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Mr Wrightaon

S Banqueting Manager House $$j Park Lone LONDON WI


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St-b January 1S9

Dear Hr Wrightsin

T am writing to ymi regarding-u conference .we are planning to hold iu October of this year.

We are ii.iokiiij; fot a venue in central London and

we anticipate approximately fifty delegates who will stay for two flights, probably on a Friday and a Saturday. Wb will require £ lar^o bonquoting room for opaning and closing events- and a number of amaller «eatin.a room a fot other seBBions. Wa Will alaci need tt mount an ixhibitlon.

1 would be grateful if you cisuld send tne 5om«-information about your conference facilities together wi:h your currftnt rates, and any information you May haye on social events which can be arranged to accompany the conference. 1 would walccwe the upper Mini lv of discussing possible arrangeraonra vlrh ■ ■

Yiuri) slnu«roly

1 ■uterence Co

1 Reading

Read chis letter from the Conference Co-ordinator of the European Tour Operators Association (ETOA).

1 As you read, answer these questions:

a When is the conference planned for?

b How many people will be coming?

c What information does the Conference Co-ordinator want?

2 What type of meetings and events (business and social) do you think a
conference of European tour operators will want? What facilities and
equipment will they require?

Unit 10 Conferences

2 Word study

1 Can you identify these items of conference equipment? Match these words to the pictures.

a Autocue c overhead projector (OHP) e lectern

b video recorder d public address (PA) system



2 Look at these plans of seating arrangements. What type of meering arc [hey suitable for? Choose from the list which follows. Make a different design if you think it is more suitable for any of rhe meetings.

1 lecture 4 product launch 7 workshop 10 formal dinner

2 wedding meal 5 board meeting 8 press conference

3 speech 6 seminar 9 signing ceremony

Aaaa aasa

mv.w nnnn

Agaa asaa

a tlio.itrt-M.ylc



»■ i    

4 ai a

fr^ Pi

': / ^

b schoolroom-style


d boardroom-stylb

c horseshoe

e banqueting-sc/to

nit 10 Confirmees



3 Listening

Listen to this conversation between the Conference and Banqueting Manager of the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, and the Conference Coordinator of the ETOA. They are discussing the Albemarle Suite.

As you listen, label the names of the rooms and complete the information about size and equipment.

Atbemarle-Aldford-Apsley Wa t e r I u o


Equipment: I PA iwjlm

1 Name:


3 Name: Slic: _


4 Name;.



tba Alien,,,!,-!(:,........... ■.■1lu,Jtn™itlinnrr

Unit 10 Conferences

4 Language studyDescribing use

Look at this example:

A video recorder is used for recording programmes from the television. It can also be used for pLiying back programmes.

Write down five items of equipment found in a horel room or in 3 conference room. As quickly as you can, get your partner ro guess these items by making sentences like:

It is used for.., It can be used for...

Talking about contents

Look at these ways of calking about the contents of a room:

a It's got a flip-chart and a video.

b // contains

c It's equipped with

d It's set out in boardroom-style!for a cocktail party.

e It's arranged

1 Make questions that can be answered by die sentences abuvc. Example:


What has the room got?

2 In pairs, look at the room you are in. Make sentencesabout the contents using rhe language above.When you have finished, ask your partner about the contents of their room at home.

Describing size and dimension

Look at these ways of talking about size and dimension:

a It's 6 metres wide and 12 metres, long.

It's 6 metres by 12 metres. b It's squarelrectangular!round.

It's L-shaped.

It s shaped like an H. c It has a seating capacity of sixty, d It can take up to sixty people.

1 Make questions that can be answered by the sentences above.


a How big is it?

Unit 10 Conferences

2 Divide into pairs, A and B. 1 ook nr rhe following mnm

Choose one of the rooms, but don't tell B which.


Ask the questions in 1 to find out which room A is thinking of. Now swap roles.

Capacity: 65


Capacity! 50

Capacity: 50


Capacity: 50


Capacity: 65




«— 5m -♦ b





Divide into pairs, A and B. A, your instructions are on page 146. B, your instructions are on page 150.



1 Drvide into groups, A and B. You are each going ro read a different section of a leaflet about die Abela Hotel, a conference hotel in Monaco.


Read your section about the general facilities of the Abela Hotel and the 'Conference Package'.

Make notes about:

a location and design of die hotel

b staff and service

c facilities in the hotel

d facilities in the rooms

e special features of rhe 'Conference Package'


Read your section about the social events which can be provided after conference sessions.

Make notes about:

a special welcome offers

b sporting activities available

c excursions and sightseeing trips

d evening entertainment


Unit JO Conferences




Today's technology, traditional Stamfords, andhospiinlilv nt its best.

The Abela Hotel, H* arcbitectooi)tines as agreeable:is the view overlooking the Princessc,rwv rose garden, lies tighton (he s<™ ErootTeenter the tobfcy willi iis marble, pastelshades, and discreet lighting,is t,o appreciate modem luxury and traditional splendourA warm welcomeis the order of theday. 'Hie cheerfuland efficienf staff anticipateyour every need,and theservice is second to none. Bang tbe\)rvh-d hosts, we hLiv<- reserved out1 floor exclusivelyfor non-smukers. There is an elogani Brasserie,evening musk* in the iobby-bar,a Krifi arid Bewspapershop, a shuttle bus service, and a inulliludr of otherservices at your dis])osal. True Monaco-style luxuryat three-si ar prices! Yuur roam will delighlyou with its cool, fresh decor, cable television,electronic mini-bar, ami individual air-conditionin£. To us, traditional liospitality is achieved through discreet efficiencyand comfortWhat could be betteralter an afternoon shoppingor long hours in the room?

