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Location comfort value



c_________________ .___________________________________

Facilities service entertainment





Unit 1 Types of accommodation

Divide into pairs, A and B.


You are a tour operator. You have* a series of pictures of beach resort hotels which you want to include in your summer brochure (see below). However, you do nor have the names of the hotels with the pictures. You have phoned a representative of the hotel chain (B) who has the information you need. Describe rhe pictures you have and find out the names. Ask questions to check.

Question prompts:

Has it got... ?

How many., . ?

Is there a ... ?/Are there any ... ?

What shape is.,. f


Your instructions are on page 147.

Unit I Types of accommodation


Use the Anna Sands brochure descriprirms in 7 Readings models to write a similar brochure entry for one of the hotels pictured in 10 Activity. Show your description to a partner and see if rhey can recognize which of the hotels it is.



accessiblep. 13, that can be reached adjoiningp. IS. next to each other air-conditioned p. IS,with

temperature and humidity controlled amenities p. I5,placestogoandthings

to do bonusp. I5)(tapescript),somediing

pleasant in addition to what was

expected brochurep. 18, booklet containing

information about something budgetp. 29, amount of money available

fora specific purpose buffet servicep. 15, where guests serve

themselves from a number of dishes bungalowsp. IS, small houses with one

storey business centrep. ISI (tapescript),

room(s) with office facilities available to

guests at a hotel

cabinp. 12, small hut made of wood celebratedp. t3.famous chain p. 18. group of hotels owned by

the same person or company conveniencesp. 13, facilities deluxep. 151 (tape script), luxurious designated areas p.151 (tapescrtpt),

areas marked out fora particular

purpose elaboratep. 12. carefully made and

highly developed expandp. 13, grow facilitiesp. 10, equipment feep. 12, charge folk dancingp. 15, traditional dancing of

a community or country high seasonp. 15, the part of the year

with the most guests

honeymoonp. 17, holiday taken by a

newly married couple hospitalityp, 15, friendly and generous

treatment of guests in advancep, 13, beforehand; ahead in

time live musicp. 15, music that is performed

(i.e. not recorded)

lodgep. 13, country house or cabin luxuriousp. 12, very comfortabSe permitsp. I 3, official documents that

give sb the right to go somewhere or do

sth range from... top. 13, vary between

specified limits resortp. IS. holiday town rusticp. 12, typical of the country or

country people sanitary facilitiesp, 13, toilets,

washrooms, etc. self-containedp. 15, with no shared


spaciousp. 16,with a lot of space sparsely furnishedp. 13. with little


split intop. 13, divided into stablesp. 12, buildings in which horses

are kept

sturdyp. 12, strong and solid suitep. 12, hotel bedroom with an

adjoining living-room throughoutp. 15, everywhere trailp. 12, path through the country unwindp. 15, relax, especially after hard

work within (easy) reachp. ISI (tapescript),

at a distance that can be (easily) travelled

Hotel facilities




1 Word study

Match the hotel guidebook symbols opposite with the facilities listed below. A few have been done for you.


D tennis

□ telephone in bedrooms

□ parking

□ conferences

D central heating

□ TV in bedrooms

□ foreign language spoken
D facilities for disabled

0 morning cofFee/snacks

□ bar

□ mini-bar in bedrooms

□ swimming-pool

□ fishing

D special Christmas arrangements D recreation/games room ] laundry/valet service

□ four-poster bed

□ building of historic interest

□ children welcomed

□ solarium

□ night porter

□ dogs allowed

□ golf-course (9 holes)

□ golf-course (18 holes)

□ air-conditioning

Unit 2 Hotel facilities

Key to Symbols



Banquets. 14

Hotel in




Family rooms 21

Radio in Iwdroom



i% T


Advance booking recommended

Travel agent's commission




Hotel facilities


2 Listening

Listen to this conversation between the General Manager of the Palace Hotel and a former colleague, who meet at the annual Horeliers' Conference. As you listen, tick {/) the facilities that the hotel has now.

□ games room U fimess centre
D tennis courts. HI sauna

D golf-course IK business apartments

□ solarium □ business centre

□ swimming-pool □ conference rooms

3 Language studyDescribing past time

We use the Present Perfect to talk about:

events at an undefined time in the past.which have a result in the present.

► ... they've put a lot of money into the hotel, and it really looks great now.

► ... we've made quite a few changes since you were there. (You were there
four years ago. Now it's different.)

situations which began in the past and which are still continuing.

He's been with us for more than three years now . ..

Unit 2 Hotel facilities 23

We use the Simple Past to describe events at a particular time in the past.

We built a large extension a couple of years ago ...

Last year we converted them into business apartments and a business

He left just after you, I think.

... in the end, we hired a top French chef.

Now write out the following sentences in full, using the Present Perfect or the Simple Past:

a 'When (they/arrive)?' 'Two weeks ago.'

b Iji January, we (employ) three new members of staff.

c I (not/see) Samantha since February.

d The guests (be) tired after their long journey.

e Last year, prices {go up) by five per cent,

f Our current chef (work) here for over a year.

g We (decide) to buy it as soon as we saw it,

h As you can see, we (finish) building the extension.

Making comparisons

Look at how we compare things:

Yes, things are better than they were four years ago, that's for sure...

Our rooms are far more comfortable...

... we offer the best facilities in the area.

Now study this extract from a consumer guide which compares single rooms in competing Italian hotels. Make sentences comparing them.


  Hotel Albani HotelConcordia Hotel Moderno
Price ■ ■ a ■ ■
Size ■ ■ m m
Comfort ■ ■ ■ m m m
Facilities ■ ■ KM ■ m

Distance from city centre

Unit 2 Hotel facilities

4 Reading 1Read this description of a 'Classic Room' at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in

London and make a list of all the facilities and furniture in die room.


ar from he ing places used only for sleeping— and yes, the beds are exceptionally comfort­able —-our Clmtsie Roams malui waiting

hours fly. With their subtle colours and lime-oak fur­nishings, they're light, spacious, andcharming; idea! for working (there's a large, business-like desk) or relaxing (there's satellite TV with three interna­tional channels: a radio, a computerized mini-bar; facilities for making your own tea and coffee; two extremely restful armchairs ...).

A bedside panel gives remote control of lighting. TV, radio, and signs for 'Make Up Room' and 'l>o Nat Disturb'.

A truuser-press, Iron, and Iward keep ureasess rajior sharp or invisible as required. An air-and-temperature control system eusuivis an atmosphere perfect t'or individual requirements.

This level of thoughtful uomfort extends into beautifully designed bathrooms with has ins, shuw-ers, and baths.

And ii' visitors want Mnyrhin£ else, rhey can always dial room serviot! 24 hours it day.

What adjectives are used to describe:

a the room as a whole?

b the bed?

c the desk?

d the armchairs?

e the bathroom?

Make a list of alternative adjectives that could be used to describe each of these.


Unit 2 Hotel facilities '.

1 Listen to these phone calls between a prospective guest and die

information desk at three different hotels. The guest is enquiring about the different rooms available. As you listen, identify which of the following rooms are being described.

2 Listen again and say how you feel each receptionist behaves. Are they:

a interested/persuasive? b bored?

How do you know?


Prepare a description in note form or one of the two remaining rooms described in 5 Listening. Your partner should prepare the other. Practise giving the information in pairs. Firsr, one of you is the receptionist and die other a taller. The receptionist must try co be persuasive and

interested. Then change roles.

Word study

Many guests have special needs. What extra facilities would die following people require or find useful? Match with die column On the right.

1 a person in a wheelchair

2 an elderly person

3 a family with a baby

4 a family with young children

5 a blind person

a organized games and activities b nappy-changing facilities in toilets c a tesident nurse d push-chain> e special wide doors f a courtesy bus to the town centre g rarnps at all stairs h a playground and/or play-room i hoists in bedrooms lifts to all floors



notices in

1 a low-level front desk

Unit 2 Hotel facilities

8 Reading

J he text which follows includes measurements in reet and inches, which are still used to talk about people's height in some English-speaking countries- However, it is easy to calculate the equivalent height in metres.

lfoot(') =30 cm linchC) = 2.5 cm

5 feet = 5 x 30 cm =1.5m 6 inches = 6 x 2.5 cm = 1 5 cm

So five feet six (5' 6") = 1.5 m + 15 cm, which is 1.65 m.

2 What problems do tall people race in hotels? Make a list, then read the text below to check if your ideas are included. What other problems are mentioned in the text?







While small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.

The Tall Persons Club Great Britain) which was formed six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants. Beds that are too small, shower heads that are too low, and restaurant tables with scarcely any leg-room all make life difficult for those of above average height, it claims.

But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met. The average height of the population has been increasing steadily yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged.

"The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a king size bedat6'6" is falling short for 25% of men, while the standard 6'3" bed caters for less than half of the male population," said 6'8" club president Phil Heinricy.

Besides 7' long beds, Mr Heinricy wants to see shower heads with longer adjusting rails and a taller easy chair in hotel rooms. If not supplied as standard, then he believes at least 5% of rooms should

cater for the taller person^ who would be prepared to pay more.

Similarly restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. Small tables, which mean the long-legged have to sit a foot or so away from them, are enough to make tall clients go elsewhere.

Some have already taken notej however. At Queens Moat Houses1 Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh j 6'6" beds are now installed as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly Americans.

One supplier to have recognized the increasing size of its clients is Corby Trouser Presses, which has added two inches to the height of its presses.


a What other words or expressions are used to describe tall people?

b Who exactly is aflected by this problem?

c What solutions are being suggested?

d What steps have already been taken?

Unit2 Hotel facilities

9 Activity

Below are the entries for three horels in Edinburgh from a guidebook about where to stay in the United Kingdom.

a Which hotel is not in rhe centre of Edinburgh?

b Which hotel is the largest?

c Which is the smallest?

d Which hotel has Oriental cuisine?

e Which hotel does not include breakfast in its basic room rate?

f Whar facilities are common to all three hotels?

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