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Types of accommodation




1 Listening

1 Study the list below, then listen to four hotel users talking about what they think is important in a hotel. Tick (/) the area(s) that they mention.



large rooms small hotels good facilities friendly staff* near the town centre efficient service

1 2

Unit 1 Types of accommodation 11

2 The comments you heard were made by the people described below. Listen to the cassette again and try to match the comments to the people who made them.

a DA successful French research scientist who is often invited to speak

at international conferences. b □ A retired banker from the USA. c □ The Sales Director of an export company in Turkey, d □ A crave! writer for several British newspapers and magazines who

also presents a television programme on holidays and travel.

2 Language studyGiving opinions

Look at the ways in which the people interviewed gave their opinions:

► / think most of the big hotels are so impersonal.

For the, the ideal hotel has big rooms with comfortable beds...

If you ask me, a hotel that doesn 't make you feel really special..,

It should also be as near the centre of town as possible. ..

Can you think of other ways in which people give their opinions? Now make similar sentences to express your opinion on:

a the hotel industry in your country.

b the President of the USA.

c airline cuisine.

d classical music.

e computers.

f people who drive under the influence of alcohol.

Expressing likes and dislikes

Look at these ways of talking about likes and dislikes. Can you put them in order from 'like most' (1) to 'dislike most' (LO)?

D I like smaller hotels.

□ I love going on vacation, especially in Europe.

□ I don't mind paying for it.
D I enjoy staying in hotels.
D I hate flying.

Q I'm not too keen on Italian cooking.

D I can't stand lying on a beach all day.

□ I hate people who don't say thank you.

□ We're both fond or walking.

□ 1 dislike it when you do that.

Now make similar sentences to say how much you like or dislike the following:

a Chinese food c sunbathing e driving

b going to the theatre d visiting art galleries f rain

Unit 1 Types of accommodation

Word study

Working in pairs, divide the following words into groups. Then compare your groups with diose of another pair.

coffee shop elegant simple cabin rate splendid

reservation stables rustic luxurious parking lounge

golf-course fireplace trail suite sturdy price

comfortable attractive fee tent elaborate campsite


Read the passage opposite, taken from an American guidebook describing accommodation in Yosemite National Park in California. Complete the grid below.


Accommodation Size Room types Price Facilities Other info.
Ah wall nee Hotel 123 rooms and 5 suites single room/ cottage double room! cottage suite $196 $202 from $375    
Yosemite Lodge       shops, lounge, 2 restaurants, coffee shop, cafeteria  
"Wawona Hotel         4 miles inside south gateway


Unit 1 Types of accommodation


Where to stay


made as far in advance as possible. Facilities include a coffee shop, lounge, two restaurants, and a cafeteria, as well as several shops.


From luxury hotel ro simple tent, Yosemite offers a wide choice of accommodations. Reservations are advised at all times, and especially in summer. For stays during the summer season and holidays, make reservations as far as one year in advance to avoid being disappointed. Write to the Yosemite Park & Curry Co., Reservation Department, 54 I ()' E. Home Ave., Fresno, CA 9.1727 (tel. 209/252-4848),

The Ahwahnee Hotel

Yosemite Village. Tel 209/252-4848 123 rms. S suites.

$ Rates:$ 196 singie room or cottage. $202 double room or cottage, from $37S suite. Lower midweek winter rates are available.

Luxurious and very centrally located, the Ahwahnec is the park's premiere hostelry. A sKort, signposted walk from Yosemite Village, this lovely hotel was built in 1927 from local rock. Rooms are both comfortable and elegant, with full baths, and sturdy, rustic wooden furniture. Suites include an additional sitting-room. The hotel's celebrated dining and entertainment facilities include the Indian Bar Room for drmks ,\n<i rlie splendid Dining Room, where dinner reservations are required year round.

Yosemite Lodge

near the foot of Yosemne Falls. Tel. 209/252-4848. 600 rms and cabins (150 with bath).

: $43 single or double without bath. $40 cabin without bach; $75 single or double with bath. $52 cabin with bath.

Yosemite Lodge is within easy walking dis of most of the valley's attractions. It lifters attractive but simple hotel rooms and small redwood cabins. Because it's priced so well, this place is popular, and reservations should he

Wawona Hotel

4 miles inside the south gateway. Tel. 209/252-4848. 104 rms.

$ Rates:$55 single or double without bath, $74 single or double with bath.

You won't be roughing it at the Wawona, near the southern end ot Yosemite. This is the oldest hotel in continuous service in the national park system, dating from 1879. The pretty wooden structures offer comfortable, if sparsely furnished, rooms; facilities include a swimming-pool, a tennis court, and a nine-hole golf-course, as well as nearby stables.


Yosemite's 300-plus year-round campsites expand to a whopping 2,000 sites in summer. Campground fees range from $4 to $12 per day. Sites are scattered over 20 different campgrounds, and split Into two categories. The$7 to S12 Type A sites arc the most elaborate, with well-defined roads, parking, drinking water, flush toilets, and. generally, a fireplace, table/bench combination, and tent space. The $4 Type li sites may be accessible by road or trail, and conveniences are limited to basic sanitary facilities and a smattering of fireplaces and tables.