Tl |K COS I" E RE N(- E P AI lv\ti E


* Air-conditionedconference roomwith oatura]


Baizeuiblc covering flip-chart,

Mineral water on thetable duringwork sessions,

Note pads and pens.

rlospilaUtjdesk with dirett-dial telephoneon

* Two coffeebreaks: coffee, tea,ajid orange juiee

• 3-Course Lunch: tnirpr. rn;iin course, dessert
Wine, mineral water, and coffee included.

Tin*Abela Extras

ACo-ordiimtor will be on hand at :il! limes to ensure thesuccess of your conference. Wewill take cafeof nil your iranslWs. ;md make any arrangements you like lor excursions, leisureactivities, and

Unit 10 Conferences


The most successful conferences happen at the Abela Hotel Monaco


The Abets Hotel Monaco Invitesyou toiry a insh approach to business:work hardin themorning, on wind in theJiUciuoon. VW will lay on all thefacilities and technical assistanceyon may need foiyour conferencesessions, Thru lei us pui togethei sortiespecial afternoon events - using our extensive knowledge and experience njwh.it this exciting region hasto offer... and ensuringyou enjoy it to the Ml!

ASmile of Welcome

* Helicopter transfer from N ta Aii'pi irt.

* A 'welcome' cocktail - 'LeBii'iivonue'.

* Roomgifts for guests;


- a bottleuf line wine

- a Iialfbottlc of champagne

- a basket of fruit

- local souvenirs:list on request.

Target: Sport

* A 1 kA off-road safari.

LeaveMonaco and headup intottn> liiiltan villages jusi ovit ilie border before taekflngsome toxigh fori'siry tracks,Relurn through thespcrtactilar gorges of thfiRny;i Valley,

heiiK- su|j|ilicil by theAbela Hotel Expert supervision guaranteed

* Sport for all.

A -IS-minute foach riik- lakes you toa majorsports centrewhvre guestsi'an participatein any (or all) ol thefollowinjj: tennis tminianicnts (orcoaching), t;tbl^ tennis, volleyball, petaiiqutj,oionntain biking, ■) x -1 ollroad tlrivin^, triathlonfvents (cydipn,swimming, unci running). Experienced coaching staff are on hand. Lunch is available al the centre.

* Climbing (anmtimStuition).

* Mountain bDd&fi,

* Walcr apqrtei sailfajg,windsurliity, parasceitdnig,

T&tfgett Sif

* Helicopter flighla along the coast

* Excursions aboardluxury,

i:o;idn-s to takein thelocal sights, the oldvillage Of\v/,c\ Uir port ofVill«-francl u'T Saint Jem C»p Perraland tin Rothschild Fnundatkra, Bcaulieu andlinj Vida Kftjylos ... inlam Ior by tlu- attist .„ there's plenty tocatdi ilw eye.

: KntortMinment

* A wine and ..cheese party.

* Musical dinner parties with uit-nus, table
and mask themed together;
Classk'itl. Provencal,Italian. Gyps?,New Orleans,
Lebanese,Caribbean ..

* Floor sbows: Lbokaiikes, Robofics,lllusiimist.

* A Monaco Treasure Hunt' with questions
supplied and prteeprrsentatton at dinner.

116 Unit JO Conferences

2 tn pairs, one person from group A and one person from group B, look at diese three groups who are thinking or" holding their conference at the Abela Hotel. Use die notes you have made to discuss in what ways the Abela is suitable or unsuitable for them.

aConference of UK Hoteliers and Caterers They want:

luxury rooms and facilities with as many littleextras as possible (they are used to very high standards).

organizational arrangements ro he made by the hoi el ftSthey do not have their own full-rime conference organizer.

some social events, butnothing too energetic. Simple sightseeing tours would be enough.

b Conference of Sales Managers of a manufacturing company(with partners)

They want:

acomfortable conferenceroom, suitable lor present,n ions ,uul discussions.

an active .social programme of events during theday lor oonparticipants. Note: the average age of delegates ami partOCMis rhirry-two,

exciting evening events (withdancing, etc.). Food should W good,bin is not a priority.

c Conference of French Wine Appreciation Society The)' want:

an excellent restaurant with high-class French cuisine. The wine-list musr be excellent (although they may possibly be able to provide their own).

local tours which explore the history and geography of thelocal area.

pleasant surroundings (forexample, views, decor). The rooms themselves can be simple, hut musr be comfortable with good facilities. Note: the average age of the participantsis fifty-rive.

Compare your opinions with other pairs.

Unit 10 Conferences ] 17

3 Look back at your texts on pages 114 and 115 and find a word or phrase which means each of the following:


a carefully designed to have an effect without being noticed

b the [test

c to be used only by

d available and ready foryou to use

eif you ask for ic

f available



b if you ask for it

c very impressive

d to include the nearby attractions

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