of rhc Newtirand You arc naturally very nervous and ixjnctmed diat everyone is happy. Make sure that guests are not lefi on



Assistant Manager of the New Grand You »« promt of I he new hole! jiiiI w;ml Cfl impress everyone, specialty flip Director.


Rfcltailrult Manager of die New Grand You jre worried that people haven't eweri all rlic food you have prepared.


Local (our guideYou are desperate to make contacts because you arc fredartcc and haven't had much work recently,


Manugerofthc Old Ship Hotel A.whe managerof .1 nearby hotel, you are worried

. 1 Knur loss o.t hir.incw.


Catering good* supplier You jre marketing 9 new range oftjualiiy limel foods and want 10 attracr [his import am new aisi outer,


( 'mi I civil a' ,ii)i I Han(|uctillg M;iiugtr You Vt very proud of rhc hend's conference fatilitiei. L,nntcrencr business 11 expec:rrd toaccciunt for the rrjjjontyof ilic New Grand's trade.

Airline company executive You iire interested in expanding your business Into the hotel sector and you are looking for a deal with rhe now hold,


t our operator You arc responsible tor sending lonriiLs 10 this jrej every siimmct. You are not hippy with the other hotels and wan I to in id \s beuer one winch will also give you ,1 bt'tccrde3l,


Director ufCrand Hotels You .ireoneof'the dm\ Una ij\ the hottrl ch^iin. but you were nur hjppy with the plan 10 build die New Grand, You are nor sure it's going 10 be profitable. You have some doubts sbour the Manager, too.


Localbusin«sperson thf hold S :ipusnibk' venue for wnferentes lor your comp;uiy. You want ro know exactly what rhe hottt rim ofFer.

Manager o( tin: local Tourist Board You want to improve (he irrmgeuf the town and develop new \crvitfs .md attractions tor [ounsts.

When you are given your role, write your name and job title on a badge. Then prepare your role by thinking about these questions:

3 Why am I here at the party?

b What do I want to get?

c Who could I talk to in order to get it?

d Is there anyone T want to avoid?

2 Now act out the role play.


Unit 10 Conferences

You are going to write a leaflet describing and promoting a conference hotel.

Choose one of the conference groups from 6 Reading, 2. Decide what they need and are looking tor. Then decide where your hotel is located, how large it is, what ii can offer, and any other information you consider important.

Write a leaflet designed to attract your conference group. Follow the structure of the Abela Hotel leaflet if you want.

a general description of the hotel: its location its design andddcor hotel facilities room facilities

b details of a 'Conference Package' of special deals and facilities c explanation of local attractions and activities for delegates

You can also use some of the key expressions used in the Abda Hotel leaflet.


traditional hospitality a warm welcome We will take tare of.,.



at your disposal p.I K.availableand

ready for you to use Autocuep. 110, machine that allows a

speaker to read words while looking at

his/her audience baize p.I M. thick (usually green) woollen

cloth used for covering billiard cables.

card-tables, doors, etc. capacityp. 112. the greatest amount that

a space can hold discreetp. I 14.carefully designed to

have an effect without being noticed exclusively forp. 114, only to be used by goodsp. 119, things for sale lay onp. 115. provide or supply a service lecternp. I 10. sloping surface for holding

a book or papers when reading In public lecturep. I 10, talk or speech to a group

of people on a particular subject on handp. 114, available on request p. I 14,if you ask for it press conferencep. 110, interview given

to journalists in order to announce a

decision, an achievement, etc.

product launchp. 110, formal

introduction of a new product public address (PA) systemp. 110,

electrically-controlled apparatus for

makinga speaker clearly heard by large

groups of people

second to nonep. 114,the besc seminarp. 110, short business meeting

at which working methods are caught or


sessionsp. 109. meetings slide projectorp, 111, apparatus which

shows pictures on a screen spectacularp. 115, very grand and

attractive speechp. I 10, formal talk given to a

group of people video recorderp. I 10, machine which is

connected to a television, on which you

can record or play back a film or

programme workshopp. 110, small meeting to

discuss and learn about a particular


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