From June 1 to September 15 camping permits are limited to 7 days in the valley and 14 days in the rest of the park. The rest of ihe year campers can stay for as long as 30 days.

For more details on campgrounds, contact the Campground Office, P.O. Box 577, Yosemite National Park, CA 95389 tel. 209/372-0265 or 372-0200.

Sourer; Frommcr's California


roughing it = living without the usual comforts of life whopping = huge, very big a smattering of = a few

Unit 1 Types of accommodation


5 Listening

1 Listen to these two telephone calls to die California Travel Bureau in London. Complete the information in the chart which follows. Leave blank the column headed LYou'.



Ms Wallace

Mr Curtis


Date of visit to Yosemite Number of people Accommodation requirements Address

Look at the following expressions, most of which are used in the dialogues. Three of them are not used. Listen again to die cassette and identify the three expressions which are not used,

a Can I help you?

b Could you give me some information about accommodation?

c I wonder if you could help me?

d Could you give me your name and address?

e I'm trying to find our about accommodation.

f Is there anything else?

g Certainly.

h How may I help you?

i What would you like to know?

j I'd like some information, please.

k Could you possibly send me details?

1 Would you like me to send you some information?

6 Speaking

Work in pairs. Each partner should fill in the column in the cable headed 'You', then act out similar conversations. Take it in turns to play die part of the customer.


7 Reading

Look at the

What information can you find about:

a size and location?

b comfort and atmosphere?

c entertainment for family and children?

d entertainment and local facilities?

Unit 1 Types of accommodation


Hotel Arina Sands

• ••• Kokkini Hani

'With its line beach facilities and splendid organized entertainments, the Anna Sands is an ideal choice for families with children.'

Official Rating: A category

fins lively scJr-Lii]iL;iii]ed huLL'I dtrveJu^ineut stands right beside a longsanctv bench just a few minutes walk from fas resori centre. Brightly furnished in a traditional Cretan style, uscomlbrtubk rooms Hi luealcd hath in the tf&io hot£jand in adjoining bungalows Stuff are ft'ieftdly and helpful and top family jiitrai'liuns indude its well run children's amenities and marvellous entertainment programmes. Local sports and shopping facilities arc also good and you'll find plenty of nearhy bars and tavem^s. Horn here buses run regularly along the toast to the capital Heraklion.

Large poo!

Pooiside hnr

Main bur


2 faunges including disc wiili TV urva

Btftf'ei-siyk' restaurant With poul iwiv.v

Traditional laverna


Basketball, volleyball

Tennis and squash


Witterspo rl.ifntm beach

Table:lennis. dans, pool table

Futlentcrtainmenl prognimwt' wrtu<titi}> \frm,A mid

Weekly Cretan wetting

Children's pool, orgtmized games and event,'', mmi-chth, playroom, playground, highclmini. curly Stppftiand babysitting im request Llfia


Hotel Arina Sands

Kokkini Hani

OURA spacious hotel with good facilities and

OPINIONo gorgeous beach. Ideal for families.

The Arina Sands is a large and comfortable hotel, especially popular with families, that's situated right above a superb, sandy beach. Friendly and informal, with a reputation for typical Greek hospitality and good food, it hasorganized fun and games for children in our Big T Club; while mums and dads will enjoy the chance to unwind and soak up the sun.

O pool; sun terrace; gardens ■O bar/lounge; poolside taverna

# all meats buffet service

# tennis; table tennis; organized games and competitions
1$ TV room; games room

J> Greek/Cretan evenings with live music and folk dancing (high season, weather permitting); occasional barbecues; nightclub and dtsco with shows

<t shops

i> children's playground; playroom; eariy suppers;

<J highchairs available


Source: C.'os&iautir pic

Source: Thomson Tour Operator Ltd

2 Which description makes the hotel sound more appealing? Why?

16 Unit 1 Types of accommodation

8 Word study1 Which adjectives can be used with which nouns? Tick (/) the

appropriate boxes:


  room view staff entertainment
spacious D
gorgeous [_.
superb D D
comfortable a n a
marvellous n a  
friendly p d
lively a D c

2 Match the sentences to the numbers in the picture.

aIt's got arched windows.

b There's an oval swimming-pool.

c There are sun-loungers by the pool.

d The building is three storeys high.

e It's got a sloping roof.

f The roof is flat.

1 Types of accommodation 17

Can you think of some more adjectives which describe shape and an appropriate noun connected with hotels for each one? Add diem to these lists.

Adjectives Nouns

oval swimming-pool

arched window

sloping roof

9 ActivityWhat do you think the following people would require from a hotel?.

aIntercontinental airline staff on a break between flights.

b A couple on their honeymoon.

cA group of four student friends travelling in their summer vacation.

Make notes in pairs under the headings below, then compare your notes with those of another pair. Discuss any differences.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 2928

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