Written by hotel people for hots! people, and especially for network technology, LANmark is amazingly intuitive in use. Seamless integration of modules puts all your hotel services together in a powerful computer system that is both flexible and unlimited.
Reservations & Front Office
The LANmark Reservation System provides total flexibility in tailoring the system to meet each individual client's needs.
There is greater potential to increase revenues by use of up-to-the-minute statistics from market segments, sources of business, nationality codes, corporate client details, guest history records, and property totals.
The Reservation System utilizes help keys and windowing features throughout, enabling the reservationist easily to identify and act on information displayed. The use of colours is an important feature further aiding the operator. All informational and screen formats have been designed for fast, accurate, and complete reservations processing.
Unit 4 Reservations and check-in
On reservation entry, a search of matching Guest History names can be made quickly and easily, greatly reducing the booking time for future reservations. The Guest History record contains important statistical reservation and revenue data clearly showing the last time the guest stayed, the total number of stays to date, and total spent. Unlimited goes! folios can a/so be stored incfuding full transaction details.
The Reservation System allows for the creation of word processing merge files for all or selected Guest History masters, and is an important marketing tool. Both the sates and marketing departments can access this information through management and password controls.
The Lodgistix LANmark Front Office System has been designed to improve guest services and maximize profits.
There is provision for quick individual and group reservation check-in andcheck-ouTtD minimize guest waiting-time. Registration cards can be printed prior to arrival in a batch print run or on arrival upon request. At registration, the receptionist can auto-assign a room number or display the room rack to select a room number that meets the guest's requirements. Room selection can be by room descriptions, complex room type, or rate code to give maximum flexibility in allocating the required rooms.
Source: Logistix UK Ltd
Find words in the text which mean:
a a set of computers connected in order to send and share information
b divisions on a computer screen to show separate pieces of information
c the front glass surface of a computer monitor
d the style in which informarion is displayed
e information (for processing or storing)
f files that combine different information from different sources into a
single document
g obtain stored information from a computer's memory h a secret group of letters or numbers which must be used by a person
before they can operate a computer system 1 a single operation to produce a large group of similar documents
Unit 4 Reservatiom and check-in
5 Speaking
Look at rhis flow-chart showing the procedure rhar hotel staff should follow when dealing with a reservation.
Write down on a separate sheet of paper what the hotel employee says at each of the numbered places, then act out a conversation with a partner.
Answer phone andidentify yourself
Find out caller's name
Find out dai.e-s
Jlitrtk availability of rooms
our company name
Special ratts organised?"
Stayed, before?
Continue with booking (bur alsorefer to 5ales Sc Marketing Department,)
Retrieve^uest history (preferences, ttc.)
Put client imosj'srem
Reserv-e similar twin
Offer mcisc expensive room KS
Offer most
Find out how to be settled, e.g. by client/tin account; ftilJ bill/room and brt-akfust only
history and offer si mikr
Take contact details
Take contatt details
Enter account details
Ask for confirmation by-credit card (if possible)
Givp reservation number £-1 1
Give reservation number Hi
Ask for confirmation in writing (ifnot bj credit card) fc-12
Ask for confirmation in -writing B* 12
Finish the call Hj
Unit 4 Reservations and check-in
6 Reading
For most hotels, tax reservations are the most common. Read this example of a fax reservation and complete the chan below: