Psychology is involved in almost every job field in the modern era. Marketers use psychology to figure out how to convey their product to consumers. Car designers use psychology to give their cars features that would persuade potential buyers to choose their car. Doctors use psychology to understand their patients better. My chosen profession is education, and there are an unlimited number of applications for psychology. In teaching, psychology is the basis in which teachers understand their students.
The specific area that would be most pertinent to teaching would probably be social psychology. College students basically take the same courses over their 4-year tenure in the university. But only certain students want to regurgitate the knowledge that they have acquired over the years. These are the students that have chosen teaching as their profession. The ones that want to pass on what they have learned to students need to not only be knowledgeable in their subjects, but need to know how to understand the students. If a teacher can not understand their students, then there is very little hope for the professor teaching the student anything.
Understanding a student is a complex process that takes a lot of training. A teacher needs to know what the child is thinking in order to fully understand them. Teachers need to be able to communicate with the students so the student can tell the teacher what he is thinking. Another way to understand a student is to study social psychology. Social psychology is the study of the effects of people on people. More specifically, social psych observes how interactions between people affect an individual. Social psychologists study how people react in groups, emotional behavior, and attitudes and opinions of people. Since there is never a time in school when a child is alone, it is imperative that a teacher understands how children act and react when they are
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American Psychological association
American psychol. Assn. (ARA) is a recognized unifying organiza-tion for holders of academic degrees in psychology — usually a master's or doctoral degree from an accredited University. Categories of membership from time to time changed, and adopted the amendments of 1980 were allocated to 3 categories: Junior members (associates), ordinary members (members) and senior members (fellows). Younger members generally have a master's degree; ordinary members are usually doctors; senior members must have at least five years experience after obtaining a doctoral degree and to provide sufficient proof of eminent or outstanding achievements in their field that their candidates were nominated by ACC. office ARA and approved at the Council of representatives (Council of Representatives). Senior and ordinary members have voting rights and may participate in administrative activities, while younger members receive these privileges only after five years of continuous membership.
Types of questions
There are four kinds of questions in English: general, alternative, special, disjunctive.
1. A general question requires the answer “yes” or “no” and is spoken with a rising intonation.
General questions are formed by placing part of the predicate (i.e. the auxiliary or modal
verb) before the subject.
E.g. Do you like art?
May I come in?
Sometimes such questions have a negative form and express astonishment or doubt. In Russian
the words “Ðàçâå … íå”, “Íåóæåëè…” are used in such questions.
E.g. Haven’t you seen him yet?
2. An alternative question denotes choice and is spoken with a rising intonation in the first part
and a falling intonation in the second part. It consists of two general questions connected by
means of “or”, one of the questions can be elliptical.
E.g. Are you a first or a second year student?
3. A special question begins with an interrogative word or phrase (Where…, How…, Why…,
How many…, What colour…, etc.) and is spoken with a falling intonation. The order of
words is the same as in general questions but the interrogative word or phrase precedes the
auxiliary verb.
E.g. Where do you live?
When a special question is put to the subject or to an attribute of the subject, the order of words
is that of a statement. (i.e. no inversion is used). The notional verb comes in the 3rd person
singular or plural.
E.g. Who lives in this house?
Whose pen is on the table?
Whose children are playing here?
What colour are the walls?
4. A disjunctive question requires the answer “yes” or “no” and consists of two parts: an
affirmative statement followed by a negative question or a negative statement followed by an
iffirmative question. The first part is spoken with a falling intonation, the second part – with